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Forums - General Discussion - Why do we exist,GOD or BIG BANG theory?


Who created everything?

GOD 184 41.82%
BIG BANG 251 57.05%
snakenobi said:
Sri Lumpa said:

I already asked you in a previous post for a source for that but it might have been overlooked as it was a long post so let me ask again:

Could you please link us to the source of that specific big bang theory you insist exists that involves Nitrogen and Hydrogen colliding? And the name of the scientist(s) putting it forward too, please. Note that said scientist should be from a relevant field, otherwise it would be like an imam proposing a theory on transmogrification in the catholic faith.

I ask because no scientist in the relevant fields worth half his diploma would utter a theory of the big bang displaying such a fundamental lack of understanding of the very concept of the big bang and I suspect that you either badly misunderstood something you read about it. The alternative is that you are making things up.

i read it somewhere.

google it you will find it.

different scientists have different ways of proving it.


Nobody with any knowledge of the subject - let along a scientist in the field - would ever claim that hydrogen and nitrogen caused the big bang. Why? Because it's a load of utter bollocks. Hydrogen and nitrogen didn't exist when the big bang occured. Continuing to claim it just makes you look really really ignorant on the subject.

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I'm sorry for the length of this post, but I think it sheds light on this subject if you read what I have to say...This topic as seen will always ignite debates with different belief systems. Of course everyone is entitled to their belief system but ultimately something happened that caused us to exist. So the question will always be asked.

I am seeing some on here imply that the existence of God contradicts Science and that it is impossible for one to believe in a God if they adhere completely to Science. This is ABSOLUTELY false. I will explain my viewpoint. One can indeed believe in God as well as adhere to Science.

Science indeed will always be science. Man will continually learn more of what Science already knows as science develops with new tools, new methods, and new events allowing for man to study science using mathematics, physics, ect. I concur that Science has yet to disprove that a higher power exists. Also we must say that man using Science cannot simply use a platform that captures the energy of a higher being that they can use the scientific method on. All a Scientist can do when trying to answer the question of if God exists is base the result on circumstantial evidence they can gather in the universe for the basics of life to exist.

When you take the question of where the universe began you have to look at when and how it all began. We ultimately have two options to choose from here.

1. In the beginning there was only space, time, and gravity that existed. From a singular point over an undetermined amount of time the universe began to be formed. (Without an intelligent being through mathematical possibilities and chance)

2. In the beginning a vastly intelligent and powerful being either began the process or created everything we know in the universe. (With a vastly intelligent being).

So you have to choose which option you will go. No matter what theory you come up with  on how the universe began you will always get to the starting point when it was either an intelligent being or only space, time, gravity that started the universe through mathematical possibilities. To use Science one must have logic. Without logic existing there would be no understanding of Science, nor any way to utilize mathematics at all.

My argument is that we by no means can have what exists today without some kind of intelligent being that set these things in place.

One of the stumbling blocks for any explanation of the universe without an intelligent designer is the fact that we have logic. Time and Time again you cannot put dead matter into a test environment and eventually come out with something that has obtained logic. Science proves this, does it not? There are many other factors I could discuss but based on the existence of logic alone that is absolute evidence of an intelligent creator whom we would refer to as God of the Universe.

Allfreedom99 said:

I'm sorry for the length of this post, but I think it sheds light on this subject if you read what I have to say...This topic as seen will always ignite debates with different belief systems. Of course everyone is entitled to their belief system but ultimately something happened that caused us to exist. So the question will always be asked.

I am seeing some on here imply that the existence of God contradicts Science and that it is impossible for one to believe in a God if they adhere completely to Science. This is ABSOLUTELY false. I will explain my viewpoint. One can indeed believe in God as well as adhere to Science.

Science indeed will always be science. Man will continually learn more of what Science already knows as science develops with new tools, new methods, and new events allowing for man to study science using mathematics, physics, ect. I concur that Science has yet to disprove that a higher power exists. Also we must say that man using Science cannot simply use a platform that captures the energy of a higher being that they can use the scientific method on. All a Scientist can do when trying to answer the question of if God exists is base the result on circumstantial evidence they can gather in the universe for the basics of life to exist.

