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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gaming has lost it's touch.

I agree with BenKenobi - it's your age. I'm 28 now, and it's only natural that I don't completely lose myself in videogames anymore like I did when I played Super Mario Bros 1-3 on the NES. Come on, EVERYTHING was better when you were young, wasn't it? The music, your vacations, everything.

In reality, there were shitloads of horrible games on the NES, SNES, Mega Drive and Master System as well. I've still got a box full of video game magazines from 91-95 in my basement, and I remember half of the games being rated 20%-60%, just like today. Cheap movie cash-ins, shameless EA sports rehashes, dumb Simpsons games - it was all there.

Edit: ZOMG, you're only 17... well, scrap all that. You should be worried.

Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 
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Sry. Dbl Pst.


Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 

Three words.

Super Mario Galaxy.

If you can't enjoy that, then you are truly lost to us.

Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

The games are getting better. It's just you that's changing.

I remember Street Fighter 2 was the reason I (and everyone I knew) wanted a SNES. At the time, it was groundbreaking because all the characters had their own set of moves.
Nostalgia freaks will probably disagree, but having played the game more recently, I can safely say that it is utter crap. Years of playing superior fighters (from MK3 to Tekken: DR) has taught me how primitive SF2 really is. Button-mashing just doesn't cut it anymore.

Gaming is a technological medium, so games will continue to improve for many years. We are still nowhere near the stage where gaming can be taken seriously as a legitimate art form. The golden age is yet to come...

Nostalgia is a son of a bitch. I watch movies that were great when I was young, and realise they were pretty cheesy. I listen to songs on youtube that I haven't heard in years, and realise that they aren't as awesome as I remember (although they still kick the crap out of current music). I look back at people I went to school with in my yearbooks, and realise we weren't as cool or sexy as we thought we were. And I play virtual console and old PS1 games, and realise that my favorite games haven't aged well.

People who were around in the Nes days are probably in the best position to see how gaming has changed. We used to have to beat games that were challenging in one sitting. No saves. No continues. We saw games like 3-D World Runner and Afterburner, and thought "Wow! This is so real! It's like I'm really there!" We used to spend hours trying to hone our craft. Going for that high score, learning that tricky jump, our trying to beat that one cheap boss. The sense of accomplishment was amazing. We saw music evolve from simple bleeps into movie worthy orchestra scores. Every time we'd witness the evoloution, the industry and gamers alike would ignite. Those were exciting times.

The worst thing Nintendo ever did was create the virtual console. Without updating the game, most of my childhood favorites have aged terribly. What was once fun and challenging is now simple and repetitive. What was once amazing and realistic is now bland and strange.

The game has changed. I guess the lack of HUGE changes on a regular basis (like the introduction of Starfox, or Donkey Kong, or Pokémon) takes away from the excitement. Don't fool yourself. Video games now are better than they've ever been. If you don't believe me, get yourself a Wii, and download your favorite classic. Believe me, she's not as sexy as you thought she was.

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Played_Out said:
The games are getting better. It's just you that's changing.

I remember Street Fighter 2 was the reason I (and everyone I knew) wanted a SNES. At the time, it was groundbreaking because all the characters had their own set of moves.
Nostalgia freaks will probably disagree, but having played the game more recently, I can safely say that it is utter crap. Years of playing superior fighters (from MK3 to Tekken: DR) has taught me how primitive SF2 really is. Button-mashing just doesn't cut it anymore.

Gaming is a technological medium, so games will continue to improve for many years. We are still nowhere near the stage where gaming can be taken seriously as a legitimate art form. The golden age is yet to come...

 I know next to nothing about Street Fighter 2, and i know you're trying to put this on nostalgia freaks, but I can tell you that Street Fighter 2 certianly isn't button mashing.  I've watch youtube videos, and seen enough friends play to safely say that it is much deepr than button mashing.  Hopefully someone that knows what they are talking about can come in here and prepare a proper arguement.  I was never into fighters much...

Here's a video from my band's last show Check out more (bigger) videos here

I miss the days when avatar names were cool. Remember killachicken69 or D3AthBlow13ET? Now avatar names are full of advertisements for BOTTLED SPRING WATER!!!

I'm just kidding BSW! It's a really cool name!

grandmaster192 said:
You just sound like a bitter person, who just can't find one of the many great games that are out there. If you just took the time to find a console that has the games you want, you'll be alright. As other members have already pointed out, there's the Nintendo DS. The Nintendo DS offers a lot of games that play like SNES-era games. There's also the PSP, which, like the DS, offers a lot games that play like SNES-era games. The gaming industry is huge. No matter who you are, there will always be a gaming system that fits your taste in games; you just have to find it!

I just keep nodding my head and agreeing with you, Grandmaster192, but during the whole post I was just looking at your boobs!

BottledSpringWater said:

(Halo Wars, c'mon, that totally doesn't fit, why do you think Bungie switched the first Halo to FPS?)

Before you start a rant on gaming, you should probably learn its history... Halo was ALWAYS an FPS. In fact, Bungie was one of the devs that revolutionized FPS games (thank you, mouse look). Apparently you weren't around for Marathon. You should try it some time. And then, afterwards, talk about gaming and its "sellout" nature.

No, wait, take a class in marketing, then talk about gaming. No, wait again, then take a class in business, then talk about gaming.

In short, learn some fucking history in gaming and then take some classes in business and then take some classes in marketing and then talk about gaming.

Or, to make things short, just get your shit straight about gaming.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Partially I agree , but luckily there are some games like God of War or Assasins Creed that bring some trully original stuff to gaming :)

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