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Forums - Sales Discussion - June NPD - X360 507k, 3DS 143k, Wii 273k, PS3 276k~ DS 386k

Acevil said:
BenVTrigger said:
I straight up said over the past couple weeks that I thought hardware was off all aross the baord and people tried to chew me out.

To be fair, you didn't tell us about the DS doing strangly well! :P (As in you were right about the other things, but you didn' know what I mean). 

Lol I guess I just haven't been paying as much attention to how much DS hardware we've been selling lately due to paying more attention the 3DS but hey I can't predict it all right can I?

Around the Network
Acevil said:
Nintendo hardware will be so over the place, on one side I think VGC might have overtracked the Wii by 100-50k, on the other side I think they might have done the opposite for the DS family.

I hate it when you are right you jerk, stop making correct predictions, but hey you were the only person who got the DS family thing right. So pat yourself on the back. In fact you missed how well the DS family did! 

(Hopefully you don't get banned for calling yourself a jerk! :P)


red_dragon said:
ElGranCabeza said:
red_dragon said:
Carl2291 said:!/michaelpachter

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion.

So yeah. Those free 360's are in the 507k figure, it's just nobody knows how many

Can't be a lot based on that it was only for Best Buy and they did it for certain models of HP and Dell ($700).

It wasn't just Best Buy, but it was just for certain models, yes. I'm thinking it was a shitload, if I was gonna get a new computer I would get one where I could get a free second 360.

The only retail stores to do the deal was Micrsoft store and Best Buy. THe only other way to do it was on and

The offer is available to online shoppers who buy a PC from,, or Microsoft's online store. Those who want to head to a retail outlet can find the deal at Best Buy or Microsoft's stores.

Thanks for proving my point. It's not just Best Buy.

Acevil said:
Acevil said:
Nintendo hardware will be so over the place, on one side I think VGC might have overtracked the Wii by 100-50k, on the other side I think they might have done the opposite for the DS family.

I hate it when you are right you jerk, stop making correct predictions, but hey you were the only person who got the DS family thing right. So pat yourself on the back. In fact you missed how well the DS family did! 

(Hopefully you don't get banned for calling yourself a jerk! :P)


So, to sum up:
Compared to May, NPD reports
a) a 9% decline in hardware revenue
b) -very massive increases in XBox sales
-moderate to good increases in sales of all other consoles/handhelds

How can revenue go down when all hardware increases (hugely in part)?

Around the Network
drkohler said:
So, to sum up:
Compared to May, NPD reports
a) a 9% decline in hardware revenue
b) -very massive increases in XBox sales
-moderate to good increases in sales of all other consoles/handhelds

How can revenue go down when all hardware increases (hugely in part)?


drkohler said:
So, to sum up:
Compared to May, NPD reports
a) a 9% decline in hardware revenue
b) -very massive increases in XBox sales
-moderate to good increases in sales of all other consoles/handhelds

How can revenue go down when all hardware increases (hugely in part)?

Revenue means money earned from sales (not exactly corrected worded but you might get the point I am about to make). PS3 had promotional discounts, Wii had a price cut, and 360 was offered free at certain locations. 

Add: @BenV he stated hardware revenue, not software revenue.


Acevil said:
drkohler said:
So, to sum up:
Compared to May, NPD reports
a) a 9% decline in hardware revenue
b) -very massive increases in XBox sales
-moderate to good increases in sales of all other consoles/handhelds

How can revenue go down when all hardware increases (hugely in part)?

Revenue means money earned from sales (not exactly corrected worded but you might get the point I am about to make). PS3 had promotional discounts, Wii had a price cut, and 360 was offered free at certain locations. 

Add: @BenV he stated hardware revenue, not software revenue.

Oh alight oops I thought he meant overall revenue lol I didn't consider all the other discounts that were going on good call.

How much did Infamous 2, La Noir and Duke Nukem sell?

We all knew the Wii numbers were way off. For those of you that don't live in the united states, kinect has really taken away the casual market from Nintendo, kinect is still the must have game item. Without that must have appeal, the Wii just doesn't have a strong selling feature in the states.

The 360 should continue to be the dominant console for the rest of this generation with the ps3 holding well in the us and strong sales overseas. The Wii will continue to fade as the wiiu. Gets closer to market.