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Forums - Politics Discussion - Can a movement similar to fascism emerge in the US?


Can a movement similar to fascism emerge in the US?

Yes 67 56.78%
No 21 17.80%
Not a "movement sim... 27 22.88%
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
HappySqurriel said:
EdHieron said:

This is what I know about the Tea Party and primarily from my own study and psychological profiling of the group.  it's basically a tool for those that have a lot of money (wealthy Consevatives), yet don't want to do their part to help out the poorer citizens in this country escape from Obama's plan to tax the rich a bit more in order to make things better for the majority of the citizens in the US.

As I said in a prior post without the Tea Party these wealthy Conservatives would just look like a group of Rich and primarily Old White Men that are upset that Obama is going to tax them a bit more to help the lower classes have better lives.  With the Tea Party though these fellows look as if their numbers are far greater.

At least half of the Tea Party is lower class poor whites that are opposed to Obama for a variety of reasons (primarily his skin color, his perceived nationality (which was more or less nit picking), or his perceived religion).  And they do make the Tea Party appear larger than it is as a lobbying group, however, most of these people would certainly rebel under the right circumstances ie. if the Conservative Senators decided to cut the things that they breally need for their survival like Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid / Medicare, and  Food Stamps.

so in other words... things you pulled out of your ass (and msnbc's)


No, they're not things I pulled out of my ass or if I did I'm entitled to as I have been a student of the human condition for many years.  I have degrees in English literature, Religion, History, Psychology, and I am a great Cold Reader of the Laveyean School.  And all of my scholarly endeavors applied to the Tea Party have led me to believe that it is exactly as I've described it to be (and I don't watch MSNBC if anything I watch far more Fox News and listen to people like Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage).

so you base your belief off your ideology regardless of facts

No, I base my ideology off my sound interpretation of the facts and time will most certainly bare my observations out.  Let's say that in 2012 a Republican President is elected.  If the Republicans continue on the path that they're on now with all of their cuts etc and they start to cut things that the poor people really depend upon like social security, medicare / medicaid, welfare, you can certainly expect some scary times from 2012 to 2016 and the new President to go out on in his ear in 2016 most likely being replaced by a white liberal.

I was listening to the Sean Hannity show today and some woman called in and started talking about how awful she thinks it is that many people don't work and are on the draw.  And she said that she thinks when we get a new President, then everybody will go back to work.

However, do you think that if we get a new President everyone will automatically clean themselves up and try to live upstanding, hard working lives?  Hey what about the high school drop out welfare mothers in Eastern Kentucky that have five or six kids and depend on welfare to feed them?  Do you think all of these women will automatically go out and get upstanding jobs the next day?  You shouldn't because cutting off these welfare mama's checks would be no different than state opposed abortions which as a Christian you must surely be opposed to.

What about all the meth heads and drug addicts in Appalachia and the various ghettoes across the US?  Do you think they're going to go out and be clean cut citizens of the world the very next day if their welfare checks are suddenly cut off?  No way, they're going to turn into cutthroats and will basically be like a shuffling army of zombies ready to kill anyone in order to get the money for their fixes if the checks that keep them placated now are taken away.

We've got far too many people in this country that are in far too bad a shape right now to be able to make any real positive changes for the better in this country and stopping the rich guy's footing the bill to take care of those folks which is the Tea Parties' true aim can only result in catastrophe. 

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So ed, why havent you responded to my replay post yet?

EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:

again you still ignore the majority of the post.

and its very clear that you dont know what Christianity teaches because it teaches the exact opposite of that (the bolded)

also in no shape or form do Christian believe or tought that Jesus will bring mansions or cadallacs. but it does teach people that their body is their temple, and it must be taken care of, that means good healthcare.

furthermore, when i said universities, i should have been more specific, as liberals tend to give things to classes like "humanities" and classes that typicall has "studies" in their name. those close have little to nothing to do with research like curing disseases

Christianity doesn't teach the exact opposite of the bolded.  Christianity teaches that the lifestyles of gays is displeasing to its God and that at the very least gays should be cured rather than allowed to live as they see fit, that people follow a different God that they're going to Hell, and The Bible certainly teaches that men are supposed to be the heads of their households and their wives are supposed to be their faithful and submissive helpmates.

