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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

They do say "Everyone's Favorite" when they reveal them but you never know. They showed a few when they said it. Here they are.

2. Tomb Raider
3. Jet Moto
4. Arc the Lad
5. Wild Arms
6. Coolboarders 2

I'm going to guess all of them are going to work day one, I hope I'm right.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Around the Network
Chark said:
They do say "Everyone's Favorite" when they reveal them but you never know. They showed a few when they said it. Here they are.

2. Tomb Raider
3. Jet Moto
4. Arc the Lad
5. Wild Arms
6. Coolboarders 2

I'm going to guess all of them are going to work day one, I hope I'm right.

but honestly, after the PS2 and PS3, why do people still want to replay their PSX games? I mean, a PSP does the job, and that for less than a hundred bucks.

I ain't playing FFVII for the 28th time., thats fo'sho (and i have sitting it on my shelf. no need to get it digitally for the gajillionth time)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Wow at that AC:L gameplay. That's on a handheld...

Crystalchild said:

but honestly, after the PS2 and PS3, why do people still want to replay their PSX games? I mean, a PSP does the job, and that for less than a hundred bucks.

I ain't playing FFVII for the 28th time., thats fo'sho (and i have sitting it on my shelf. no need to get it digitally for the gajillionth time)

Depends, why do people wanna play old white and gray GB games on their 3DS?  Or NES games on their Wii? (Note: Not necessarily singling out Nintendo here, it's just that they have quite a large line up for their virtual console).  I personally feel that the PSX had the most enjoyable set of games.  I play them regularily.  Nastalgia's another reason.

ils411 said:
Chark said:
ils411 said:


Wait... the PS3 WAZNT DOOMZ?!


Just's coming.

If you think about it, the PS3 re-design + price drop + PSN plus and its instant game collection + cross play + ability to us vita as a controller + move controller = major threat to Wii U.

Its uderstandable why Sony is getting so much hate from Nintendo fanboys.

That's completelly True, my sir...


but Now i'm sure of ONE thing... @MUGEN is a Masochist! he just just like to get depressed looking and read Vita's, sony's and Playstation doomz thread... seriously stop that MUGEN! You're self destructing!


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

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Was just over in the NeoGaf thread about the Vita. Its become very apparent that no matter what Sony does they are going to get crapped on. Sony had a AAA showing at gamescom for sure, yet some are still going "meh". With the announced games and features(even if they all do not pertain to you individually) that doesn't mean they aught not exist at all. Specifically Killzone Mercenaries.....
-WHY the hell does it matter if the game is 4x4 or 8x8? If they choose smaller number of players so be it, i really fail to see how this effects the game at all. I could see if it was just a 2x2 or something but 4 per team is plenty for a PORTABLE game which is heavily dependent that not only is someone else playing at the exact same time as you but they are within wifi range. I am sure the maps will be of a smaller scale anyway so less of a cluster fuck would b appreciated.
-Touch QTE for melee......AND? its not completely out of the way and the trick is you don't actually have to outline the arrows with ur finger(U:GA) u just mimick the shape. They did not seem too demanding at all. People are all "I have to move my thumb from analog to do it" and they fail to realize if u are in the middle of a melee animation you can't shoot or move anyway, it takes less than a second to regain your hand position after that is done. It also makes sense as you did just have to put your gun away to pull out a knife. Not to mention I somehow doubt that will end up in the MP .
-Graphics not as good as PS3 entries. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!?!?! Its on a portable device, the fact its even comparable is ground breaking.Why does every title released have to push the graphical benchmark anyway? At least they do when it comes to Sony it seems. I get it that we don't want a game that is completely half assed or ugly but at some point we have to say graphics only matter so much. PSP would get flack for "bland backgrounds" and "static NPCs" all the time, like they forgot they were using a portable system with limited power. I thought Unit 13 was beautiful, even if it wasn't pushing U:GA graphics it hit all the necessary benchmarks of what needed to be displayed.

Same seems to be going for TearAway in a few circles. Great looking game, but it will never be good enough for some.

PS. for all you people harping on about "bleh, touch controls! I Never wanted those!!!" blame the 100+ million people who bought Wiis,iDevices and DSs. The whole thing is an oxymoron(for lack of better term). These machines dazzle the audience with supposed new way to interact with them yet in actual execution they are often times clumsily done. Its a bit strange that most of the most popular Wii and DS titles are those that rarely use all it's bells and whistles even if those bells are the reason people got them in the first place. The PSP on the other hand offered more traditional gaming but it wasn't enticing enough without touch capabilities. Now we have Vita with touch and we jump down Sony's throat for actually trying to put it to good use? Right..........




