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osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
HappySqurriel said:
EdHieron said:

This is what I know about the Tea Party and primarily from my own study and psychological profiling of the group.  it's basically a tool for those that have a lot of money (wealthy Consevatives), yet don't want to do their part to help out the poorer citizens in this country escape from Obama's plan to tax the rich a bit more in order to make things better for the majority of the citizens in the US.

As I said in a prior post without the Tea Party these wealthy Conservatives would just look like a group of Rich and primarily Old White Men that are upset that Obama is going to tax them a bit more to help the lower classes have better lives.  With the Tea Party though these fellows look as if their numbers are far greater.

At least half of the Tea Party is lower class poor whites that are opposed to Obama for a variety of reasons (primarily his skin color, his perceived nationality (which was more or less nit picking), or his perceived religion).  And they do make the Tea Party appear larger than it is as a lobbying group, however, most of these people would certainly rebel under the right circumstances ie. if the Conservative Senators decided to cut the things that they breally need for their survival like Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid / Medicare, and  Food Stamps.

so in other words... things you pulled out of your ass (and msnbc's)


No, they're not things I pulled out of my ass or if I did I'm entitled to as I have been a student of the human condition for many years.  I have degrees in English literature, Religion, History, Psychology, and I am a great Cold Reader of the Laveyean School.  And all of my scholarly endeavors applied to the Tea Party have led me to believe that it is exactly as I've described it to be (and I don't watch MSNBC if anything I watch far more Fox News and listen to people like Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage).

so you base your belief off your ideology regardless of facts

No, I base my ideology off my sound interpretation of the facts and time will most certainly bare my observations out.  Let's say that in 2012 a Republican President is elected.  If the Republicans continue on the path that they're on now with all of their cuts etc and they start to cut things that the poor people really depend upon like social security, medicare / medicaid, welfare, you can certainly expect some scary times from 2012 to 2016 and the new President to go out on in his ear in 2016 most likely being replaced by a white liberal.

I was listening to the Sean Hannity show today and some woman called in and started talking about how awful she thinks it is that many people don't work and are on the draw.  And she said that she thinks when we get a new President, then everybody will go back to work.

However, do you think that if we get a new President everyone will automatically clean themselves up and try to live upstanding, hard working lives?  Hey what about the high school drop out welfare mothers in Eastern Kentucky that have five or six kids and depend on welfare to feed them?  Do you think all of these women will automatically go out and get upstanding jobs the next day?  You shouldn't because cutting off these welfare mama's checks would be no different than state opposed abortions which as a Christian you must surely be opposed to.

What about all the meth heads and drug addicts in Appalachia and the various ghettoes across the US?  Do you think they're going to go out and be clean cut citizens of the world the very next day if their welfare checks are suddenly cut off?  No way, they're going to turn into cutthroats and will basically be like a shuffling army of zombies ready to kill anyone in order to get the money for their fixes if the checks that keep them placated now are taken away.

We've got far too many people in this country that are in far too bad a shape right now to be able to make any real positive changes for the better in this country and stopping the rich guy's footing the bill to take care of those folks which is the Tea Parties' true aim can only result in catastrophe.