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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%

God of War 3 story, gameplay and everything was just amazing. From start to Finish it captivated me all the way through. Reach's campaign on the other hand was long but the worst out of all the Halo's. But Halo's online mode and co-op were just really great. But there are very few games that give me the thrill (even today) what God of War 3 gives me. I still play it from time to time as of now. The only exclusive better than God of War 3 to me is Uncharted 2. So my vote goes to God of War 3

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damn, god of war 3 was a fun game but seriously... There are many other better hack and slash games in terms of combat, but I guess people will always enjoy the easy games that make them feel the most badass. I'm not surprised god of war is beating halo reach, I'm just surprised its beating every game it goes against by so much. I mean I've been disappointed with other ps3 exclusives simply because I don't enjoy their genres too miuch. But I love hack and slash games, and was surprised at how disappointed most of the game was other than a few of the boss fights.

kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

its metacritisc score its 9.1 jaja lower than little big planet 2 and it sold 8 million lol not even 10 yet

Such as child cannot even spell. Are your saying Little Big Planet is a better game than Halo?  And even if you are why, there two totally different games, apple and oranges dude. Plus why are you laughing at Reach's sales they are better than any playstation exclusive and after 11 months of being on the market is still inside Vg weekly sales charts.


Anyways my pick would have to be Halo Reach. Thousands of hours of pretty much the best console FPS vs. 12 hours or so of the best hack and slash. I go with more bang for my buck.

In the Final match, I dont know for which game to vote, MGS4 or GOW3. For me the 2 are the best games I have played so it is hard to decide between the 2 of them. Is there a possibility to have a tie for first place?? :D

enrageorange said:
damn, god of war 3 was a fun game but seriously... There are many other better hack and slash games in terms of combat, but I guess people will always enjoy the easy games that make them feel the most badass. I'm not surprised god of war is beating halo reach, I'm just surprised its beating every game it goes against by so much. I mean I've been disappointed with other ps3 exclusives simply because I don't enjoy their genres too miuch. But I love hack and slash games, and was surprised at how disappointed most of the game was other than a few of the boss fights.

Yes sir!

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CGI-Quality said:
worldlyfall said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

its metacritisc score its 9.1 jaja lower than little big planet 2 and it sold 8 million lol not even 10 yet

Such as child cannot even spell. Are your saying Little Big Planet is a better game than Halo?  And even if you are why, there two totally different games, apple and oranges dude. Plus why are you laughing at Reach's sales they are better than any playstation exclusive and after 11 months of being on the market is still inside Vg weekly sales charts.


Anyways my pick would have to be Halo Reach. Thousands of hours of pretty much the best console FPS vs. 12 hours or so of the best hack and slash. I go with more bang for my buck.

You have to see the irony in pointing out that LBP and Halo are two totally different games and then voting in God of War III vs Halo: Reach's case (also an apples to orange comparison).

I also don't think he was laughing at Reach's sales, but pointing out that it hadn't reached the number Michael-5 was speaking of.

lol I did not even realize that, but still my reasoning for choosing Halo over GOW still holds up cause it dosnt matter what genre a game is you can still compare replayability.

Maybe kickazz113 should use commas or something, that would make it easier for someone to understand what he is saying.

CGI-Quality said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

its metacritisc score its 9.1 jaja lower than little big planet 2 and it sold 8 million lol not even 10 yet

In his defense, he didn't say "there's a reason Halo games have a 95/100 Metascore". What he did say however is true (although God of War always gets those kinds of reviews as well).

Really, Halo & God of War aren't comparable in any realistic sense, but if it were based mainly on content and replayability, Halo is the victor without much trouble.

God of War is a great game, I'm just not a big fan of the action genre, and not a fan of pointless brutal violence. Halo isn't exactly the most plotworthy game either, but it's not as dark as God of War (common - Grunt Happy Birthday?). I'm a fan of the sci-fi genre, and the concept of playing a game on another Earth like planet, which is actually the moon of a gas giant, intrigues me.

Also, yea I wasn't refering to metascore. I'm not 100% sure about this, but both games typically get 95/100 or greater scores on the websites I check up on (Gametrailers, IGN, VGC, some others too).

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pezus said:
Jay520 said:
enrageorange said:
damn, god of war 3 was a fun game but seriously... There are many other better hack and slash games in terms of combat, but I guess people will always enjoy the easy games that make them feel the most badass. I'm not surprised god of war is beating halo reach, I'm just surprised its beating every game it goes against by so much. I mean I've been disappointed with other ps3 exclusives simply because I don't enjoy their genres too miuch. But I love hack and slash games, and was surprised at how disappointed most of the game was other than a few of the boss fights.

Yes sir!

What, since when were the GoW games easy?

I guess it depends on the skill you have.    If you can finish Shinobi (PS2) in very hard and avoid getting hit, then you could say God of War in Chaos is quite easy, but i dont think many people in the world can achieve that.

For me GOW´s difficulty is perfect not easy and not frustating; and if I want to try a harder mode there is always chaos mode. ( in order to get killed over, and over, and over, and over again :D )

worldlyfall said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

its metacritisc score its 9.1 jaja lower than little big planet 2 and it sold 8 million lol not even 10 yet

Such as child cannot even spell. Are your saying Little Big Planet is a better game than Halo?  And even if you are why, there two totally different games, apple and oranges dude. Plus why are you laughing at Reach's sales they are better than any playstation exclusive and after 11 months of being on the market is still inside Vg weekly sales charts.


Anyways my pick would have to be Halo Reach. Thousands of hours of pretty much the best console FPS vs. 12 hours or so of the best hack and slash. I go with more bang for my buck.

lolol if u wanna troll then troll harder and im not laughting at it it hasnt reach 10 million but someone made a false statement said it did, so learn how to read :(

worldlyfall said:
CGI-Quality said:
worldlyfall said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

its metacritisc score its 9.1 jaja lower than little big planet 2 and it sold 8 million lol not even 10 yet

Such as child cannot even spell. Are your saying Little Big Planet is a better game than Halo?  And even if you are why, there two totally different games, apple and oranges dude. Plus why are you laughing at Reach's sales they are better than any playstation exclusive and after 11 months of being on the market is still inside Vg weekly sales charts.


Anyways my pick would have to be Halo Reach. Thousands of hours of pretty much the best console FPS vs. 12 hours or so of the best hack and slash. I go with more bang for my buck.

You have to see the irony in pointing out that LBP and Halo are two totally different games and then voting in God of War III vs Halo: Reach's case (also an apples to orange comparison).

I also don't think he was laughing at Reach's sales, but pointing out that it hadn't reached the number Michael-5 was speaking of.

lol I did not even realize that, but still my reasoning for choosing Halo over GOW still holds up cause it dosnt matter what genre a game is you can still compare replayability.

Maybe kickazz113 should use commas or something, that would make it easier for someone to understand what he is saying.

ur gramma are no better maybe you should learn to READ not trying to be a troll just saying