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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gaming has lost it's touch.

BottledSpringWater said:

I agree, could you imagine a world of video gaming without Mario, THE Italian plumber?

 Italians do it better

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

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celine said:
BottledSpringWater said:

I agree, could you imagine a world of video gaming without Mario, THE Italian plumber?

Italians do it better

 Yeah just look at the Sistine Chapel. That kills anything anyone else can do in terms of art painting on you back wow in the 1400's damn 


"Like you know"

Gaming hasn't lost its touch! The DS is just getting started!


Hey, somebody had to do it. My bad if I was beaten to the punch.


BottledSpringWater said:
Charles01 said:
just play nintendo 1st party games and you'll be sweet. :D

I agree, could you imagine a world of video gaming without Mario, THE Italian plumber?

Yes I can and its a great world!! HAHA ;-} 


I had a lot of fun with Crackdown and to be honest I didn't even notice any ads in it.

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MrPickles said:
@Rocketpig: Development for Halo started in the mid-90's, and it was an RTS that they hoped would rival Command and Conquer. There was no Master Chief (as a character) yet, and 'Spartans' were just heavy units. Eventually, they decided to change it to an FPS.

True, but that idea was ditched so early in the development process that it's really pointless to bring it up. By 97, Halo was a dedicated FPS.

Or check out my new webcomic:

I somewhat agree with the OP. There are not that many compelling games anymore. I remember when Zelda: OC came out I played it for hours, same with Mario 64, and Super Mario Kart for the SNES. Now I only play games for about 2 hours per week. And I have the most highest rated game this generation, Super Mario Galaxy. The games just doesn't seem new to me anymore.

It could be that games are just as good as they were back in the SNES and N64 days. Or it could be that I am just more mature and have other interests that overshadow gaming. I don't know.

I agree to some extant. There are still companies out there though such as Id Software, Valve, and Blizzard that still produce very high quality games. I've just been playing through Half-Life 2 for the first time this week and I definitely have to say its a great game.

Everyone should go pick up The Orange Box for PC because I'm pretty sure most of your computers can run it and come play with me in Team Fortress 2 online!

PC Gamer
Soriku said:
I can't explain it, but games feel "dull" now. I don't know what the feeling is or how it got there, but it's there.

 Same Here. I haven't even opened some of my games yet. IDK what it is either. 

celine said:
BottledSpringWater said:

I agree, could you imagine a world of video gaming without Mario, THE Italian plumber?

 Italians do it better

Yeah, look at Super Mario Galaxy. It's a game you can't refuse.


I agree games don't FEEL like they used to anymore - they don't instill that sense of wonder, joy, and excitement I'd experience when I'd wake up at 5 AM in the morning to play Kirby Super Star years and years ago (I still go back and play that Kirby game ever made IMO). One game that came really close was Super Mario Galaxy, that game is ridiculous.

"And God said unto John, come forth, and ye shall receive eternal life. But John came fifth, and he got a toaster."