Billy Graham, one of the most influential Christian Ministers in the history of the US said that in the afterlife Christians would be driving Cadillas on Streets of Gold.  And Fundamentalist Christians do tend to believe that we are living in the End Times when if they're faithful to The Bible and its teachings then Jesus will very much bring them all the celestial wonders they could ever dream up after a time of great catastrophe for everyone else.

In the era we live in, which happens to be long after much of The Bible was found to be very prejudicial and to basically endorse utter crap like stoning people that are different from others, classes in the humanities are very important as they do demonstrate to people how they should get along with others in the world they live in today ie. we should embrace and be tolerant  of the differences that people have rather than condeming them or trying to change their preferred sexual orientations

yes it does teach the opposite. you said that the bible teaches people to hate gay people, thats patently false. and yes, the Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners will go to hell. and it also teaches free will, so if people feel like leading sinnfull lives, that s their proragative.

and yes the bible teaches that second part, so what? it also says for husband to love their wives sacrificially, honor your wife, as they are the weaker vessel (the pretense for what you said), and to submit to one another..

for the second paragraph, link? anyway that is a metaphore, you know a comparison, that does not use like or as, and since when does Billy Grahm speek for all Christians?

Does "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" ring a bell for you? and now your changing arguments about giving to universities (while ignoring that this is only a small part of what liberals give to). and if you were following the discussion early, you would see that Universities are the polar opposite of tollerant

Universities are very tolerant.  It's true they might not be so tolerant of Christian beliefs, but you know, that's mainly because of the fact that except for a handful of passages in The Bible like the one you quote above Christian beliefs are complete and utter bs.

I think more people would agree that your beliefs are complete and utter bullshit, not the Christian ones

HappySqurriel said:

Looks like someone needs to return to tolerance camp


"Talk like a slut" is still wrong for the same reason that "Talk like a [racial slur used to refer to a black person]" is wrong ... It demonstrates that you continue to judge people on these terms, and can victimize anyone who over-hears this conversation.

From my understanding, "Cunt" is considered so offensive and sexist because it (supposedly) de-humanizes women reduces them to a mere body-part; and could considered to be worse than making a woman simply a sexual object.

He didn't say she "talks like a slut", he said she's a "talk slut", and he was pointing out her hypocrisy of criticising Obama for something she praiesd Bush for. He was not referring at all to her sexual conduct. Yet again another attempt by conservatives to prove their point using misquotes.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


badgenome said:
sapphi_snake said:

Gonna make some comments about your links (also read the original sources):

- "sluts" > he said "talk slut", and mentioned what that meant. He wasn't judging her based on her sexual conduct (which would have been a sexist and misogynistic thing to do);

- "cunts" > the problem with this is? Saying that calling a woman a c**t is sexist is a little overkill, don't you think? It's definately rude, and shows unsophistication, but I don't see why it's sexist;

- "gooks" > this one's valid;

- "coconuts" > He claims he did not know what that this term had that connotation, and he was using it as synonimous to "fruity" or "bananas". Now we'll never know the truth, but it's certainly a valid alternative. This one's questionable;

- "monkeys" > This is just simply taking quotes totally out of context. The article's author was describing how he thinks the black republican candidate is seen by the whites in the same party, and what his role in that party is (considering the ideology, policies etc.). He's criticising the black canditate for degrading himself for the delight of white conservative racists "because it pays so well". I think this is by far the most pathetic example of trying to present liberals as "racists" I've ever seen.

Also, when comparing conservative and liberal ideologies, it's quite clear which one is inherently racist. You're trying to paint liberals as hypocrites, but you'd need to back that up with scientific data, not some random examples (which are quite misleading and quite pathetic attempts by right wing media).

Regarding your second paragraph, I think you're underestimating the variety of speech that can lead to violence. It's enough to say "black people want to rape our women and kill our children" for lynch mobs to pop up. You don't need to add "we must kill them", for the effect to be the same. I do agree that if a particular information is true, it should not be considered hate speech. If all rapes were commited by muslims, then it should be noted (BTW, Norwegian men from Oslo should recieve some sort of medal or something). I think that the news report was very well put together (much more so than it would've been in the US, especially if it were reported by Fox News), and not trying to encourage violence or prejudice. Only people who support PCness and are irrational (or anti-PC activists) would make a big deal about this.

