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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%
Jay520 said:
Michael-5 said:-

You are right, this vote is like comparing Apples to Oranges, but that Halo Orange is a big Orange. Halo should out vote Heavy Rain, not because it's a better game (both are excellent), but because as a $60 purchase, you get more out of Halo. For the same reason I would expect Halo to out vote Alan Wake, and I would expect GT to do the same as Halo.

Just because a game lasts longer doesn't mean the game is better. If a person doesn't like the gameplay of Reach as much as Heavy Rain, then the length of Reach is irrelevant. A short game can very well be as satisfying as an extremely long game.

Take SOTC for example. It's one of my favorite games of all time, yet I could beat in about 9 hours. It was one of the most engaging and moving 9 hours I've ever spent in a video game, and apparantly people feel the same for Heavy Rain. Compare that to a game like GT5. It's okay. I'm not a huge fan of simulators, but I can bare them. Sure it's extremely long, you can sink hundreds of hours into, but that doesn't change the fact that the gameplay isn't as "fun" as a game like say, SOTC or even Heavy Rain. If someone asked me what game I liked better between GT5 and SOTC, I'm not going to say "GT5 because as $60 purchase, I get more out of GT5". No, that wouldn't make sense. GT5 is good and all, but SOTC was a much more fun and unique experince. Apparantly, people feel the same with Reach and Heavy Rain.

I'm not saying people don't like the gameplay of Reach, it's that they don't like it as much as Heavy Rain, which is purely subjective, and unaffected by the length a game.

Michael: I did say there should be some people who voted for Heavy Rain because they aren't FPS/Halo fans, or they really loved Heavy Rain. I agree with your point 100%, but the amount of people who played (and to fully appreciate, beat) Heavy Rain or SOTC are few in number. So to except the number of people to choose an almost niche (it's not niche, but compared to Halo it is) genre over the trend setting best seller shouldn't be expected. Quantity =/= Quality, but Halo is a quality title too.

Michael-5 said:-

Obviously some people not a fan of the FPS franchise should vote Heavy Rain, especially those who replayed the game multipler times. However this is the best selling HD exclusive were talking about here, it's should be outclassed by a game which sells a fifth as many units. Quality aside, when you're hungry, the big Orange will be more appealing then the small tasty Apple.

Sales don't make a game better at all. Halo selling five times as much as Heavy Rain isn't going to make Halo Reach a better game.

Take Demon's Souls for example. It's held by many as one of the best games of the generation, yet it only sold approx. 1.15m. On the other hand, COD MW2 sold over 20m units. If someone asked me what game I liked better between Demon's Souls and MW2, I'm not going to say "MW2 because it sold more, thus, outclassing Demon's Souls". No, that doesn't make any sense. If you ask people their opinions of a game, that's what you're going to get: their opinions of the game, regardless of how many units the game sold. Apparantly people feel Heavy Rain is the better game.

Taking a look at your sig, I could ask you why you have games like TLG and Xenoblade, which will likely have low sales, as opposed to a higher selling game like MW3. You'll say because you prefer TLG and Xenoblade regardless of their sales, which is completely understandable.

I get what you're driving at, but when you compare Modern Warfare to some Japanese developed RPG's, you should expect MW to win. Both franchises are good (I love MW), and I personally would likely vote the Japanese franchise, but most of the Japanese franchises in my sig are low volume, relativly niche titles.

So yes, I would expect people to vote for these games, I probably would, but at the same time I expect there to be few people like me voting. I'm sure of this because every website or thread I read about these niche-like RPG's, I see very few supporters of these games.

Honestly, if GT5 were against Heavy Rain, GT5 would win by a landslide.

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CGI-Quality said:
Michael-5 said:

Maybe we could make our own serial killer and have multiplayer matchmaking where everyone tries to kill each other. The trick is when you attack or dodge, you have to follow one of the button sequence events.

