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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NEW Counter Strike Officially ANNOUNCED called CS Global Offensive (CSGO)

SeriousWB said:

sega4life said:
SeriousWB said:

This wasn't aimed solely at you, so you don't need to get so defensive.  The whole world isn't running on your timezone, unless you think the times you're not browsing the internet absolutely no one else is.  As a whole, this community is really slow with PC news.  Either that or the news is completely ignored.

I don't see your negative butt posting anything?

You could have posted it 10 hours ago, but noooooooooo, you wait 10 hours to bitch and say that it's old news.

Don't be a follower, be a leader, a leader would have shared the info.


OT: Can't wait to see the gameplay.... Getting this from STEAM!

First sentence of my initial post in this thread, if only you could go back in time and read that before you made your useless post.

"I don't really bother here any more"

Oh sure, I was just frequenting this website just waiting for this to pop up here so I could say how late the news was.  I mean come on, it can't be that difficult to understand that I don't regularly visit/post here anymore; take a guess why.  I wasn't even online when this news came out, but someone was.  You're doing exactly the same as PullusPardus and assuming some singular global timezone.   That and getting incredibly defensive about an accurate statement, of course.

Actually, i'm not assuming i live in a global timezone, its just that i searched the forums, and didn't find anyone posted it, so i posted it myself, also i know i am late and i know i'm in a different time zone, also i'm not being defensive.

i know people on most sites don't believe in something called the PC, but why the heck should i give a damn?, i'm going to keep playing on my PC while others play on whatever the fuck they want to play on.

Also @ Sega4life, boy, stop being a jerk, i know you are trying to look like you want to "defend" me here, but actually you are just trying to start shit up, you've banned me for no reason, so don't ban SeriousWB as well, just because you are being a smart ass with your replies.

here let me refresh your memories a bit



F*cking mods. =/

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nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
PullusPardus said:
vlad321 said:
Oh hell, PLEASE have cross platform play. That would be the greatest.

i'm pretty sure its going to be Mac + PC cross platform.

So... we won't get easy frags from console scrubs? One of these days......

Lol.. never change, vlad.

OT:  A PS3/360 cross platform play would be nice, too!

I will gladly change the day the mouse stops being so superior to dual analogs for shooters.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
PullusPardus said:
vlad321 said:
Oh hell, PLEASE have cross platform play. That would be the greatest.

i'm pretty sure its going to be Mac + PC cross platform.

So... we won't get easy frags from console scrubs? One of these days......

Lol.. never change, vlad.

OT:  A PS3/360 cross platform play would be nice, too!

I will gladly change the day the mouse stops being so superior to dual analogs for shooters.

from all your "Mouse is superior" posts, i keep thinking, is it legal in your area to marry a mouse ? , because i think you'd make a good couple

PullusPardus said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
PullusPardus said:
vlad321 said:
Oh hell, PLEASE have cross platform play. That would be the greatest.

i'm pretty sure its going to be Mac + PC cross platform.

So... we won't get easy frags from console scrubs? One of these days......

Lol.. never change, vlad.

OT:  A PS3/360 cross platform play would be nice, too!

I will gladly change the day the mouse stops being so superior to dual analogs for shooters.

from all your "Mouse is superior" posts, i keep thinking, is it legal in your area to marry a mouse ? , because i think you'd make a good couple

I think there's a lopphole, yes.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


PC/Mac owners will destroy console players if there was cross platform for all.

I love CS since the original and will always be my fav FPS but i get the feeling it wont be as big as it once was. Of course i'd love it to and take down CoD lol. Ill still be getting this tho =)

Around the Network

I apologise if it seemed as though I was targeting or chastising you Pullus, I was just making a statement about VGChartz in general. It's great that you posted this otherwise it may never have showed up here. I go elsewhere to post and discuss PC gaming news nowadays.

I would love to see CS gain more popularity in the E-sports community with this new release in terms of viewership and exposure.  With what Valve is doing with DotA2 though I think I can give them the benefit of the doubt that they will put some effort in.

V-r0cK said:
PC/Mac owners will destroy console players if there was cross platform for all.

I love CS since the original and will always be my fav FPS but i get the feeling it wont be as big as it once was. Of course i'd love it to and take down CoD lol. Ill still be getting this tho =)

it won't be big for one reason.

people still play the older CS because it can run on any PC, plus being free (hacked version) , so imagine all the people who live outside of the US/UK who don't actually know what Steam is and are pro CS users.

i think the right thing to do now for valve is to release the older CS FOR FREE like they did with TF2 , so that more of these people can jump into the Steam bandwaggon and introduce them to the service before releasing this new CS.

that way they won't have to hack games to play them, and realise that hacking isn't always the best way to do it, and Valve is going to have big sales at launch, plus more Steam Subscribers

PullusPardus said:
V-r0cK said:
PC/Mac owners will destroy console players if there was cross platform for all.

I love CS since the original and will always be my fav FPS but i get the feeling it wont be as big as it once was. Of course i'd love it to and take down CoD lol. Ill still be getting this tho =)

it won't be big for one reason.

people still play the older CS because it can run on any PC, plus being free (hacked version) , so imagine all the people who live outside of the US/UK who don't actually know what Steam is and are pro CS users.

i think the right thing to do now for valve is to release the older CS FOR FREE like they did with TF2 , so that more of these people can jump into the Steam bandwaggon and introduce them to the service before releasing this new CS.

that way they won't have to hack games to play them, and realise that hacking isn't always the best way to do it, and Valve is going to have big sales at launch, plus more Steam Subscribers

Quite the opposite, why would they move from CS to GO when they already have CS?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:



If you want to frag Console gamers with a mouse use this:

Just from the looks of it I would say its even better then mouse keyboard because instead of "wasd" you have a nunchuck type of thing to move and that should be even better. Didnt know that something like that existed but this thread spiked my interest so I googled it.

There is even a converter for mouse keyboard