Oh? Which ideology is inherently racist, then? (I know which one you'll say, but I'll need to see some scientific data to back that up, please. Haha, j/k! I'll settle for scientific data that hate crime laws - or, indeed, speech codes of any sort - have ever accomplished anything positive, ever.)

You're REALLY reaching to make this stuff not to be exactly what it appears to be, though. A guy calls a woman a slut. "Well, he said 'talk slut'. That's totally different, somehow." And I really can't think of an uglier or more derisive term for a woman than "cunt", which basically reduces her to a sex organ. If that's not sexist, pretty much nothing is. Despite the fact that "coconut" is a very well known term and the fact that white leftists routinely call non-white non-leftists traitors to their race (a pretty racist concept in itself), I guess we should let Donny Douche slide, too. After all, every lefty deserves every benefit of the doubt since they don't subscribe to an "inherently racist" ideology.

Well, I tried finding a study or something, but sadly I couldn't find anything. You're free to find a study that disproves it though. Here's an article talking about the psychological effects of hate crimes on targeted groups.

He didn't call her a "slut". He called her a "talk slut". He wasn't criticising her sexual conduct, which would be a sexist thing to do, he was pointing out her hypocrisy as a journalist for critcising Obama for something she praised Bush for. Would you say that calling a woman an "attention whore" is sexist too? I mean, it has the word "whore" in it after all, so it must be sexist going bu your logic (even though it has no relation to sexual conduct either). Maybe the word "cunt" is sexist, but by that definition so is callign someone a "dick". Ironically, I googled this term and found out it's considered by many to be the most offensive term in the English dictionary. This is quite funny, because finding this term so offensive (much more offensive than the term "dick", for example) is itself sexist, because it suggests that women's sexual organs are "dirtier" than everything else. Finding this term so offensive actually perpetuates the negative image that women have of their own sexual organs. Finally, what would you call a Jewish person who is also a Nazi?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Around the Network
Player1x3 said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:

again you still ignore the majority of the post.

and its very clear that you dont know what Christianity teaches because it teaches the exact opposite of that (the bolded)

also in no shape or form do Christian believe or tought that Jesus will bring mansions or cadallacs. but it does teach people that their body is their temple, and it must be taken care of, that means good healthcare.

furthermore, when i said universities, i should have been more specific, as liberals tend to give things to classes like "humanities" and classes that typicall has "studies" in their name. those close have little to nothing to do with research like curing disseases

Christianity doesn't teach the exact opposite of the bolded.  Christianity teaches that the lifestyles of gays is displeasing to its God and that at the very least gays should be cured rather than allowed to live as they see fit, that people follow a different God that they're going to Hell, and The Bible certainly teaches that men are supposed to be the heads of their households and their wives are supposed to be their faithful and submissive helpmates.

Billy Graham, one of the most influential Christian Ministers in the history of the US said that in the afterlife Christians would be driving Cadillas on Streets of Gold.  And Fundamentalist Christians do tend to believe that we are living in the End Times when if they're faithful to The Bible and its teachings then Jesus will very much bring them all the celestial wonders they could ever dream up after a time of great catastrophe for everyone else.

In the era we live in, which happens to be long after much of The Bible was found to be very prejudicial and to basically endorse utter crap like stoning people that are different from others, classes in the humanities are very important as they do demonstrate to people how they should get along with others in the world they live in today ie. we should embrace and be tolerant  of the differences that people have rather than condeming them or trying to change their preferred sexual orientations

yes it does teach the opposite. you said that the bible teaches people to hate gay people, thats patently false. and yes, the Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners will go to hell. and it also teaches free will, so if people feel like leading sinnfull lives, that s their proragative.

and yes the bible teaches that second part, so what? it also says for husband to love their wives sacrificially, honor your wife, as they are the weaker vessel (the pretense for what you said), and to submit to one another..

for the second paragraph, link? anyway that is a metaphore, you know a comparison, that does not use like or as, and since when does Billy Grahm speek for all Christians?

Does "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" ring a bell for you? and now your changing arguments about giving to universities (while ignoring that this is only a small part of what liberals give to). and if you were following the discussion early, you would see that Universities are the polar opposite of tollerant

Universities are very tolerant.  It's true they might not be so tolerant of Christian beliefs, but you know, that's mainly because of the fact that except for a handful of passages in The Bible like the one you quote above Christian beliefs are complete and utter bs.

