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Rath said:
snakenobi said:
Sri Lumpa said:

I already asked you in a previous post for a source for that but it might have been overlooked as it was a long post so let me ask again:

Could you please link us to the source of that specific big bang theory you insist exists that involves Nitrogen and Hydrogen colliding? And the name of the scientist(s) putting it forward too, please. Note that said scientist should be from a relevant field, otherwise it would be like an imam proposing a theory on transmogrification in the catholic faith.

I ask because no scientist in the relevant fields worth half his diploma would utter a theory of the big bang displaying such a fundamental lack of understanding of the very concept of the big bang and I suspect that you either badly misunderstood something you read about it. The alternative is that you are making things up.

i read it somewhere.

google it you will find it.

different scientists have different ways of proving it.


Nobody with any knowledge of the subject - let along a scientist in the field - would ever claim that hydrogen and nitrogen caused the big bang. Why? Because it's a load of utter bollocks. Hydrogen and nitrogen didn't exist when the big bang occured. Continuing to claim it just makes you look really really ignorant on the subject.

i did say that it was one of the theories i heard.i did not say i know big bang completely and am the correct isn't being ignorant.chk my first sentence.i never said that is the most accepted theory or the correct one.