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Forums - General Discussion - What does being athiest mean to you?

pezus said:
snakenobi said:
pezus said:
snakenobi said:
pezus said:
snakenobi said:
snakenobi said:

3. republicans talk religion form it into propaganda to get the devoted religioous to follow there lead to win elections so they can continue to have power the blindfollow without question, just like religion.

republicans also believe in something

what do you think there is a person sitting on top and they have nothing to do,whatever a person does is for something

yea. there for something alright. greed, power, and money

money is just a commodity of measuring hardwork and service

power is a way of using it

greed only persists within the poor not the rich as they have worked for it


majority of the people rich have earned it and they know what it means and the value of money

people like celibrities who just turn rich in one day think of it as a cool thing and powerfull object abuse they were poor one day.they think of it as a sprint for enjoyment but not marathon to enjoy forever

I think you're generalising way too much now

my way of saying it would be wrong above but i'm not generalising that much

its just the way it works and its not generalization but human way

So everybody that is rich has worked for it and deserves it? And everybody that is poor is greedy because they want some money to survive?

no but their ancestors have

life isn't fair


what do you think,u are born and everything will be equal


people don't wwant money to survive,thats not the point.if surviving then whats the point of living

people think of money as another world aka better lifestyle


its like you get all the money but if your friends and family don't have it then it doesn't matter

money is just a form of exchange


two examples:

1 man,scientist works his life to privide utility and products for others that people want so they pay him

another man,does nothing and creates 10 children and says soceity pays for it which is wrong.


ruler and slaves

ruler knows how to the world works and our control over it

slave says i will work for you even though he has the right to say no and make the ruler work for him

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Player1x3 said:
snakenobi said:
Player1x3 said:
benao87 said:
snakenobi said:
benao87 said:

So please tell us in detail what it means to be an atheist and how is life supposed to be functional without reincarnation or how it just continues to be how it is

Eh? Do you need to believe in the after-life in order to have a functional life?

I just can't believe in the existence of a higher being, who controls our destiny. When you die, thats it.

believing in god doesn't mean he controls you


it just makes us understand before creation and after creation realms

Uhmm, don't know dude, its just like I think that if there is a God who created the universe and blah blah blah, its like a person with a giant ant farm. He goes there and poke that. If it is indeed its creation, it was made for its amusement. Thats how I interpret the view from the people who believe in any form of god.

Btw, I really didn't get your point about life.

had you been made for God's amusment, he wouldnt have given you free wil. He wold constantly interact with your life and events in it

BUT then life would be boring

its like destiny where history has already been written but future is new to us and we think we are forming it

Its a matter of persepctive. Either we are like a videogame to God and he can control the characters, or we are like a TV show, in which we are the directors and prodce the plot ourselves

yeah but we think we are directing the future atleast,thats conciousness and that will remain forever alive

to me it means "ill get my answers when I'm dead hopefully"

"I don't know what this Yamcha is, but it sounds just like Raditz."

When I was ~14 I didn't believe there was a god.

Now, I don't just think any god/deity that does exist is worth worshiping.

Pixel Art can be fun.

there is no god,plain and simple. the only proof you need is to stand in the middle of the street,then pray for your so called mircale,when you wake up in the hospitial then,you will know ladies and getlemen. There's all these stupid fake religions,what is there a place in the so called heaven's were all of the fake gods meet at a roundtable. It kind of reminds me of that scene in god of war. People only use religion,because either there weak minded are they need something to make themselves feel better. I'll tell you one more time,THERE IS NO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thread,kind of reminds me of that south park episode called imagination land,because that's exactly what relgion is.

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Believing is hard , it's a very deep and complicated idea , as if you can actually see God in everything around you, believing isn't some kind of choice you make.

Being atheist is like choosing the easy path, you are atheist because you can't really believe , that's how I see it

VXIII said:
Believing is hard , it's a very deep and complicated idea , as if you can actually see God in everything around you, believing isn't some kind of choice you make.

Being atheist is like choosing the easy path, you are atheist because you can't really believe , that's how I see it

It's not choosing the easy path,it's called reality. I don't need to follow some religion are some pretend god to make myself feel better.

oldschoolfool said:
VXIII said:
Believing is hard , it's a very deep and complicated idea , as if you can actually see God in everything around you, believing isn't some kind of choice you make.

Being atheist is like choosing the easy path, you are atheist because you can't really believe , that's how I see it

It's not choosing the easy path,it's called reality. I don't need to follow some religion are some pretend god to make myself feel better.

You don't need to follow anything to believe , I didn't mention any religions .

And what reality ? , it depends on how you choose to see reality , I can see many things around me that are too impressive and wonderful to exist without some kind of genius "mind" behind them.. DNA for example , it's like what happens in our lives.. it's impossible to achieve a great success or make a great thing by chance , you need to work hard to make it happen ... it's really simple to me .

I'm an Atheist because no one has been able to show me proof of their god, all they've been able to show me is a book written by many men called the bible, the Qoran or what ever, fundamentally they are all written by men.

I personally live by one key rule, treat others as you would like to be treated your self.
I don't NEED religion to tell me this, this is inherent in people via empathy because at the end of the day we all like to be treated good.

I'll finish with this, As an Atheist I don't not claim that god does not exist, as it's impossible to prove something that may not exist, however, until there is proof for the existence of god, I can safely say that their is no reason to believe in god.

"And what reality ? , it depends on how you choose to see reality , I can see many things around me that are too impressive and wonderful to exist without some kind of genius "mind" behind them.. DNA for example , it's like what happens in our lives.. it's impossible to achieve a great success or make a great thing by chance , you need to work hard to make it happen ... it's really simple to me ."

No thats not necessarily the case. You are right in a sense everything around us is made in a way to allow life the natural laws are incredibly fine tuned a tiny change and everything would fall into pieces. Just the slightest change and complex forms of existance would be impossible. Molecules wouldnt hold atoms would decay too fast heavy elements wouldnt exist and so on. Thats when religion sayed it would be too big of a coincidence for life to exist at all. And its true the coincidence is too huge. But with a multiverse we would have millions of universes without life for everyone with life so ofcourse life forms in the universes with life ask themself how can it be that the universe is so perfect for life all those wonders around us someone had to create it this would be true if the universe has absolutely constant natural laws and is the only one and nothing came before then it would indicate a creator but science doubts it all there unified theorys predict multiple universes also natural laws seem to change on long distances so we might just be in the corner that allows life and it wouldnt be coincidence anymore. On the other hand you could say god is infinite why should he create just one reality so ofcourse we will find out that there are more then one universe.

There is no objective reason to believe either way. You cant reason logically about it its a feeling that some people have some not. Its also not the easier way to not believe its a different way thats it.