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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
MattyPeq said:
Runa216 said:
I'm a huge fan of Ratchet and Clank, and to make it better I love my Vita, and I like the idea of true cross system play. Seriously, this is like a gift to gamers worldwide. I don't know why the hell Sony is doing so poorly, aside from properly marketing it, I can't imagine ANY way to make the Vita better.

New IP's, High quality console ports, exclusive iterations of blockbuster franchises, and the ability to play and OWN games across systems? This is like, the perfect handheld. I love my 3DS, but the Vita is so much more.

I'll say it again... Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Killzone, COD... people don't want a mini-PS3. I want it, we (in this topic) want it, they don't.

Vita needs more games suited for Vita. See Tearaway. They need more. And I'm NOT talking about PS Store titles.

Plus... more Japanese oriented games, to change that horrible trend of under 10.000 per week. In Japan, those games (AC, ...) will do almost nothing for Vita.

Miku will! In 11 days!

And the sad thing is everyone in this thread (but me) is apparently ignoring the only game that will give Vita a breath of fresh air in the next days, maybe even months...

Poor Miku. :(


Runa, the Ganondorf guy could be bad... but he's right about this ---> "Vita needs for games like Tearaway.  Not ACL."

I'd agree with you if not for the fact that you're wrong.  

Yes, the Vita needs VITA games, and it was a major point of contention in my Gungnir review (certain games are fit for short bursts of play while others are meant for lengthy gaming sessions), but if you were paying attention you'd know that they specifically made Assassin's Creed III: Liberation with the Vita in mind. Touch Controls, shorter bite-sized missions, alternate ways to do things, these are all aspects of a game that fit well into a handheld.  Even Uncharted had a LOT of little levels, Little Deviants is perfect for micro-gaming sessions, Resistance had room-based fight scenes, each taking about 10 minutes.  a lot of people ARE making games for the Vita, and a lot of these developers know what works, but that doesn't mean most people agree.  Look at Unit 13, it's a PERFECT vita game, dual analog shooter with MANY short missions perfect for 15-20 minute gaming sessions...yet people aren't buying it.  fighting games like Mortal Kombat are PERFECT for the vita, becuase fights only take a minute or two a piece.  Racing games are also perfect. 

I undestand that's not what you mean, you're referring to the system not just having "bite sized" versions of console games, but we have new IP's for the system with Gravity Rush, Escape Plan, Little Deviants, and some new games in the future.  we have them, that doesn't mean we can't also have the console ports or Vita exclusive versions of the franchises we love. 

IT's all about balance, what works for one person may not work for another.  Just becuase, yes, the Vita needs exclusive stuff to it, that doesn't mean it can't also have Playstation All-Stars or Sly Cooper.  

And if Exclusives like Gravity Rush, Sound shapes (was original vita only), Dokuro, Little Deviants, Soul Sacrifice and Tear Away isn't good enough, well, what is? 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

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It's not true bestselling games in PSP are console like games not unique games and it's the same for PSvita best selling game are Uncharted witch is a homeconsole like games.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Runa216 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Runa216 said:
Can someone link me to the sony gamescom thread? would be nice to see all the stupid.


the last pages are gold

I think your definition of gold and my definition of gold are very different.  

that one dude with the Ganon avatar, bad. 

I think he means "comedy gold" and I agree with him lol

  Tifa got MOVES!

lol I dont get the bite side gaming section argument or whatever its called. All I have to do is press one botton and the game instantly pause while saving batteries at the same time.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

This would supply some really good lols.

4 ≈ One

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Runa216 said:

I'd agree with you if not for the fact that you're wrong.  

Yes, the Vita needs VITA games, and it was a major point of contention in my Gungnir review (certain games are fit for short bursts of play while others are meant for lengthy gaming sessions), but if you were paying attention you'd know that they specifically made Assassin's Creed III: Liberation with the Vita in mind. Touch Controls, shorter bite-sized missions, alternate ways to do things, these are all aspects of a game that fit well into a handheld.  Even Uncharted had a LOT of little levels, Little Deviants is perfect for micro-gaming sessions, Resistance had room-based fight scenes, each taking about 10 minutes.  a lot of people ARE making games for the Vita, and a lot of these developers know what works, but that doesn't mean most people agree.  Look at Unit 13, it's a PERFECT vita game, dual analog shooter with MANY short missions perfect for 15-20 minute gaming sessions...yet people aren't buying it.  fighting games like Mortal Kombat are PERFECT for the vita, becuase fights only take a minute or two a piece.  Racing games are also perfect. 

