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Alright got my hands on some demos

First of Earth defence force and I got to say I hated it. Its cause the freaking controls suck ass. Square for shooting, no lock on or zoom. Right anolog for moving and the back rear is for the camera control. WTF WTF I hope there will be an option manual to change the controls or else Im not buying the game.

Flying Hamsters was just wired, it has charm but I dont know if I can play it for long periods. How much is it on PSN.

Hatsune Miku Project diva f was fun and yeah just what you'd expect from this type of games.It has a touch screen function.

Now Soul sacrifice looked great for a handheld. There where like four different class to chose from, but I dont know what where they or there special abilities. You can chose up to six different magic at a time and some of these magic can only be used by touching or getting close to a certain element in the environment. That was cool.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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