You are right, this vote is like comparing Apples to Oranges, but that Halo Orange is a big Orange. Halo should out vote Heavy Rain, not because it's a better game (both are excellent), but because as a $60 purchase, you get more out of Halo. For the same reason I would expect Halo to out vote Alan Wake, and I would expect GT to do the same as Halo.

Obviously some people not a fan of the FPS franchise should vote Heavy Rain, especially those who replayed the game multipler times. However this is the best selling HD exclusive were talking about here, it's should be outclassed by a game which sells a fifth as many units. Quality aside, when you're hungry, the big Orange will be more appealing then the small tasty Apple.

I think dsage made this comparision to get a 360 game to win against a PS3 title, but clearly, since many people don't own a 360 here, they probably just instinctivly vote the PS3 game.

I think you'd be surprised how many more people own 360s on this site than people assume.

Well maybe people do, and I am being a bit rough on the PS3 (it's a great system deserving of a large fanbase), but most multi-console owners here likely bought a PS3 before a 360 (opposite of me).

CGI Said:

dsage01 said:
Gosh poor Micheal 5 getting in an argument with every one. No one really tries to understand what the guy is saying. Anyways Heavy Rain winning 41-28!! Now I have to admit this is getting really biased. So now I will do PS3 vs PS3 games and 360 vs 360 games (oh wait only one is going through). But almost everyone I know doesn't like Heavy Rain at all. Yet it still tends to crush Halo Reach which people claim (best FPS ever). I can grantee you the 41 people who voted Heavy Rain out of that half of the people haven't played the game but just cause they own a PS3 they vote for that game. Gosh this is really sad. I think maybe I should make a multiplat comparison ex: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood vs Red Dead Redemption so it will be a lot more fair

I don't think you can complain much about the results. Besides the fact that some of these comparisons just didn't make any sense,  there's not much that should be too shocking here (mainly because, again, you see the site as so Sony biased). Why create a topic asking for people's opinions and then frown when one side isn't favored in the votes? How do you know 41 people didn't like and/or played HR or whatever other title they voted for?

When you do threads like this, you should exercise a little more flexibility. Otherwise, it comes off as you just doing these comparisons to spark flames.

Michael-5: How do you guys doublt quote?

;-( for arguements against me.

I think dsage had good intentions comparing PS3 to 360 exclusives, but for any leftover votes, or threads. You should compare games within that console, or compare multiplatform games to each other. The only reason why this Sony biased website stuff is comming into play is because dsage is shocked at how much most of the votes lean towards PS3 games. We all expected PS3 games to win most of the time, but if the only AAA game a 360 exclusive can beat is Resistance, then it's sad that people don't appreciate the 360 exclusives very much here.

*sign* stares at Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia...... ;-(

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Okay popularity doesn't really mean that the person likes the game more just cause it's more popular. But if a game like Heavy Rain beats Halo Reach than in starts to get crazy. Right after this exclusive thing I'm gonna compare multiplat games (on the same thread)( yo-john 117 knows my plans.)

Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, but that's because PS3 was r*ping the 360 for the first half of 2010 with it's Slim model vs. 360's fat one. PS3 gained a lot of ground in the window from fall 2009-fall 2010, but since then PS3/360 sales have been pretty even. The fact that 360 caught up so many sales in fall 2010 is amazing on its own.

yet it still didnt outsell ps3, come on man i know you tried but ps3 is beating xbox YEARLY sale from 2009 to today

No garentee PS3 will beat 360 for 2011 year. The analysts to the link I gave you believe 2011 will be a draw.

If you look at yearly sales figures, of course 2009 and 2010 favor PS3. The Slim model vastly helped PS3 sales, but now that the PS3 Slim effect is over, PS3 and 360 are selling on par. This is what I am trying to explain to you.

mmmm no this year ps3 is 1 million ahead.........and yea did u read mine???? mine said ps3 will sale 15 million xbox  13 millon wii will drop to 10 million................arrr this is taking forever lol

For the last time. I said for the last 12 months of sales, PS3 and 360 sales are on par (360 is slightly more). This means August 2010 to Today.