I undestand that's not what you mean, you're referring to the system not just having "bite sized" versions of console games, but we have new IP's for the system with Gravity Rush, Escape Plan, Little Deviants, and some new games in the future.  we have them, that doesn't mean we can't also have the console ports or Vita exclusive versions of the franchises we love. 

IT's all about balance, what works for one person may not work for another.  Just becuase, yes, the Vita needs exclusive stuff to it, that doesn't mean it can't also have Playstation All-Stars or Sly Cooper.  

And if Exclusives like Gravity Rush, Sound shapes (was original vita only), Dokuro, Little Deviants, Soul Sacrifice and Tear Away isn't good enough, well, what is?

Mmmmmm... no. You didn't get my point.

Does ACL has some unique Vita features? Well... now two people know this on this planet: me and you. Nobody will know it. They will see AC and they will think "Ooooh, who cares? I have it on PS3 and it's better". You don't know how many people I've already heard/saw saying/writing this.

And I can't blame them. If I wasn't an hardcore gamer, I would think the same.

Uncharted (ugh...)... just no. I played that game (may I be damned lol) and it's not made for Vita at all. I don't care if I have to clean an object with my hand. That game would have still been better on PS3.

Short bursts? A portable game doesn't necessarily need that. As long as it has frequent save points. A portable game should be something that makes you think "wow... this is better than playing in front of a tv". And that's what Vita needs.

I won't talk about 3DS, because I'm a forum veteran and I never go off topic. But..... the thing worked better there. I'll stop here.

You talk about a lot of games. You know what? People don't even know they exist. They know about Uncharted. Maybe Gravity Rush. But Gravity Rush is like the exception to all this point I'm making. Because it's a rare gem.

Vita doesn't need exclusive stuff, it needs unique stuff. It's different. Those games you mentioned (the ones that are already out) did almost no good. Especially in Japan. Soul Sacrifice? We'll see... I'm not that positive. Tearaway? Same... But I'm more positive about this. I still fear it will be something like Pikmin 1 or 2 = one of the best game ever... not a system seller (as far as sales go).

Well... in the eyes of the people, Vita is still a portable console that does nothing but run games that are worse versions than the PS3 ones (ugh part.2). So... nobody is buying it.

That's for EU and USA. In Japan is different. In Japan they couldn't care less about AC. They want their games. So give them more Miku, more Persona, a lot of RPG's... MH? One can only hope...

And... I would love to be wrong. But unfortunately I'm right. And that number (2.2) is there to prove it. :(


BasilZero said:

Mini-PS3? Kinda like how the GBA was a mini SNES (Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Breath of Fire, etc) and the NDS was a mini-N64 (Super Mario 64 DS, Diddy Kong Racing DS, etc) or wait even the 3DS (Star Fox 64 3D, LoZ OoT 3D)?

So just because a certain game series is on a console (look at the word underlined) or came out on a console doesnt necessarily mean it should be exclusive to a console, spinoffs, sequels/Prequel, enhanced ports, multiplat releases are fine which pretty much alot of the games on the Vita right now (and the ones announced) are.

Wipeout 2048 = Sequel/Prequel
Uncharted GA = Prequel
Assassin's Creed 3L = Spinoff
Ragnarok Odyssey = Spinoff

Disgaea 3 = Enhanced Port / FULL DLC
Persona 4 G = Enhanced Port /New content
Mortal Kombat = Enhanced Port / FULL DLC
Street Fighter X Tekken = Enhanced Port / FULL DLC Apparently
Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 = Enhanced Port / New features
PSABR = Multiplatform
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection = Multiplatform
Sound Shapes = Multiplatform
Resistance Burning Skies = Spinoff (Takes place between R2 and R3 - I dont even play Resistance and I know these things amazing Source: IGN (google is nice))

Tearaway = New IP
Soul Sacrifice = New IP
Gravity Rush = New IP

Final Fantasy X = Multiplatform / ?
Call of Duty BOD = ?
KillZone Vita = ?


As long as they dont release exact ports like Crapcom did with Breath of Fire 3 on PSP , it'll be fine.


There's other factors affecting the Vita imo

-Lack of Announcements/Third party development as much as the PS3 (Just look at the release calendar)
-The Price tag of the Memory cards
-Lack of Marketing for the gaming aspects of the System
-The Price tag of the system (minimal though)

I still think #1 plays a HUGE role along with #3 being the second most issue at hand.

