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snakenobi said:
snakenobi said:
FinalEvangelion said:
It means that I don't believe in a supernatural power or being that can break natural laws.

yea cause if its only possible through god or 1 being, how can it be possible.

did he create himself and if so how is that possible, how can one just become something without something to make it become, someone or anything for that matter.

that unknown dimension beyond human comprehension is called GOD

if we go by the science theory then BIG BANG was the first event and they think there was nothing before that.

there has to be some beginning

ok then who made the beginning, and who made the person or god that made the beginning? couldn't make his self. nothing just happens. there has to be something behind it even the creation of this so called god.

BIG BANG the scientific method says world started 13.7billion years ago and there was nothing before it,they don't question and just keep on living which is hard,this is where all the laws of reasoning and cause come into place

GOD is the unknown dimension before that or the universe itself is GOD and that world was itself created perfect that will sustain life for eternity or GOD itself will continue to lead life as in that case we are GOD

i'm mad now cause you ended it. i was having fun until you just said something i agree with and can't argue. thats just messed up. for the record i don't beleive half of wht i said.

as you can tell i question everything. even wht i believe. so how did we creat our selves (here we go again).