When you take the question of where the universe began you have to look at when and how it all began. We ultimately have two options to choose from here.

1. In the beginning there was only space, time, and gravity that existed. From a singular point over an undetermined amount of time the universe began to be formed. (Without an intelligent being through mathematical possibilities and chance)

2. In the beginning a vastly intelligent and powerful being either began the process or created everything we know in the universe. (With a vastly intelligent being).

So you have to choose which option you will go. No matter what theory you come up with  on how the universe began you will always get to the starting point when it was either an intelligent being or only space, time, gravity that started the universe through mathematical possibilities. To use Science one must have logic. Without logic existing there would be no understanding of Science, nor any way to utilize mathematics at all.

My argument is that we by no means can have what exists today without some kind of intelligent being that set these things in place.

One of the stumbling blocks for any explanation of the universe without an intelligent designer is the fact that we have logic. Time and Time again you cannot put dead matter into a test environment and eventually come out with something that has obtained logic. Science proves this, does it not? There are many other factors I could discuss but based on the existence of logic alone that is absolute evidence of an intelligent creator whom we would refer to as God of the Universe.

Logic isn't something that "exists", it is a "tool" that was invented by humans, and that humans use. Your argument takes into consideration very limited possibilities.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


My professor has a doctorate in theology and a master in history, his mother was the vice-president of the Catholics women of the world he was raised in a strict catholic family and he said that he believes in the big-bang and the human evolution theory because there is a lot of evidence and it is time to not to believe in it but to accept it.

sapphi_snake said:
Allfreedom99 said:

I'm sorry for the length of this post, but I think it sheds light on this subject if you read what I have to say...This topic as seen will always ignite debates with different belief systems. Of course everyone is entitled to their belief system but ultimately something happened that caused us to exist. So the question will always be asked.

I am seeing some on here imply that the existence of God contradicts Science and that it is impossible for one to believe in a God if they adhere completely to Science. This is ABSOLUTELY false. I will explain my viewpoint. One can indeed believe in God as well as adhere to Science.

Science indeed will always be science. Man will continually learn more of what Science already knows as science develops with new tools, new methods, and new events allowing for man to study science using mathematics, physics, ect. I concur that Science has yet to disprove that a higher power exists. Also we must say that man using Science cannot simply use a platform that captures the energy of a higher being that they can use the scientific method on. All a Scientist can do when trying to answer the question of if God exists is base the result on circumstantial evidence they can gather in the universe for the basics of life to exist.

When you take the question of where the universe began you have to look at when and how it all began. We ultimately have two options to choose from here.

1. In the beginning there was only space, time, and gravity that existed. From a singular point over an undetermined amount of time the universe began to be formed. (Without an intelligent being through mathematical possibilities and chance)

2. In the beginning a vastly intelligent and powerful being either began the process or created everything we know in the universe. (With a vastly intelligent being).

So you have to choose which option you will go. No matter what theory you come up with  on how the universe began you will always get to the starting point when it was either an intelligent being or only space, time, gravity that started the universe through mathematical possibilities. To use Science one must have logic. Without logic existing there would be no understanding of Science, nor any way to utilize mathematics at all.

My argument is that we by no means can have what exists today without some kind of intelligent being that set these things in place.

One of the stumbling blocks for any explanation of the universe without an intelligent designer is the fact that we have logic. Time and Time again you cannot put dead matter into a test environment and eventually come out with something that has obtained logic. Science proves this, does it not? There are many other factors I could discuss but based on the existence of logic alone that is absolute evidence of an intelligent creator whom we would refer to as God of the Universe.

Logic isn't something that "exists", it is a "tool" that was invented by humans, and that humans use. Your argument takes into consideration very limited possibilities.