Just because a small minority of people dont want to play AC3L on the Vita, doesnt necessarily mean the majority of its actual fans will not, I for one who became a fan of the series few months ago will be getting this sometime soon with my Vita purchase.

And about that guy who said that from that thread, if AC3L came out on the 3DS, he would be all over it praising it, but I can promise you unless he's an actual fan and I doubt he is (because a fan of the series hearing a announcement of yet another game in their favorite series will love news of a new release no matter on what system it comes out on) will ever buy it himself even if it came out on the 3DS, all he probably cares about is if one system gets axed and the other one gets sales as if he is a PR person which again is hilarious.


As for Hatsune Miku, it'll do ok in Japan, cant say the same for the Western though it will sell since there are a couple of fans here and there throughout the West that are in love with her character. Me personally, never heard of her until like 2 years ago (no joke).

Oh, someone else didn't get my point. It surely is because of my bad english. Sorry. :)

Omg GBA. lol. Times have changed a lot. GBA was a hyper SNES. It was so powerful. And... it worked. in 1600. lol. Again: times have changed. Back then, being a mini-home console was cool. And it produced sales.

The DS part of your post makes me think this is a troll post. Are you kidding me? DS is a mini-N64??? lol. DS began being successful because people loved the dual screens and the touch screen. N-64... lmao...

3DS... ok this is a troll post. You don't understand the difference between having some ports while people talk about games that are made for the console and having some ports/exclusives/awesome downloadable games/... while people only talk about ports.

Why do you talk about new IPs? Nobody talked about that. Because that's not what Vita needs. IF they're not unique and have the power to keep a place in everyone's mind when talking about this console.

Oh wait... there's something about Miku. Let's see if you're trolling even my goddess.
Mmmmmm... west? Miku in the West? lol the game will not even be released in the West.
I didn't say that game will save Vita, I said it is the only game that will move something in Japan for the next few days/months.
And in this thread nobody is talking about it. That's it. I just would love more love for Miku. In this thread. Not in the West.
No? Ok, whatever. But a person who cares about the future of this console should welcome with open arms a game like that...


Well... sorry guys, but if out of here there's a lot of Vita hate, I must say that in here there's a lot of "being in denial".

You can still love something while being able to admit that this thing has problems. Saying: "Nooo! It's perfect! It has everything! It's their fault!!! They can't see..."... well it doesn't work in this business. Sorry to burst your bubble.

2.2... that means problems.

hehe I probably shouldn't get involved in this argument...I heavily disagree with you matty...but you already have two arguing against you so it won't make much sense for me to add to it..but yea for the record I heavily disagree with most of your points

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

small44 said:

It's not true bestselling games in PSP are console like games not unique games and it's the same for PSvita best selling game are Uncharted witch is a homeconsole like games.

PSP is not a very good example of "successful" console... It sold a lot, but... we all know what the rival did.

PSP ruled Japan. And it's still selling way better than Vita. Almost every week (that is way beyond crazy... and it's the biggest proof of the fact that the situation is comical). Why? Because it's full of games that Japanes love. Heck, every week we still see one or two PSP titles that Japan loves. Why can't we just do the same for Vita?!?!?!?

And... Uncharted is the best selling game on Vita? Yeah. Exactly what I told. People only know those games. Nobody knows Tales of Space, Escape Plan, Sound Shapes. They only know Uncharted, Killzone, AC, COD... So they will be the best selling titles... and this console will never fly off the shelves. Because the majority will still say "oh yeah, Vita has those games... better on PS3".


With that being said, I acknowledge the fact that it's impossible to take a critical look at Vita without being "assaulted". And I say that with sadness in my heart. So... I'm done with this argument. :)

M.U.G.E.N said:
hehe I probably shouldn't get involved in this argument...I heavily disagree with you matty...but you already have two arguing against you so it won't make much sense for me to add to it..but yea for the record I heavily disagree with most of your points

How can I be wrong when I'm speaking only after I read/heard the same things over and over again for six months?

And... if I can add... how can I be wrong when the last system in danger was saved in EU/NA with unique games and in Japan with games that Japanese love? (Price cut, eheh no. We just need games).

Tell me, please. :)

The truth is: in 2012, a console that is seen by most as a mini-home console doesn't work. People don't have much money. They can't afford one big PS3 and one small PS3. That's how it's seen.

BasilZero said:
MattyPeq said:

Oh, someone else didn't get my point. It surely is because of my bad english. Sorry. :)

Omg GBA. lol. Times have changed a lot. GBA was a hyper SNES. It was so powerful. And... it worked. in 1600. lol. Again: times have changed. Back then, being a mini-home console was cool. And it produced sales.

