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Player1x3 said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:

again you still ignore the majority of the post.

and its very clear that you dont know what Christianity teaches because it teaches the exact opposite of that (the bolded)

also in no shape or form do Christian believe or tought that Jesus will bring mansions or cadallacs. but it does teach people that their body is their temple, and it must be taken care of, that means good healthcare.

furthermore, when i said universities, i should have been more specific, as liberals tend to give things to classes like "humanities" and classes that typicall has "studies" in their name. those close have little to nothing to do with research like curing disseases

Christianity doesn't teach the exact opposite of the bolded.  Christianity teaches that the lifestyles of gays is displeasing to its God and that at the very least gays should be cured rather than allowed to live as they see fit, that people follow a different God that they're going to Hell, and The Bible certainly teaches that men are supposed to be the heads of their households and their wives are supposed to be their faithful and submissive helpmates.

Billy Graham, one of the most influential Christian Ministers in the history of the US said that in the afterlife Christians would be driving Cadillas on Streets of Gold.  And Fundamentalist Christians do tend to believe that we are living in the End Times when if they're faithful to The Bible and its teachings then Jesus will very much bring them all the celestial wonders they could ever dream up after a time of great catastrophe for everyone else.

In the era we live in, which happens to be long after much of The Bible was found to be very prejudicial and to basically endorse utter crap like stoning people that are different from others, classes in the humanities are very important as they do demonstrate to people how they should get along with others in the world they live in today ie. we should embrace and be tolerant  of the differences that people have rather than condeming them or trying to change their preferred sexual orientations

yes it does teach the opposite. you said that the bible teaches people to hate gay people, thats patently false. and yes, the Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners will go to hell. and it also teaches free will, so if people feel like leading sinnfull lives, that s their proragative.

and yes the bible teaches that second part, so what? it also says for husband to love their wives sacrificially, honor your wife, as they are the weaker vessel (the pretense for what you said), and to submit to one another..

for the second paragraph, link? anyway that is a metaphore, you know a comparison, that does not use like or as, and since when does Billy Grahm speek for all Christians?

Does "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" ring a bell for you? and now your changing arguments about giving to universities (while ignoring that this is only a small part of what liberals give to). and if you were following the discussion early, you would see that Universities are the polar opposite of tollerant

Universities are very tolerant.  It's true they might not be so tolerant of Christian beliefs, but you know, that's mainly because of the fact that except for a handful of passages in The Bible like the one you quote above Christian beliefs are complete and utter bs.

I think more people would agree that your beliefs are complete and utter bullshit, not the Christian ones

Well, that's because most people are stupid (80% of US citizens believe in a God that there's no evidence for -- ) and that's why it would be so easy to set up a movement similar to Fascism in the US.

As a matter of fact we have already have a movement similar to fascism in the US, and it is Fundamentalist Christianity because it causes and supports discrimination against gays and other minority religious groups (wanting to change them to prevent them from going to an imaginary Hell is a sign of discrimination as it shows that the Fundamentalist Christians have little to no respect for the ideas of others or for the way they would like to live their lives and that has no place in a country built on freedom and justice (and justice includes social justice) for all); and it  prevents many of its followers from really doing anything to really improve their lives like the fast food and other poor workers that really believe its teachings and that actively work against or don't push for things that would have been to their own interest ( and )  like a tax plan that taxes all of those making $250,000 a year 10% more so that the lower classes can have better services than they're able to afford on their own.  And they work against these things because, as their religion teaches them, they believe the end of the world is nigh and that Jesus is going to come back soon to alleviate all of their ills which is the type of thinking that the slave system that Christianity is has already engendered many times throughout history, and Christianity, as a direct descendent of the religion used to keep the slaves in line in Ancient Egypt and much as a caste system by the Hebrews to keep the undesirables of their time in line under the thumb of their priestly classes, and by Constantine as a way of keeping the Roman Empire in charge of things without having to worry about attacks from barbarian since when you have a system in place for controlling other people's thoughts you can control their actions much more easily than you can by merely trying to force them to stay in line ( ); does create a ready made system for keeping the poor working class in line especially if the public education system is ever thrown out by the Right Wing idealogues that want to attack it ( ).

So, yes, we do have a fascist movement in this country already.  Fundamentalist Christianity (it's just as fascistic today as it was when it caused nearly 100 people in Salem Massachusetts to lose their lives in 1692 and during the Middle Ages when it resulted in the deaths of 100,000 people in Europe from a wide variety of different backgrounds including other Christians that believed a bit differently from the mainstream Christians of that time, and that was largely emulated by Hitler during his exterminations of Jews in World War II and  ), and it is waiting for Conservatism in this country to gain more power so that it can gain more control over those that believe differently  ( ) ,   and probably as always much to those individuals that choose to do so's detriment (already thanks (i'm being sracastic with that) largely to the influence of Christians, gays aren't free to get married like any other citizen in the US ( ) and being an abortion clinic doctor ( ) or belonging to Islam, another miniority religious group, or going with the fact that there is no evidence for God's existence at all and being an Atheist instead ( ) makes one a target for the wrath of Fundamentalists .

As Sinclair Lewis said , “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. "  Which is a pretty good summation of the three headed beast composed of the Tea Party, Social Conservatism, and Fundamentalist Christianity as they are in America today ('t_as_sudden_as_you_think/ ),   And as Bill Maher says even if you're right that more people might think my ideas are the bs ones and that the Christian ones are the right ones (even though there's no evidence at all to suggest that they are correct), that doesn't make my views wrong ( ) .