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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:
Carl2291 said:
CGI-Quality said:

I know, I was just giving you a hard time. Seems I need to be careful when doing that these days though.

Pft, I can hardly blame you for thinking I hate God of War. After all, it is Sony 1st party, and Sony 1st party sucks balls.

I'm sorry but the Uncharted series, God of War series, GT series, Killzone series, Twisted Metal series, Infamous series, LBP series and much more games are not good now? Lol Sony has the best First party by far and the most versitale. That is almost unqeustionable! 

Sony has the most first party IP's, but I wouldn't say the best. Everyone has their preference, but I think in General Nintendo has the best, and MS has a few highly sought after franchises.

Don't hate me, I'm just saying everyone has their own preference. Even SEGA can bring out a masterpeice once in a while (VC, Sonic Colors, Panzer Dragoon, etc).

why are u still arguing???? dsage is pretty much right, even a xbox fan will agree. oh please dont tell me that u think Ms first party are better

Cause Sony first party is so amazing. How many exclusives came out for the ps3 this year? And how many were AAA? What happen to quality over quantity? There will be only 2 AAA exclusives for ps3 this year, uncharted and LBP. Thats sad considering that there are 20 or so exclusives that came and will come out for the ps3 this year and how almost all were hyped sky high. There will be 2 AAA Xbox exclusives this year Gears and Forza. So in my opinion Sony's lineup isnt that much more better, since the best games this year are multiplats and each console will only have like 2 AAA exclusives.

Its all preference, and in my opinion Nitendo has the best first party out of all three consoles. 

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worldlyfall said:

What happen to quality over quantity? 

Quality + Quantity > Quality

worldlyfall said:

There will be only 2 AAA exclusives for ps3 this year, uncharted and LBP. 

There was also MLB: The Show 2011. Team ICO Collection could also achieve a 90 Meta. That's three so far, potentially being four at the end of the year.

worldlyfall said:

Thats sad considering that there are 20 or so exclusives that came and will come out for the ps3 this year and how almost all were hyped sky high.

20, no. there were less than 10 this year so far for sure. 

And the only ones hyped sky high were Killzone 3 & LittleBigPlanet 2. inFamous 2 had hype, but I wouldn't say it's hype was sky high.

worldlyfall said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:
Carl2291 said:
CGI-Quality said:

I know, I was just giving you a hard time. Seems I need to be careful when doing that these days though.

Pft, I can hardly blame you for thinking I hate God of War. After all, it is Sony 1st party, and Sony 1st party sucks balls.

I'm sorry but the Uncharted series, God of War series, GT series, Killzone series, Twisted Metal series, Infamous series, LBP series and much more games are not good now? Lol Sony has the best First party by far and the most versitale. That is almost unqeustionable! 

Sony has the most first party IP's, but I wouldn't say the best. Everyone has their preference, but I think in General Nintendo has the best, and MS has a few highly sought after franchises.

Don't hate me, I'm just saying everyone has their own preference. Even SEGA can bring out a masterpeice once in a while (VC, Sonic Colors, Panzer Dragoon, etc).

why are u still arguing???? dsage is pretty much right, even a xbox fan will agree. oh please dont tell me that u think Ms first party are better

Cause Sony first party is so amazing. How many exclusives came out for the ps3 this year? And how many were AAA? What happen to quality over quantity? There will be only 2 AAA exclusives for ps3 this year, uncharted and LBP. Thats sad considering that there are 20 or so exclusives that came and will come out for the ps3 this year and how almost all were hyped sky high. There will be 2 AAA Xbox exclusives this year Gears and Forza. So in my opinion Sony's lineup isnt that much more better, since the best games this year are multiplats and each console will only have like 2 AAA exclusives.

Its all preference, and in my opinion Nitendo has the best first party out of all three consoles. 

wrong sony still got more 1st party suppourt than Microsoft, idk about nintendo and stop being a troll and all microsoft got to release 2 games, haha yeah enjoy ur only 2 game bye

Jay520 said:
worldlyfall said:

What happen to quality over quantity? 

Quality + Quantity > Quality

worldlyfall said:

There will be only 2 AAA exclusives for ps3 this year, uncharted and LBP. 

There was also MLB: The Show 2011. Team ICO Collection could also achieve a 90 Meta. That's three so far, potentially being four at the end of the year.

worldlyfall said:

Thats sad considering that there are 20 or so exclusives that came and will come out for the ps3 this year and how almost all were hyped sky high.

20, no. there were less than 10 this year so far for sure. 

And the only ones hyped sky high were Killzone 3 & LittleBigPlanet 2. inFamous 2 had hype, but I wouldn't say it's hype was sky high.

Killzone 3 had almost no hype compared to Killzone 2. Infamous 2 had some hype. And LBP 2 was the only one that was even near to being hyped sky high. Uncharted 3 is the only one which will most likely have the sky high hype your talking about. And yes Jay520 is right there are only around 10.

The finals is here! One of the most popular threads on VGC is coming to an end. With a predicted of 1000 + posts by the end of this thread! (Hopefully!) God of War 3 vs Metal Gear Solid 4 which will take EXCLUSIVE OF THE GEN?

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Metal Gear Solid 4

Because the sales of this game, helped the series come to 360.


Oh gosh. This is really tough but I'm gonna have to sort this out.

Tied. Both had an amazing story line the two best this gen.

God of War 3. Mostly because it came out later. But MGS4 looked really good when it came out. Heck it still looks amazing today

God of War took this one. It's probably one of the best this gen. From killzone Poisden and Hades to all those amazing puzzles to the epic ending.

Extra Content;
MGS4 because it has an addicting MP. This was the only reason why God of War 3 wasn't a perfect game for me.

Sound/ Music:
Both were really epic but God of War edges it out for me.

So overall I think God of War 3 wins for me in this round. Being my second favorite exclusive of all time. Just next to Uncharted 2.

GOW3 is gonna win. But I'll let the reviews and the sales talk for themselves.

my god.... both of these games were dissapointments to me... mgs4. On the theory of mgs is always better than gow :)

GOW because i love it