I think more people would agree that your beliefs are complete and utter bullshit, not the Christian ones

Well, that's because most people are stupid (80% of US citizens believe in a God that there's no evidence for -- ) and that's why it would be so easy to set up a movement similar to Fascism in the US.

As a matter of fact we have already have a movement similar to fascism in the US, and it is Fundamentalist Christianity because it causes and supports discrimination against gays and other minority religious groups (wanting to change them to prevent them from going to an imaginary Hell is a sign of discrimination as it shows that the Fundamentalist Christians have little to no respect for the ideas of others or for the way they would like to live their lives and that has no place in a country built on freedom and justice (and justice includes social justice) for all); and it  prevents many of its followers from really doing anything to really improve their lives like the fast food and other poor workers that really believe its teachings and that actively work against or don't push for things that would have been to their own interest ( and )  like a tax plan that taxes all of those making $250,000 a year 10% more so that the lower classes can have better services than they're able to afford on their own.  And they work against these things because, as their religion teaches them, they believe the end of the world is nigh and that Jesus is going to come back soon to alleviate all of their ills which is the type of thinking that the slave system that Christianity is has already engendered many times throughout history, and Christianity, as a direct descendent of the religion used to keep the slaves in line in Ancient Egypt and much as a caste system by the Hebrews to keep the undesirables of their time in line under the thumb of their priestly classes, and by Constantine as a way of keeping the Roman Empire in charge of things without having to worry about attacks from barbarian since when you have a system in place for controlling other people's thoughts you can control their actions much more easily than you can by merely trying to force them to stay in line ( ); does create a ready made system for keeping the poor working class in line especially if the public education system is ever thrown out by the Right Wing idealogues that want to attack it ( ).

So, yes, we do have a fascist movement in this country already.  Fundamentalist Christianity (it's just as fascistic today as it was when it caused nearly 100 people in Salem Massachusetts to lose their lives in 1692 and during the Middle Ages when it resulted in the deaths of 100,000 people in Europe from a wide variety of different backgrounds including other Christians that believed a bit differently from the mainstream Christians of that time, and that was largely emulated by Hitler during his exterminations of Jews in World War II and  ), and it is waiting for Conservatism in this country to gain more power so that it can gain more control over those that believe differently  ( ) ,   and probably as always much to those individuals that choose to do so's detriment (already thanks (i'm being sracastic with that) largely to the influence of Christians, gays aren't free to get married like any other citizen in the US ( ) and being an abortion clinic doctor ( ) or belonging to Islam, another miniority religious group, or going with the fact that there is no evidence for God's existence at all and being an Atheist instead ( ) makes one a target for the wrath of Fundamentalists .

As Sinclair Lewis said , “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. "  Which is a pretty good summation of the three headed beast composed of the Tea Party, Social Conservatism, and Fundamentalist Christianity as they are in America today ('t_as_sudden_as_you_think/ ),   And as Bill Maher says even if you're right that more people might think my ideas are the bs ones and that the Christian ones are the right ones (even though there's no evidence at all to suggest that they are correct), that doesn't make my views wrong ( ) .

EdHieron said:
Player1x3 said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:

again you still ignore the majority of the post.

and its very clear that you dont know what Christianity teaches because it teaches the exact opposite of that (the bolded)

also in no shape or form do Christian believe or tought that Jesus will bring mansions or cadallacs. but it does teach people that their body is their temple, and it must be taken care of, that means good healthcare.

furthermore, when i said universities, i should have been more specific, as liberals tend to give things to classes like "humanities" and classes that typicall has "studies" in their name. those close have little to nothing to do with research like curing disseases

Christianity doesn't teach the exact opposite of the bolded.  Christianity teaches that the lifestyles of gays is displeasing to its God and that at the very least gays should be cured rather than allowed to live as they see fit, that people follow a different God that they're going to Hell, and The Bible certainly teaches that men are supposed to be the heads of their households and their wives are supposed to be their faithful and submissive helpmates.

