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worldlyfall said:

What happen to quality over quantity? 

Quality + Quantity > Quality

worldlyfall said:

There will be only 2 AAA exclusives for ps3 this year, uncharted and LBP. 

There was also MLB: The Show 2011. Team ICO Collection could also achieve a 90 Meta. That's three so far, potentially being four at the end of the year.

worldlyfall said:

Thats sad considering that there are 20 or so exclusives that came and will come out for the ps3 this year and how almost all were hyped sky high.

20, no. there were less than 10 this year so far for sure. 

And the only ones hyped sky high were Killzone 3 & LittleBigPlanet 2. inFamous 2 had hype, but I wouldn't say it's hype was sky high.