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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


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0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
Scisca said:

So can I use them wirelessly with my Vita or not? Cause that's the only thing that matters to me.

Yes you can.


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

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I need to visit this thread more often :P I often drop in but get lost in all the pages.

Alright got my hands on some demos

First of Earth defence force and I got to say I hated it. Its cause the freaking controls suck ass. Square for shooting, no lock on or zoom. Right anolog for moving and the back rear is for the camera control. WTF WTF I hope there will be an option manual to change the controls or else Im not buying the game.

Flying Hamsters was just wired, it has charm but I dont know if I can play it for long periods. How much is it on PSN.

Hatsune Miku Project diva f was fun and yeah just what you'd expect from this type of games.It has a touch screen function.

Now Soul sacrifice looked great for a handheld. There where like four different class to chose from, but I dont know what where they or there special abilities. You can chose up to six different magic at a time and some of these magic can only be used by touching or getting close to a certain element in the environment. That was cool.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Another very long playthrough of the Soul Sacrifice demo. It's actually really good and enjoyable to watch.

Thought I didn't like at the very start he listed a negative: "It's on the Vita". C'mon...

Scisca said:
DemoniOtaku said:
Scisca said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
theprof00 said:
so one person is all it needs to port a game.
as i thought

Sony did good by making the system easy to develop/port to. I expect to see more and more multiplats in the future as well. I guess so much for the bu bu vita budghetz is the biggezt arguments


and dat Warriors Lair video 0_o looks very different. Not sure what to think of it. Diablo on the go?

I think Vita is the best console from Sony ever. It breaks my heart to see this potential and hard work being so underappreaciated :(

That game looks like Diablo 3. A game that should come to Vita! I'm not getting D3 on PC, but I would get it on Vita.


@ the headphones. Cable? Man, that's meh :/ I was hopeing for a bluetooth, IR or something. What's the use in buying expensive wireless headphones, if you have to connect them with a cable anyway? C'mon Sony...

That headphone is Wireless too.. You can connect it via BT or 3.5 jack cable... so not complains.. and rigth now is disccounted at 130$.. but You can find it cheaper somewhere..


I'm gonna buy them next year after I update my PC...^^

So can I use them wirelessly with my Vita or not? Cause that's the only thing that matters to me.

No you can't. I own them and it does not use Bluetooth. Unless the version without bass impact does. These headsets use a USB wireless receiver with your PS3 or other device with a USB like a computer. For the Vita you need to use a headphone jack, it comes with one. Honestly not a big issue since it is a handheld so you can always keep it with you. It is no different than using ear buds and Bluetooth is limited in audio quality anyway, isn't it?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Around the Network
SnakeDrake said:

Flying Hamsters was just wired, it has charm but I dont know if I can play it for long periods. How much is it on PSN.

It's £2.39. Worth every penny IMO!

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

I think the fullmetal achemist fans will love Soul Sacrifice ^^

Reviews on the demo are very good for now, neogaf players seems to be satisfied, we can read things like that :



Lots of info here (I've played for over 4 hours now). Feel free to put in the OP if you feel it would be helpful.

Links to my playthrough of the prologue: (about 100 minutes total)

The demo goes beyond the prologue with 4 more missions. Nothing in the prologue is particularly long or hard (despite my troubles in the above videos, lol), but the story is actually really awesome. The music is fucking incredible, too. The 4 missions (well, the last 3) after the prologue are more "real", and are longer and more difficult.

There is a LOT of customization in this game. I will try to explain it as I currently have seen it:

-You have two levels. One is a Defense/Health level, and one is an Attack level. You level these up by saving (Defense/Health) or sacrificing (Attack) enemies. Bosses/bigger enemies give more EXP. Also, some enemies will lower your EXP in the department you don't choose (for example, saving: Defense/Health +4exp, Attack -2exp), but it will never level you down.

-You have the sacrificial magics. These are obtained by clearing stages (and possibly picked up in stages themselves?). Some drop more rarely than others. These involve all sorts of attacks, defensive maneuvers, evasive maneuvers, heals/regens, and more. As an above poster stated, if you get two of the same one, you can "combine" them for a +1 sort of thing. After that, you need 4 - then 8 - etc, to keep going to +2, +3. This usually lets you use it more times. (Using a sacrificial magic TOO many times and it will stop working completely and you need to "rejuvinate" it outside of missions by usings the books tears. As long as you don't use it ALL THE WAY down, it will fully repair after each fight. Also, you can find areas in each map where you can restore your "uses", although these are not unlimited. The proper use of each number of magic at the right time is VERY IMPORTANT to playing well.)

-There is also synthesis to make sacrificial magics. Currently I have a list of about 12 different magics that I can make, using other magics. I'm not sure yet how to find more recipes (there may not be more in the demo).

-After the prologue, you also get the ability to customize your arm. This is sorta like your "armor", although a lot of this customization grants bonuses to attack and stuff as well. You get these "seals" to place in your armor (there are 5 slots: two for "upper arm", two for "lower arm", and one for "hand") by killing a certain number of enemies. For example, kill 5 Jack-o'-Lanterns (a boss), and you unlock a certain seal. I LOVE this system because it feels like even if you don't get the rare sacrificial magic drop you are going for, you are always making progress on your seals (as well as your character levels, of course!).

-You've also got the "super attacks". I'm honestly not 100% sure how to earn these, but I've got Salamander. You can set up to 5 of these on your body at once.

There is other customization in there as well. I'll dive back in in a bit and check it out



Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Chark said:
Scisca said:

So can I use them wirelessly with my Vita or not? Cause that's the only thing that matters to me.

No you can't. I own them and it does not use Bluetooth. Unless the version without bass impact does. These headsets use a USB wireless receiver with your PS3 or other device with a USB like a computer. For the Vita you need to use a headphone jack, it comes with one. Honestly not a big issue since it is a handheld so you can always keep it with you. It is no different than using ear buds and Bluetooth is limited in audio quality anyway, isn't it?

Seriously? What a Shame... I hough it was because the First PS3 wireless wasn't compatible... :/


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

DemoniOtaku said:
Chark said:
Scisca said:

So can I use them wirelessly with my Vita or not? Cause that's the only thing that matters to me.

No you can't. I own them and it does not use Bluetooth. Unless the version without bass impact does. These headsets use a USB wireless receiver with your PS3 or other device with a USB like a computer. For the Vita you need to use a headphone jack, it comes with one. Honestly not a big issue since it is a handheld so you can always keep it with you. It is no different than using ear buds and Bluetooth is limited in audio quality anyway, isn't it?

Seriously? What a Shame... I hough it was because the First PS3 wireless wasn't compatible... :/

Nah, they just don't have bluetooth. My guess, audio fidelity. Still not a problem really since I'd be using a wire anyway with earbuds. Pulse is a nice headset too and has a mic.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

I've been waiting for almost a week for my Pulse Elite and I'm starting to get fed up (not from staples). At this point, i don't care about getting it for 105. Give me the money back and I'll get it myself for 130+tax.

4 ≈ One