Billy Graham, one of the most influential Christian Ministers in the history of the US said that in the afterlife Christians would be driving Cadillas on Streets of Gold.  And Fundamentalist Christians do tend to believe that we are living in the End Times when if they're faithful to The Bible and its teachings then Jesus will very much bring them all the celestial wonders they could ever dream up after a time of great catastrophe for everyone else.

In the era we live in, which happens to be long after much of The Bible was found to be very prejudicial and to basically endorse utter crap like stoning people that are different from others, classes in the humanities are very important as they do demonstrate to people how they should get along with others in the world they live in today ie. we should embrace and be tolerant  of the differences that people have rather than condeming them or trying to change their preferred sexual orientations

yes it does teach the opposite. you said that the bible teaches people to hate gay people, thats patently false. and yes, the Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners will go to hell. and it also teaches free will, so if people feel like leading sinnfull lives, that s their proragative.

and yes the bible teaches that second part, so what? it also says for husband to love their wives sacrificially, honor your wife, as they are the weaker vessel (the pretense for what you said), and to submit to one another..

for the second paragraph, link? anyway that is a metaphore, you know a comparison, that does not use like or as, and since when does Billy Grahm speek for all Christians?

Does "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" ring a bell for you? and now your changing arguments about giving to universities (while ignoring that this is only a small part of what liberals give to). and if you were following the discussion early, you would see that Universities are the polar opposite of tollerant

Universities are very tolerant.  It's true they might not be so tolerant of Christian beliefs, but you know, that's mainly because of the fact that except for a handful of passages in The Bible like the one you quote above Christian beliefs are complete and utter bs.

I think more people would agree that your beliefs are complete and utter bullshit, not the Christian ones

Well, that's because most people are stupid (80% of US citizens believe in a God that there's no evidence for -- ) and that's why it would be so easy to set up a movement similar to Fascism in the US.

As a matter of fact we have already have a movement similar to fascism in the US and it is Fundamentalist Christianity because it causes and supports discrimination against gays and other minority religious groups (wanting to change them to prevent them from going to an imaginary Hell is a sign of discrimination as it shows that the Fundamentalist Christians have little to no respect for the ideas of others or for the way they would like to live their lives and that has no place in a country built on freedom and justice (and justice includes social justice) for all), and it  prevents many of its followers from really doing anything to really improve their lives like the fast food and other poor workers that really believe its teachings and that actively work against things that would have been to their own interest ( and )  like a tax plan that taxes all of those making $250,000 a year 10% more so that the lower classes can have better services than they're able to afford on their own simply because they believe the end of the world is nigh and that Jesus is going to come back soon to alleviate all of their ills which is what the slave system that Christianity is has already done many times throughout history, and it does create a ready made system for keeping the poor working class in line (like it has done since the days of Ancient Egypt especially if the public education system is ever thrown out by the Right Wing idealogues that want to attack it ( ).

So, yes, we do have a fascist movement in this country already.  Fundamentalist Christianity (it's just as fascistic today as it was when it caused nearly 100 people in Salem Massachusetts to lose their lives in 1692 and during the Middle Ages when it resulted in the deaths of 100,000 people in Europe from a wide variety of different backgrounds including other Christians that believed a bit differently from the mainstream Christians of that time, and that was largely emulated by Hitler during his exterminations of Jews in World War II ), and it is waiting for Conservatism in this country to gain more power so that it can gain more control over those that believe differently  ( ) ,   and probably as always much to those individuals that choose to do so's detriment (already thanks largely to the influence of Christians, gays aren't free to get married like any other citizen in the US ( ) and being an abortion clinic doctor ( ) or belonging to Islam, another miniority religious group, or going with the fact that there is no evidence for God's existence at all and being an Atheist instead ( ) makes one a target for the wrath of Fundamentalists .

