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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%

I guess the GT5 x Forza 3 comparative is not the better choice... 49 votes and just 5-6 comments about... Reach x R2 and Gears x MGS4 was more comments.

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RolStoppable said:
The justification for voting for Forza 3 is selfexplanatory, so why do people need to post that it is the definitive racing game of this generation?

Besides, I don't see anyone complaining that not every vote for GT5 has been justified with a post in this thread or every single vote of the previous polls for that matter.

That is a matter of opinion. But I agree that the bias of lack of comments is towards Forza. There have been like 2 for GT5 (Including myself). Threads like this are tough though to get civil conversations.

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RolStoppable said:
The justification for voting for Forza 3 is selfexplanatory, so why do people need to post that it is the definitive racing game of this generation?

Besides, I don't see anyone complaining that not every vote for GT5 has been justified with a post in this thread or every single vote of the previous polls for that matter.

Well your right it is a very delicate matter the GT5 vs Forza 3 has been going on for months and it often lead to flaming and all sorts of things that were irreleveant. 

I'm voting for GT5. Here are a couple reasons.

-Forza 3 and Forza4(from the vids have floaty cars). They appear to float on the tracks but don't interect with them. GT5 on the other hand the cars interact much better with the road, if you bump a car, hit a curb or just driving, the cars respond better.

-Overall the graphics are much better in GT5, you can't beat their premium models. The higher resoultion also makes a big difference when playing at 1080p.

I voted FM3, one because you did not supply an option to see the results so hence forced a vote, two because of the higher number of PS3 usrers on the forum it needed help, third because FM3 is just more fun was available first and the next version will be here again soon and it supplied a serious competitor to the GT series and continues to force the pace.

All in All though I would not of voted at all if I had the option to see the results.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.
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welshbloke said:
I voted FM3, one because you did not supply an option to see the results so hence forced a vote, two because of the higher number of PS3 usrers on the forum it needed help, third because FM3 is just more fun was available first and the next version will be here again soon and it supplied a serious competitor to the GT series and continues to force the pace.

All in All though I would not of voted at all if I had the option to see the results.

See the results would have been just cheap. Because then people would have voted for the one that had less points and not the one they acutally did prefer.

Well anyways I think I should be chaning the topic to something else. What should it be? I'm thinking Uncharted 2 vs Mass Effect 2. But I also need something to compare with God of War 3. Alan Wake I guess?

I dont know why every time a 360 game doesn't win the excuse is always "ps3 fans in VGC blah blah blah" grow the fuck up halo reach won over resistance 2 and no1 complained about 360 fanboys now did they?

Anyways GT5 it is.

1. has much more features than forza 3(cart racing,day night cycle,weather,rally,cart racing).
2.Its a better sim racer hands down when were talking soley pure sim that is while forza is more arcady.

Wait, am I suppose to vote GT5 versus Forza?

I vote Forza Motorsport 3, and I have played over 60 hours of each game. Reasons.

  • No Porsches...literally the most important car company in the world is absent completly. 911 is the most important car.
  • Every car has in car view, I can't stand playing outside of in car view.
  • Forza 3 has a much better selection of cars. Yes there are only 500 car, but I find that GT5 filled at least 300 car with just crap. No Minivans in Forza, no repeat cars (Some cars in GT5 are just EU and NA Spec, but are identical mechanically. Some have limited paint jobs), and no joke cars. Forza has more of the good cars, but GT5 has concepts.
  • GT5's garage library feels like it stops in 2007 (especially for US cars). The latest Mustang in GT5 is the old 2007 model, where the V8 GT is only 300HP. Forza has that mustang as well as the newer 400hp V8, yet it's an older game.
  • Forza feels more realistic, I've driven a few cars in GT5 and Forza in real life. The standard cars in GT5 are just way off. Engine sound is wrong, cars characteristics are wrong. GT5 really feels like only a 200 car game.
  • Forza is a better Simulator, but not by much. Both have their advantages, and it may just be the Microsoft steering wheel over Logitech, but Forza feels more right with me.
  • Better AI and Damage in Forza, GT5 feels like a joke when I can ram into people to help me corner.
  • Graphics are better in Forza. There is no denying, Prenium cars in GT5 > Forza 3 cars. However overall Forza has better graphics because all the cars look really good (not just 20%), and I feel track details in Forza are better.
  • Forza also is more generous with car purchases, I get to drive all the cars of my dreams, not just one or two.

Also in case I miss the Halo Reach versus MGS4 vote, count one vote for Halo from me. MGS was never a type of game I enjoyed. Too short, no replay value, too corny, and far too cinematic focused. Halo to be is more interesting, and multiplayer is plain addictive.

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its too unfair to put gear 2 against mgs4 since mgs4 has wayyyyyyyyyy more fan