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"And what reality ? , it depends on how you choose to see reality , I can see many things around me that are too impressive and wonderful to exist without some kind of genius "mind" behind them.. DNA for example , it's like what happens in our lives.. it's impossible to achieve a great success or make a great thing by chance , you need to work hard to make it happen ... it's really simple to me ."

No thats not necessarily the case. You are right in a sense everything around us is made in a way to allow life the natural laws are incredibly fine tuned a tiny change and everything would fall into pieces. Just the slightest change and complex forms of existance would be impossible. Molecules wouldnt hold atoms would decay too fast heavy elements wouldnt exist and so on. Thats when religion sayed it would be too big of a coincidence for life to exist at all. And its true the coincidence is too huge. But with a multiverse we would have millions of universes without life for everyone with life so ofcourse life forms in the universes with life ask themself how can it be that the universe is so perfect for life all those wonders around us someone had to create it this would be true if the universe has absolutely constant natural laws and is the only one and nothing came before then it would indicate a creator but science doubts it all there unified theorys predict multiple universes also natural laws seem to change on long distances so we might just be in the corner that allows life and it wouldnt be coincidence anymore. On the other hand you could say god is infinite why should he create just one reality so ofcourse we will find out that there are more then one universe.

There is no objective reason to believe either way. You cant reason logically about it its a feeling that some people have some not. Its also not the easier way to not believe its a different way thats it.