If you continue to ignore what I'm saying, I can't debate with you.

dude last 12 is 2010 right?????? ps3 sold 1 million more again i said total year sale, ps3 beat it every years since 09

NO!! Last 12 months, August 2010 to August 2011. PS3 sold less in that timeframe.

As for 2011, Sony and MS both plan to sell 15 million consoles for their fisical years (Sony ends in March, MS ends in June), and many alalysts believe PS3 and 360 will sell on par for 2011. PS3 is ahead, but very few doubt that the 360 won't be the best selling console for the holidays.

I think you're just messing around now.

im talking about yearly sale geezzzz......... ps3 beat xbox still no matter if xbox sold more in holiday, and NO the anaysis SAID ps3 will sell about 15 million and xbox 13 million this years gezzz did u even understand the article i sent u?????? or u just have problem understand english????

kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, but that's because PS3 was r*ping the 360 for the first half of 2010 with it's Slim model vs. 360's fat one. PS3 gained a lot of ground in the window from fall 2009-fall 2010, but since then PS3/360 sales have been pretty even. The fact that 360 caught up so many sales in fall 2010 is amazing on its own.

yet it still didnt outsell ps3, come on man i know you tried but ps3 is beating xbox YEARLY sale from 2009 to today

No garentee PS3 will beat 360 for 2011 year. The analysts to the link I gave you believe 2011 will be a draw.

If you look at yearly sales figures, of course 2009 and 2010 favor PS3. The Slim model vastly helped PS3 sales, but now that the PS3 Slim effect is over, PS3 and 360 are selling on par. This is what I am trying to explain to you.

mmmm no this year ps3 is 1 million ahead.........and yea did u read mine???? mine said ps3 will sale 15 million xbox  13 millon wii will drop to 10 million................arrr this is taking forever lol

For the last time. I said for the last 12 months of sales, PS3 and 360 sales are on par (360 is slightly more). This means August 2010 to Today.

If you continue to ignore what I'm saying, I can't debate with you.

dude last 12 is 2010 right?????? ps3 sold 1 million more again i said total year sale, ps3 beat it every years since 09

NO!! Last 12 months, August 2010 to August 2011. PS3 sold less in that timeframe.

As for 2011, Sony and MS both plan to sell 15 million consoles for their fisical years (Sony ends in March, MS ends in June), and many alalysts believe PS3 and 360 will sell on par for 2011. PS3 is ahead, but very few doubt that the 360 won't be the best selling console for the holidays.

I think you're just messing around now.

im talking about yearly sale geezzzz......... ps3 beat xbox still no matter if xbox sold more in holiday, and NO the anaysis SAID ps3 will sell about 15 million and xbox 13 million this years gezzz did u even understand the article i sent u?????? or u just have problem understand english????

Gosh Kickazz I think his written English is better than yours but I also agree that the PS3 will outsell the 360 this year. And he's talking about from August 2010-July 2011 360 sold more than PS3 and that was because of Xbox slim. Anyways guys be a bit more mature and stop fighting over little things like this

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dsage01 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:
kickazz113 said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, but that's because PS3 was r*ping the 360 for the first half of 2010 with it's Slim model vs. 360's fat one. PS3 gained a lot of ground in the window from fall 2009-fall 2010, but since then PS3/360 sales have been pretty even. The fact that 360 caught up so many sales in fall 2010 is amazing on its own.

yet it still didnt outsell ps3, come on man i know you tried but ps3 is beating xbox YEARLY sale from 2009 to today

No garentee PS3 will beat 360 for 2011 year. The analysts to the link I gave you believe 2011 will be a draw.

