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Forums - General Discussion - Videos proving there were demolition explosions(9/11)

First and foremost never in history has a high rise steel building collaspsed because of fire but on 9/11 "there were 3".

watch from 6 minutes 30 seconds. clearly before the plane hit there was an underground explosion.

There has been countless eyewitness reports of underground explosions before the plane hit.

this series of videos(very long) show without a doubt that we were lied to.

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It's not a bomb, it's the elevator falling from 1000 ft high.

Boutros said:
It's not a bomb, it's the elevator falling from 1000 ft high.

much like in Matrix

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

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I've watched dozens of conspiracy video's and documentaries about how 9/11 was faked. The last one I watched said the explosives were built into the building upon construction and that the Government had planned to blow it up since the buildings were built. Then the Government conspired with Bin Laden to ensure the planes hit the right buildings and the whole attack was planned across what 3 presidencies.

Seriously it takes alot more faith to believe that the Government some how planned the whole thing for years and conspired with Bin Laden then it does to just admit a group of terrorists flew some planes into a few buildings and blew shit up.

Honestly I'm sick of all these conspiracy theories, I watched the second tower get hit live on the news. Yet a documentary claimed that all the footage on the news was doctored, your saying that the Government controlled every single witnesses camera and doctured the footage that the media was playing Live?

Honestly I would easier believe the Earth came from a big magical explosion in a void of nothing then believe that somehow the US Government planned and got away with the biggest terrorist attack in history, blamed a group in Afghanistan who actually took the blame and were hunted down and killed. I mean 3 presidents had to be involved in this attack according to most of the documentaries. Republican's, democrats yah the whole American Government was in on it.

Seriously this is whack, Charlie Sheen is one of the biggest supporters of these theories, that tells you alittle about the legitimacy of them!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Also, I have another question. Yah the US Government may have been able to doctor footage shown by a few US television stations. But what about BBC, CBC , Reuters, Associated Press and the many other news organisations? Were all the worlds news organisations in on it too. I mean they'd have to be since they all showed footage and all reported on the story. Notice not a single reputable news organisation has backed the conspiracy theories and claimed that the Government editted their footage.

Then all the Government's who must have been in on it. I mean if all these news organisations are in on it then Canada's Government the British Government and all the other NATO Governments would have to be in on it as well. I mean 24 Canadian's died in 9/11 and the Canadian Government sent investigators to the US to get to the bottom of the attack. Infact Britian also sent investigators. Your telling me that all the Governments collaberated together to plot an attack on America. That all these investigators from all these countries conspired with the US Government and lied to the people of their perspective countries?

I mean thousands of people had to be in on this, not just the FBI, CIA but also Canada's CSIS and Britian's Mi6 and heck Russia had to be too and a China's Government as well.

Its just too purposterous to even waste my intelligence on.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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Post these vids in that other conspiracy thread.
No need to create a new one.


mate if your going to chance old events chase down the truth about the moon landing.

this is more likely to be fake then this attack.