Logic isn't something that exists? you must not be understanding me. You have logic and I have logic. We have the ability to give and experience reasoning. To discern and understand. yes, logic is something that exists. No scientific test that I am aware of suggests that dead matter will eventually obtain understanding, and the ability to reason. Dead matter is dead matter. You and I have the ability to understand and discern, because we were designed that way. If we look to Science then a universe with no intelligence to begin it is impossible.

You say I am giving limited possibilities, then what other possibilities do you suggest to explain the beginnings of our universe?

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Sri Lumpa said:
snakenobi said:
i read it somewhere.

google it you will find it.

different scientists have different ways of proving it.

You are the one claiming it exists, the burden of proof is on you. You don't have to prove the theory, just that it exists.

If Hydrogen and Nitrogen collide you get ammonia. Sure, you could then use that ammonia as a feedstock to create a bomb but it is not the kind of bang the big bang theory talks about.

The problem about that theory and especially with claiming it to be a big bang theory is that the big bang theory is about the early stages of the universe whereas that theory talks about what would have been before this universe. Even if we were to find out that the universe would eventually stop expanding and start contracting in a reverse big bang (a big crunch) which would eventually explode again it still would have nothing to do with hydrogen and nitrogen atoms but would be due to the gravitational force.

burden,you make this sound like a war?

i gave it as of the reasons,never said its the correct one.

alrite,i would agree.never said you were wrong.

Rath said:
snakenobi said:
Sri Lumpa said:

I already asked you in a previous post for a source for that but it might have been overlooked as it was a long post so let me ask again:

Could you please link us to the source of that specific big bang theory you insist exists that involves Nitrogen and Hydrogen colliding? And the name of the scientist(s) putting it forward too, please. Note that said scientist should be from a relevant field, otherwise it would be like an imam proposing a theory on transmogrification in the catholic faith.

I ask because no scientist in the relevant fields worth half his diploma would utter a theory of the big bang displaying such a fundamental lack of understanding of the very concept of the big bang and I suspect that you either badly misunderstood something you read about it. The alternative is that you are making things up.

i read it somewhere.

google it you will find it.

different scientists have different ways of proving it.


Nobody with any knowledge of the subject - let along a scientist in the field - would ever claim that hydrogen and nitrogen caused the big bang. Why? Because it's a load of utter bollocks. Hydrogen and nitrogen didn't exist when the big bang occured. Continuing to claim it just makes you look really really ignorant on the subject.

i did say that it was one of the theories i heard.i did not say i know big bang completely and am the correct isn't being ignorant.chk my first sentence.i never said that is the most accepted theory or the correct one.

I don't believe in God. The very concept of a God seems absurd to me.
I don't fully believe in the Big Bang because it's very difficult to understand such a thing.


Runa216 said:
Player1x3 said:

Runa216 said:


and no, I said that faith is believing in something without adequate (or no) supporting evidence.  stop twisting my words, no wonder it's so hard to argue with those of faith. 

Read again. its really not hard to understand.

In your replay to that american guy Kazs206, you said ''Faith is to believe something regardless of the facts, or lack thereof'' To believe in something regardless of the facts indicates that you meant faith is something you believe in despite the facts showing otherwise. I noted you also said, lack therof, which is why I used ''You seem'' I didnt said you directly said it, but rather it seemed you drift towards the tought

*eyetwitch*  just stop it, seriously.  Lack of disproof is not proof.  not going up doesn't mean you're going down.  Believing in something in regardless of the facts is not the same as believing in something that's been proven wrong.  They are not the same thing and stop assuming they are.  

Beleiveing in something regardless of the facts means that you are ignoring or denying the facts, thats why the word ''regardless'' is there, and why would you choose to ignore or deny something if it doesnt go aginst your beliefs? 

You can keep on playing the words game but your point is still very unclear to me. Why can't I follow science and beleive in God at the same time? Answer to this or dont answer at all.

Kirameo said:
I don't believe in God. The very concept of a God seems absurd to me.
I don't fully believe in the Big Bang because it's very difficult to understand such a thing.

Im just curious why the concept of God seems absurd to you? Also would you care to elaborate on your point of view?