If you look at yearly sales figures, of course 2009 and 2010 favor PS3. The Slim model vastly helped PS3 sales, but now that the PS3 Slim effect is over, PS3 and 360 are selling on par. This is what I am trying to explain to you.

mmmm no this year ps3 is 1 million ahead.........and yea did u read mine???? mine said ps3 will sale 15 million xbox  13 millon wii will drop to 10 million................arrr this is taking forever lol

For the last time. I said for the last 12 months of sales, PS3 and 360 sales are on par (360 is slightly more). This means August 2010 to Today.

If you continue to ignore what I'm saying, I can't debate with you.

dude last 12 is 2010 right?????? ps3 sold 1 million more again i said total year sale, ps3 beat it every years since 09

NO!! Last 12 months, August 2010 to August 2011. PS3 sold less in that timeframe.

As for 2011, Sony and MS both plan to sell 15 million consoles for their fisical years (Sony ends in March, MS ends in June), and many alalysts believe PS3 and 360 will sell on par for 2011. PS3 is ahead, but very few doubt that the 360 won't be the best selling console for the holidays.

I think you're just messing around now.

im talking about yearly sale geezzzz......... ps3 beat xbox still no matter if xbox sold more in holiday, and NO the anaysis SAID ps3 will sell about 15 million and xbox 13 million this years gezzz did u even understand the article i sent u?????? or u just have problem understand english????

Gosh Kickazz I think his written English is better than yours but I also agree that the PS3 will outsell the 360 this year. And he's talking about from August 2010-July 2011 360 sold more than PS3 and that was because of Xbox slim. Anyways guys be a bit more mature and stop fighting over little things like this

i know what he is talking about but still ps3 total sale of that year still beat xbox

total shipments of 360 for the last 365days equals total shipments of ps3 from the past 365 days. Both are at 13.7mil. We are not talking about fiscal years, just the last 365days from today.
(add up the shipments from the last 4 quarters available and it equals 13.7)
"We shipped 13.7 million Xbox 360 consoles during fiscal year 2011"
(article says xbox 360 sold 13.7mil

enrageorange said:
total shipments of 360 for the last 365days equals total shipments of ps3 from the past 365 days. Both are at 13.7mil. We are not talking about fiscal years, just the last 365days from today.
(add up the shipments from the last 4 quarters available and it equals 13.7)
"We shipped 13.7 million Xbox 360 consoles during fiscal year 2011"
(article says xbox 360 sold 13.7mil

ok and???

enrageorange said:
total shipments of 360 for the last 365days equals total shipments of ps3 from the past 365 days. Both are at 13.7mil. We are not talking about fiscal years, just the last 365days from today.
(add up the shipments from the last 4 quarters available and it equals 13.7)
"We shipped 13.7 million Xbox 360 consoles during fiscal year 2011"
(article says xbox 360 sold 13.7mil

So what has this got to do with everything that people are disscussing right now in this thread?

dsage01 said:
kickazz113 said:

im talking about yearly sale geezzzz......... ps3 beat xbox still no matter if xbox sold more in holiday, and NO the anaysis SAID ps3 will sell about 15 million and xbox 13 million this years gezzz did u even understand the article i sent u?????? or u just have problem understand english????

Gosh Kickazz I think his written English is better than yours but I also agree that the PS3 will outsell the 360 this year. And he's talking about from August 2010-July 2011 360 sold more than PS3 and that was because of Xbox slim. Anyways guys be a bit more mature and stop fighting over little things like this

Yes, but if you look at the last 10 months (to ommit the Slim effect), PS3 and 360 sold about on par. PS3 gained 800k in 2011, but Oct-December 360 gained about the same.

kickazz stop messing around lol! I thought you were trying to be serious. Look at the article I sent you, 4 analysts opinions (not just 1) who said PS3/360 should tie for sales in 2011. Ontop of that MS and Sony both expect 15 million in their fisical year.

Anyway, he have derailed this thread too much now.

dsage, when will the next vote be up?

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