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Forums - Sales Discussion - DS vs 3DS Sales Aligned Launches 1st year edition


How will 3DS do compared to the DS in its first year?

3DS will win 468 54.55%
DS will win 199 23.19%
Netrual 33 3.85%
It will be close 78 9.09%
See poll Results 76 8.86%

In 2005, DS sold a bit less than 6m between November and Dicember. Going by this trend, 3DS could actually reach even 7m, considering it has some great system sellers, while DS "only" had Animal Crossing and Brain Age (which pushed the system for months tough). 7m in two months would be amazing, it means about 850k weekly, and possibly even a 2m week (that would be awesome, but very difficult). Still, Nintendo is now on track to reach its enormous prediction of 16m for the FY (6m+6m means less than 4m for 3 months, and the weekly numbers in Q1 after MK/MH/M3DL should be higher than now).

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)


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RolStoppable said:
Buzzi said:
In 2005, DS sold a bit less than 6m between November and Dicember. Going by this trend, 3DS could actually reach even 7m, considering it has some great system sellers, while DS "only" had Animal Crossing and Brain Age (which pushed the system for months tough). 7m in two months would be amazing, it means about 850k weekly, and possibly even a 2m week (that would be awesome, but very difficult). Still, Nintendo is now on track to reach its enormous prediction of 16m for the FY (6m+6m means less than 4m for 3 months, and the weekly numbers in Q1 after MK/MH/M3DL should be higher than now).

The DS had Nintendogs and Mario Kart DS in 2005 along with a batch of new colors. Those things were much more important, because they were available worldwide while Animal Crossing and Brain Age were Japan only in 2005.

That's true, but Nintendogs was launched in the summer, and we're past it now, but still the 3DS is outselling the DS by a confortable margin. I don't want to downplay Nintendogs' role, but I think right now M3D and MH3G will give a similar boost, not long term, but for the holiday season.

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)


It's nice to see 3DS getting the sales it deserves. I can't wait to see how well it does during he holiday season with the new Mario games available.

The attach rate remains at 1.50, i.e. terrible. The highest piece of 3DS software on the chart is 28th.

Since Nintendo have admitted they are losing money on each 3DS sold now, this is the worst possible situation. High hardware sales but very low software sales.

Soleron said:
The attach rate remains at 1.50, i.e. terrible. The highest piece of 3DS software on the chart is 28th.

Since Nintendo have admitted they are losing money on each 3DS sold now, this is the worst possible situation. High hardware sales but very low software sales.

The DS at this time is at 1.68 with the brainage and nintendogs released already in japan.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

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I reckon this needs updating, but I love the job!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Soleron said:
The attach rate remains at 1.50, i.e. terrible. The highest piece of 3DS software on the chart is 28th.

Since Nintendo have admitted they are losing money on each 3DS sold now, this is the worst possible situation. High hardware sales but very low software sales.

The attach rate will improve a ton by the end of January. The Japanese are buying more hardware than they are software right now in anticipation of monster hunter, mario kart and super mario land.

3DS is not far from its destination

DS on its 33rd week 3DS on its 33rd Week
99,398 225,851

The 3DS outsells DS by +126,453

DS Numbers are on July 9th 2005

DS lifetime by 33 weeks 3DS lifetime by 33 weeks
5,912,490 5,721,774

DS outsells 3DS by -190,716

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

meh, its pretty close and I'm betting after the holidays we'll see them pretty much right inline with each other. My only wonder is if 3DS will keep pace with the the DS once we hit the point where the ds lite and killer games like Nintendogs launched.

killeryoshis said:
Soleron said:
The attach rate remains at 1.50, i.e. terrible. The highest piece of 3DS software on the chart is 28th.

Since Nintendo have admitted they are losing money on each 3DS sold now, this is the worst possible situation. High hardware sales but very low software sales.

The DS at this time is at 1.68 with the brainage and nintendogs released already in japan.

says 1.48 to me. That's down from 1.50 last week and 1.52 the week before.

Can't wait until it goes under 1, that'll show Nintendo how much people like their handheld. If it wasn't for an unwanted birthday gift of Rayman my day-1 purchased 3DS would have zero games.