As Sinclair Lewis said , “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. "  Which is a pretty good summation of the three headed beast composed of the Tea Party, Social Conservatism, and Fundamentalist Christianity as they are in America today ('t_as_sudden_as_you_think/ ),   And as Bill Maher says even if you're right that more people might think my ideas are the bs ones and that the Christian ones are the right ones (even though there's no evidence at all to suggest that they are correct), that doesn't make my views wrong ( ) .

sorry, i (as well as most of america) dont subscribe to socialist doctrines.

as much as you like saying Christianity, is Fascist, it doesnt make it true, especially with lack of evidence. heresyou arguement, fascism is going to come from the tea party, because they are Christians, and Christians are Fascists, so therefore they are fascists.

thats great reasoning, but you might want to have facts to back it up, and im still waiting for an example of a small government becoming a fascist dictatorship

osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
Player1x3 said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:

again you still ignore the majority of the post.

and its very clear that you dont know what Christianity teaches because it teaches the exact opposite of that (the bolded)

also in no shape or form do Christian believe or tought that Jesus will bring mansions or cadallacs. but it does teach people that their body is their temple, and it must be taken care of, that means good healthcare.

furthermore, when i said universities, i should have been more specific, as liberals tend to give things to classes like "humanities" and classes that typicall has "studies" in their name. those close have little to nothing to do with research like curing disseases

Christianity doesn't teach the exact opposite of the bolded.  Christianity teaches that the lifestyles of gays is displeasing to its God and that at the very least gays should be cured rather than allowed to live as they see fit, that people follow a different God that they're going to Hell, and The Bible certainly teaches that men are supposed to be the heads of their households and their wives are supposed to be their faithful and submissive helpmates.

Billy Graham, one of the most influential Christian Ministers in the history of the US said that in the afterlife Christians would be driving Cadillas on Streets of Gold.  And Fundamentalist Christians do tend to believe that we are living in the End Times when if they're faithful to The Bible and its teachings then Jesus will very much bring them all the celestial wonders they could ever dream up after a time of great catastrophe for everyone else.

In the era we live in, which happens to be long after much of The Bible was found to be very prejudicial and to basically endorse utter crap like stoning people that are different from others, classes in the humanities are very important as they do demonstrate to people how they should get along with others in the world they live in today ie. we should embrace and be tolerant  of the differences that people have rather than condeming them or trying to change their preferred sexual orientations

yes it does teach the opposite. you said that the bible teaches people to hate gay people, thats patently false. and yes, the Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners will go to hell. and it also teaches free will, so if people feel like leading sinnfull lives, that s their proragative.

and yes the bible teaches that second part, so what? it also says for husband to love their wives sacrificially, honor your wife, as they are the weaker vessel (the pretense for what you said), and to submit to one another..

for the second paragraph, link? anyway that is a metaphore, you know a comparison, that does not use like or as, and since when does Billy Grahm speek for all Christians?

Does "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" ring a bell for you? and now your changing arguments about giving to universities (while ignoring that this is only a small part of what liberals give to). and if you were following the discussion early, you would see that Universities are the polar opposite of tollerant

Universities are very tolerant.  It's true they might not be so tolerant of Christian beliefs, but you know, that's mainly because of the fact that except for a handful of passages in The Bible like the one you quote above Christian beliefs are complete and utter bs.

I think more people would agree that your beliefs are complete and utter bullshit, not the Christian ones

Well, that's because most people are stupid (80% of US citizens believe in a God that there's no evidence for -- ) and that's why it would be so easy to set up a movement similar to Fascism in the US.

As a matter of fact we have already have a movement similar to fascism in the US and it is Fundamentalist Christianity because it causes and supports discrimination against gays and other minority religious groups (wanting to change them to prevent them from going to an imaginary Hell is a sign of discrimination as it shows that the Fundamentalist Christians have little to no respect for the ideas of others or for the way they would like to live their lives and that has no place in a country built on freedom and justice (and justice includes social justice) for all), and it  prevents many of its followers from really doing anything to really improve their lives like the fast food and other poor workers that really believe its teachings and that actively work against things that would have been to their own interest ( and )  like a tax plan that taxes all of those making $250,000 a year 10% more so that the lower classes can have better services than they're able to afford on their own simply because they believe the end of the world is nigh and that Jesus is going to come back soon to alleviate all of their ills which is what the slave system that Christianity is has already done many times throughout history, and it does create a ready made system for keeping the poor working class in line (like it has done since the days of Ancient Egypt especially if the public education system is ever thrown out by the Right Wing idealogues that want to attack it ( ).

