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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - VGChartz hates Ocarina of Time 3D

After 14 user reviews, it stands at 7.0. What gives? Are members hating the game? Or are there trolls lurking in the gaming section?

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anything less than a 10 is wrong.





That's why I miss seeing who rates what.

well i am not done with the game yet so i can't rate it but wow do some people have time on their hands. i mean how fast can a review go up ;)

anyone rating a game they have not played are plain stupid fuc* heads!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

A 7 overall, man that can't be right the game is...just godly


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I believe Apple fanboys are behind this

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
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Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

I did not review the game nor do i own a 3DS but I think a 7 is a fair score. You have to understand that this is a REMAKE. The story is exactly the same, the characters are exactly the same, and even the gameplay is basically exactly the same. Why should people want to give a prefect 10 to a newly released game that they already played 10 years ago.

No hate to zelda though. Ocarina of time will be my first game ill buy on the 3ds when i get one even though i know exactly what the game is going to be like!

SpartenOmega117 said:
I did not review the game nor do i own a 3DS but I think a 7 is a fair score. You have to understand that this is a REMAKE. The story is exactly the same, the characters are exactly the same, and even the gameplay is basically exactly the same. Why should people want to give a prefect 10 to a newly released game that they already played 10 years ago.

No hate to zelda though. Ocarina of time will be my first game ill buy on the 3ds when i get one even though i know exactly what the game is going to be like!

I guess it depends on the game and how much it makes you feel, in terms of fun, gameplay, story and most importantly...nostalgia.

I can tell you right now, if I got a chance to play an updated version of Xenogears or a HD version of Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy IX, I would not hesitate in giving those games a 10 out of 10.

I love them, I cherish them.  I don't care about their looks, but if you can give me the same experience with visuals that blow me away (and maybe some extra stuffs), then I will be on that train and Indy will have no problem finding my ticket.

Not exactly deserved 10/10, but 7/10 is trolls, since it-s probably 10s averaged with 0s

It got troll reviews from people who didn't even have the game and/or who did not finish it (probably barely an hour tops)



I can actually confirm this, since the game has only been out a day. The haters jumped the gun to attack it as soon as reviews were possible. The ones who care too much are the ones who review first, don't worry about the score for now.