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Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%
pezus said:

I don't really dislike God of War, I just think Reach, Valkyria and MGS are better


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CGI-Quality said:

I know, I was just giving you a hard time. Seems I need to be careful when doing that these days though.

Pft, I can hardly blame you for thinking I hate God of War. After all, it is Sony 1st party, and Sony 1st party sucks balls.


Carl2291 said:
CGI-Quality said:

I know, I was just giving you a hard time. Seems I need to be careful when doing that these days though.

Pft, I can hardly blame you for thinking I hate God of War. After all, it is Sony 1st party, and Sony 1st party sucks balls.

Hey, shut up....douche.


SqueakySamurai said:

Hey, shut up....douche.


Great Scott.



Carl2291 said:
SqueakySamurai said:

Hey, shut up....douche.


Great Scott.


Well gee whiz.

Around the Network
Carl2291 said:
CGI-Quality said:

I know, I was just giving you a hard time. Seems I need to be careful when doing that these days though.

Pft, I can hardly blame you for thinking I hate God of War. After all, it is Sony 1st party, and Sony 1st party sucks balls.

I'm sorry but the Uncharted series, God of War series, GT series, Killzone series, Twisted Metal series, Infamous series, LBP series and much more games are not good now? Lol Sony has the best First party by far and the most versitale. That is almost unqeustionable! 

dsage01 said:
Carl2291 said:
CGI-Quality said:

I know, I was just giving you a hard time. Seems I need to be careful when doing that these days though.

Pft, I can hardly blame you for thinking I hate God of War. After all, it is Sony 1st party, and Sony 1st party sucks balls.

I'm sorry but the Uncharted series, God of War series, GT series, Killzone series, Twisted Metal series, Infamous series, LBP series and much more games are not good now? Lol Sony has the best First party by far and the most versitale. That is almost unqeustionable! 

Honestly I couldn't agree more. On a side note I do wish Alan Wake would sell more for the 360 side since those type of games that try to break away from the usual are what advance the industry. *********************************SPOILER******************************************************************************* In Reach the only death that wasn't a cliche and was well done was Kat's. Kinda reminded you of that guy in Saving Private Ryan who's helmet saved him the first time "look LOL my helmet saved me from a headshot!!!" *second bullets hits the same spot and kills him. It was abrupt and noone saw it coming. Reach's story felt somewhat lacking, but gameplay held its own, the guns were refined and the armor buff types were a nice touch. It was definitely worth the price tage instead of the mediocre ODST. GOW3 just offered me nonstop fun all the way to my platinum trophy, with exception of the cerberus you fight when you land near the 3 judges AFTER the labyrinth (on chaos mode of course). The only minor gripe I have in GOW is that I would have preferred a fight with Athena.

Make games, not war (that goes for ridiculous fanboys)

I may be the next Maelstorm or not, you be the judge  hopefully I can be more of an asset than a fanboy to VGC hehe.

kickazz113 said:
worldlyfall said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

its metacritisc score its 9.1 jaja lower than little big planet 2 and it sold 8 million lol not even 10 yet

Such as child cannot even spell. Are your saying Little Big Planet is a better game than Halo?  And even if you are why, there two totally different games, apple and oranges dude. Plus why are you laughing at Reach's sales they are better than any playstation exclusive and after 11 months of being on the market is still inside Vg weekly sales charts.


Anyways my pick would have to be Halo Reach. Thousands of hours of pretty much the best console FPS vs. 12 hours or so of the best hack and slash. I go with more bang for my buck.

lolol if u wanna troll then troll harder and im not laughting at it it hasnt reach 10 million but someone made a false statement said it did, so learn how to read :(

Do you really think Halo: Reach won't break 10 million? It's at 8.5 million and growing strong. It will sell 10 million units plus, there is nothing wrong with my statement.

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CGI-Quality said:
Carl2291 said:

I don't really dislike God of War, I just think Reach, Valkyria and MGS are better

I know, I was just giving you a hard time. Seems I need to be careful when doing that these days though.

Ahh memories....

It's just in forums, everyone has strongly different opinions, and people need time to get to know pushy debaters like us.

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Heavenly_King said:
pezus said:
Jay520 said:
enrageorange said:
damn, god of war 3 was a fun game but seriously... There are many other better hack and slash games in terms of combat, but I guess people will always enjoy the easy games that make them feel the most badass. I'm not surprised god of war is beating halo reach, I'm just surprised its beating every game it goes against by so much. I mean I've been disappointed with other ps3 exclusives simply because I don't enjoy their genres too miuch. But I love hack and slash games, and was surprised at how disappointed most of the game was other than a few of the boss fights.

Yes sir!

What, since when were the GoW games easy?

I guess it depends on the skill you have.    If you can finish Shinobi (PS2) in very hard and avoid getting hit, then you could say God of War in Chaos is quite easy, but i dont think many people in the world can achieve that.

For me GOW´s difficulty is perfect not easy and not frustating; and if I want to try a harder mode there is always chaos mode. ( in order to get killed over, and over, and over, and over again :D )

As someone who isn't even a fan of the franchise, I can vouch that God of War's difficulty is great. Not too hard, but not too easy. There are some action games harder then GoW3, but some of those are soo difficult, they aren't even fun, and they make fun of you when you play on easy or normal (Ninja Gaiden). GoW is a well made game.


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