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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

and on the not so brigth side is proved that PSVita32GB MemCard can only  hold 100apps/icons on screen...

At least it'll never be an issue because I heard that Vita has no gaemz!

I'm on my phone so can't check the YouTube links but sounds like there's a bit of momentum on vita software ATM.


As for Sony forcing Vita ports of PSN games... No but Sony should seriously consider subsidising (and keeping publishing rights for the vita version) ports of the more influential indie releases.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

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Persona 4: Golden Spoiler after the warning

Also Sony is just trying to piss me off, I've been signed in PSN for hours EVERYDAY, and I can't sign in during the Maintenance and even worse, they extended it to the morning, then now till tonight. If I was able to sign in like I was suppose to I wouldn't have missed *SPOILER* --------------->>>>>>>>asddfghhj *Marie's Dungeon in P4G, I had her SL at 9!! all I had to do is max it, my friend msgd me on FB telling me he sent a warning to max her but I didn't get it cuz maintenance and now I missed a part, luckily I actually found the true ending with luck still. But even so, my plan was to put LoH back on my Vita this morning and continue cause I finished Persona so I can focus now. Soo pissed. This is why I hate DL games, guess it's another offline day for me -.-.

Runa216 said:
Remember how I was just harassing Kyliedog about being negative, and how terrible it is to wish ill will on someone's job? while I still maintain that stance, I think I'm willing to be a hypocrite just this once:

Fuck Square Enix. seriously.

What can we do? Is there any possible way to fix Square Enix? A letter campaign? Anything? I'm going to play some old FF and cry myself to sleep.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

KylieDog said:
Chevinator123 said:
Nothing to really go off but there's some new MH4 rumors saying that the reason it was delayed for 3DS is because they are making a Vita version and it is to be simultaneously released for both 3DS and Vita

I've been saying that since MH4 was first delayed.

this would lead to some pretty lol thread and reactions. I've said that MH will come to Vita because it makes sense based on Capcom's past actions and I was made fun of by just about everyone in the thread.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

So I've decided that I'm going to go all digital. I've been buying used games and selling games back to finance my gaming and I really want to buy new and support the industry more. Digital seems like a good way to do both.

So here are my reasons:

- I can have my games on both PS3s and both PSVs and play at the same time.
- I keep the games forever
- I don't have to pay taxes
- I have a PS Credit Card so I get 10% back in Sony Rewards to buy electronics
- PS Plus provides deep discounts
- I can buy games from home
- Games run faster off the hard drive

I still have some money at Gamestop and I have a few physical games I could sell back when I finish them, so I can buy some larger memory cards once the price goes down.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Around the Network
green_sky said:
Kresnik said:

I'm beginning to worry about Soul Sacrifice, guys :(

You mean the sales in Japan? I am sure it'll do okay but the hardware needs more momentum. 

Yeah, sales.  It performed nicely in Famitsu's 2013 hype thread but that doesn't transfer to real-world sales.   I feel like Sony are doing their part to push it but it's still not going to be enough, and it'll be a shame because the game looks really, really good.

I hope it sells well anyway, and shifts a few Vitas along the way.

Chark said:
So I've decided that I'm going to go all digital. I've been buying used games and selling games back to finance my gaming and I really want to buy new and support the industry more. Digital seems like a good way to do both.

So here are my reasons:

- I can have my games on both PS3s and both PSVs and play at the same time.
- I keep the games forever
- I don't have to pay taxes
- I have a PS Credit Card so I get 10% back in Sony Rewards to buy electronics
- PS Plus provides deep discounts
- I can buy games from home
- Games run faster off the hard drive

I still have some money at Gamestop and I have a few physical games I could sell back when I finish them, so I can buy some larger memory cards once the price goes down.

Somebody get this man a 128 gig memory card! 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

It's amazing how much more viable digital purchases are in the US. I couldn't bring myself to buy digital releases because they cost too much for what you lose. I do generally try to buy all my games new though and not pre-owned as I know that at least supports the developer. Unfortunately I can't afford every game i want however. But my game buying budget t currently concentrated on Vita and the odd PS3 release (I actually ultimately want a gaming PC for home gaming stuff.) That Studio Ghibli game is my next purchase though barring any Vita bargains for games I don't own.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

i highly doubt u will see a monster hunter game on the vita till maybe 2014 at the earliest , i think capcom would be in a breach of contract with nintendo over bringing mh4 to the vita at same date as the 3ds version or with-in a year as well. nintendo isnt stupid to allow capcom to bring over mh4 to the vita, till a year i say or ever. i think capcom should just remake the older monster hunter games for the vita and add alot of new content for them, i certainly would buy them all again, if they did that.





Not sure if you guys are interested in this kind of stuff, but I am so I shall share it anyway.

Demon Gaze has jumped to the first page in popularity listings on Although that doesn't mean very much, at least it's something. Slight surge in popularity before the game releases.

It also seems to be easily outpacing Monster Monpiece in terms of popularity as well. Will be interesting to see what each of them sells. I always had MM as the bigger game, but perhaps not!