The DS part of your post makes me think this is a troll post. Are you kidding me? DS is a mini-N64??? lol. DS began being successful because people loved the dual screens and the touch screen. N-64... lmao...

3DS... ok this is a troll post. You don't understand the difference between having some ports while people talk about games that are made for the console and having some ports/exclusives/awesome downloadable games/... while people only talk about ports.

Why do you talk about new IPs? Nobody talked about that. Because that's not what Vita needs. IF they're not unique and have the power to keep a place in everyone's mind when talking about this console.

Oh wait... there's something about Miku. Let's see if you're trolling even my goddess.
Mmmmmm... west? Miku in the West? lol the game will not even be released in the West.
I didn't say that game will save Vita, I said it is the only game that will move something in Japan for the next few days/months.
And in this thread nobody is talking about it. That's it. I just would love more love for Miku. In this thread. Not in the West.
No? Ok, whatever. But a person who cares about the future of this console should welcome with open arms a game like that...


Well... sorry guys, but if out of here there's a lot of Vita hate, I must say that in here there's a lot of "being in denial".

You can still love something while being able to admit that this thing has problems. Saying: "Nooo! It's perfect! It has everything! It's their fault!!! They can't see..."... well it doesn't work in this business. Sorry to burst your bubble.

2.2... that means problems.

No I understood what you meant, its just a poor view of a system that is common in alot of people especially people who cater mainly to consoles and not to portables. Your english is not a issue btw.

Times mean nothing, from what I see gaming is timeless imo, the same principles of the past can still play a vital role even in today's sales, though there are far more better ways such as appealing to casuals (if the price point is right).

The DS part is not a troll post, it was just a point I made, you made an argument saying that console games are on the Vita, the NDS also had console like games on it and no one complained about it, simply because a game is a game no matter what system console or portable.

Ports are no issues as long as they have extra content or incentives such as the ones I explained to you (Disgaea, Mortal Kombat, SFxTekken (as far as now)), Ports do sell not as much, look at for an example, Persona 4 Golden sold decently for its numbers in Japan yet its a enhanced port of a game that came out on the PS2, while it would be understandable if it was low on sales considering the fact you can pretty much get the game for cheap at a used store/online or even through emulation with today's PC specs.

So you are saying the Vita doesnt need new IPs? So you said they cant have ports, cant have games that came out on consoles, and now no new IPs? What do you expect or want? Apps? Built in Calculator? lol

Trolling goddess? What the hell are you talking about? I'm not even trolling Hatsune Miku, I am stating facts, you need to straighten out your priorities o.o. Also the game doesnt need to be released in the west, I know several people who would import the game especially since some of them know japanese and the PSVita isnt region locked.

I didnt say anything bad about Hatsune Miku...I even said it would help the Japanese sales , where did I say it should be ignored o.O?

I never even said the Vita was perfect and if you only read my posts in the other threads I even stated that Memory Card price tag is bad and the marketing is bad and I'm even pushing forth (agreeing) on a price cut cause it would benefit me as well as others.

I think you're the one who's in denial or misunderstood, anyways have a good day sir~

You seem confused. But it's ok being confused when you're in denial...

For example: I never said you were trolling/saying bad things about Miku. I said "let's see if you're trolling". And you weren't. I didn't say you were.

Then... who said you said it should be ignored? I said it is ignored in this thread, not by you.

Importing Miku... yeah. Like I will do in 11 days. But it will do nothing for Vita sales. And my post was all about sales. If you didn't get it...

And you said Miku will do ok... lol... if Miku will do ok Vita is lost. Let's hope Miku will do GREAT things for Vita, especially with the Miku Whita Vita.

Vita right now doesn't need new ips. It needs unique games/"japanese" games. Not necessarily new, especially in Japan.


Funniest thing: why are you talking like I want these things? (you wrote "what do you expect or WANT?"). I don't want anything. I'm fine with my Vita. 20 games bought in six months.

Those things are needed to have better sales. Is it clear?

And... DS and 3DS were bax examples, because those consoles are not remembered for ports/spin-offs of home consoles. Vita is. Right now. And it seems it will still be in the next future.

This conversation makes me think that while some users in this thread talk bad about other threads... this thread can be just as bad, as soon as you say something that it's not "Oh! Wow! Yay!".

Sad. Especially since I'm just worried about the future of this console. :/