So, yes, we do have a fascist movement in this country already.  Fundamentalist Christianity (it's just as fascistic today as it was when it caused nearly 100 people in Salem Massachusetts to lose their lives in 1692 and during the Middle Ages when it resulted in the deaths of 100,000 people in Europe from a wide variety of different backgrounds including other Christians that believed a bit differently from the mainstream Christians of that time, and that was largely emulated by Hitler during his exterminations of Jews in World War II ), and it is waiting for Conservatism in this country to gain more power so that it can gain more control over those that believe differently  ( ) ,   and probably as always much to those individuals that choose to do so's detriment (already thanks largely to the influence of Christians, gays aren't free to get married like any other citizen in the US ( ) and being an abortion clinic doctor ( ) or belonging to Islam, another miniority religious group, or going with the fact that there is no evidence for God's existence at all and being an Atheist instead ( ) makes one a target for the wrath of Fundamentalists .

As Sinclair Lewis said , “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. "  Which is a pretty good summation of the three headed beast composed of the Tea Party, Social Conservatism, and Fundamentalist Christianity as they are in America today ('t_as_sudden_as_you_think/ ),   And as Bill Maher says even if you're right that more people might think my ideas are the bs ones and that the Christian ones are the right ones (even though there's no evidence at all to suggest that they are correct), that doesn't make my views wrong ( ) .

sorry, i (as well as most of america) dont subscribe to socialist doctrines.

as much as you like saying Christianity, is Fascist, it doesnt make it true, especially with lack of evidence. heresyou arguement, fascism is going to come from the tea party, because they are Christians, and Christians are Fascists, so therefore they are fascists.

thats great reasoning, but you might want to have facts to back it up, and im still waiting for an example of a small government becoming a fascist dictatorship


Actually most Americans do subscribe to socialist doctrines.  Are you trying to say that all of the people on welfare don't enjoy getting their welfare and food stamps each month or that the old folks would really like to be without their Medicare and Social Security Checks and that coal mining families would absolutely relish being without their Black Lung?

I've provided ample evidence that Christianity is fascist time and time again.  Just check out the links in my last post.  It looks you're the one that lacks reading comprehension skills, Dummy.

The thing is as in the links that I provided above, Dummy, the Tea Party might say it's pushing for smaller government, however, what it is really pushing for is control of many people's lives in many different areas.  They want to stop women from getting abortions, stop gays from getting married, stop gays from serving in the military, deny people of other faiths the right to practice their religions in this nation, and stop funding of public education which is really the only thing that allows many minorities like African Americans and poor kids in Appalachia to be able to go to school.  So how is that working for a government that has no part in how people live their lives?

And both Hitler and Mussolini started out smaller than they later became. -- This deals with how Hitler wanted a smaller government (mainly himself) and was primarily a Right Winger. 

sapphi_snake said:

He didn't say she "talks like a slut", he said she's a "talk slut", and he was pointing out her hypocrisy of criticising Obama for something she praiesd Bush for. He was not referring at all to her sexual conduct. Yet again another attempt by conservatives to prove their point using misquotes.

Even "Talk Slut" is innappropriate and sexist ... Or are you under the impression that we can use offensive terms about people as long as we preface them with something and claim that they weren't being used in an offensive way?

Consider that there are lots of people who believe that Barack Obama is too accommodating to both the Republican and Democrat leadership, and making a claim about this wouldn’t be offensive or wrong; but if someone were to call him a "Political Uncle Tom" to make this point it would  be a remarkably inappropriate and racist way to get the point across.

HappySqurriel said:
sapphi_snake said:

He didn't say she "talks like a slut", he said she's a "talk slut", and he was pointing out her hypocrisy of criticising Obama for something she praiesd Bush for. He was not referring at all to her sexual conduct. Yet again another attempt by conservatives to prove their point using misquotes.

Even "Talk Slut" is innappropriate and sexist ... Or are you under the impression that we can use offensive terms about people as long as we preface them with something and claim that they weren't being used in an offensive way?

Consider that there are lots of people who believe that Barack Obama is too accommodating to both the Republican and Democrat leadership, and making a claim about this wouldn’t be offensive or wrong; but if someone were to call him a "Political Uncle Tom" to make this point it would  be a remarkably inappropriate and racist way to get the point across.

Well, the term "talk slut" was actually used in an offensive way. The ideea is that it's not sexist. I don't think you're arguing that just offending someone is anything more than unpolite, no?

I'd have to read Uncle Tom's Cabin before beign able to judge how racist the term "political Uncle Tom" would be.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
