JEMC said: ^If they take into account that Gabriel Van Helsing is a werewolf, then it should be noted that Blade and Selene are also vampires, and Buffy has quick healing. And all of them should be able to kill him in less that 5 sec, because we all know that  |
I didn't make the image, I just posted it.
And don't underestimate Edward. Sure, he's a pansy, but don't mistake him for a wimp. He's got superhuman speed and strength, enhanced senses, a healing factor, doesn't need to breathe, and can read minds. Honestly, most of his weaknesses are due to bad writing rather than character flaws. At very least, he'd be able to put up a fight.
Oh god, I just defended Edward Cullen. Excuse me as I cry in my shower for a few hours.