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

just bought sound shapes i hope i like it

The Monsters and Magic of Soul Sacrifice

+ Posted by Kumi Yuasa // Producer, SCEA

It’s been a while since our last Soul Sacrifice blog post, so with Gamescom taking place this week I thought I’d take a moment to share some new game details. In our debut post, we talked about the reality-blended experience and the concept of sacrificing in Soul Sacrifice on PS Vita. Now, I’m going to provide a deeper insight into the game.

In the world of Soul Sacrifice, monsters are what have become of humans who succumbed to darkness, using magic according to their desire. The mission of a sorcerer is to exterminate these monsters. Now, you may be wondering what sort of monsters you will come across and how they succumbed to this fate. Let’s take a look at the back story of one of these monsters — “Griffon.”

He was a noble. His lands were vast, and he lived in opulence, supported by heavy taxes exacted from those who lived in his dominion. One day, he was presented with an offering from the people — a golden statue of a figure combining beast, bird, and man. His heart was swept away by the figure, and he felt an unnatural adoration for it. The power of the unnatural love was such that it drove him to kill his wife for hiding the statue from him. The years passed, and eventually the people rose up in rebellion, unable to further shoulder the burden of the noble’s oppressive taxes. They swarmed around the noble’s castle and found him in his treasure vault. By the time they found him, however, he was no longer human. His love of gold had allowed the golden statue, which he loved without limit, to take over his body, transforming him into the statue’s likeness.

Now that you’ve gotten a glimpse into the background of how Griffon was spawned, let’s see what magic you have at your disposal to battle against him and other monsters. Plants, stones, and other materials obtained in the game are given up as offerings. These offerings grant you magical powers — the more valuable the offering, the stronger the sorcery it unleashes.

Plant Sword

Plants such as “swordsman’s seedlings” and “swordmaster’s seedlings” can be given as an offering to harness this close combat magic. The seedlings grow sharp and hard, cutting enemies with their edges.

Raijin Statue Axe

“Thunderstone razors” and “Thunderstone blades” can be given as an offering to harness this close combat magic. The axe, shrouded in thunder, can strike tremendous blows.

Giant’s Bones

“Giant’s bones” can be given as an offering to harness close combat magic. Your fist becomes hardened and massive, striking down all before you.

Stone Wall Ruins

“Stone wall ruins” can be given as an offering to harness defensive magic. An enormous defensive wall appears, protecting you from your enemies’ attacks.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault Unzips PS Vita Support and Competitive Mode

+ Posted by Shaun McCabe // Production Director, Insomniac Games


Hey everyone, I’m Shaun McCabe, production director at Insomniac Games’ North Carolina studio. Since this is my first PS.Blog post, I’ll briefly introduce myself. I joined the company in 2003 during the development of Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, but I’ve been an Insomniac fan going all the way back to Disruptor on the PlayStation.


As you may have heard, yesterday we announced that our dynamic duo’s latest adventure, Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault, is coming to both PS3 and PS Vita! Working closely with our friends at Tin Giant, who are helping bring the game to PS Vita, we’re delivering full cross-play and cross-save support. So, the ever-popular, “Well, I’d love to be playing Ratchet & Clank right now, but am stuck at the bus stop/office/police station/etc.” can no longer apply. Not only will the game feature cross-play and cross-save, but it’s also part of a super-cool promotional offer where anyone who purchases Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault for PS3 via PlayStation Network will be able to download the PS Vita version of the game from PSN at no additional cost and vice versa.

And today, we have even more news to share. A few weeks ago, we revealed the first gameplay details about Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault. We even teased a new online mode, and now it’s time to expose it all right here.

Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault is returning to the classic camera, weapons and third-person Ratchet gameplay that the series is known for, while adding a new base defense element that will have you building and defending a base against invasions using your ultimate Ratchet & Clank arsenal.

Well, the further we got into development, the more we felt like we just had to add a player vs. player mode. We’re big fans of the multiplayer modes in Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal and Ratchet: Deadlocked and got excited about the opportunity to bring back competitive play to the franchise. The result of our efforts is an intense, strategic and “Ratchet-y” experience that combines classic Ratchet & Clank mechanics with MOBA-style head-to-head action.

The Full Frontal Assault competitive mode will support 2-4 players and feature ranked and custom games. A match will consist of rounds that are divided into phases. First, there’s a Recon phase where you’ll capture nodes in the battlefield. Then, in the Squad phase, you’ll build your base defenses and minion squads. Finally, it’s time to get nasty. In the Assault phase you’ll annihilate your opponent by attacking their base. The game ends when one side has destroyed all the generators in the opponent’s base.

The game has really taken on a life of its own, and we can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself when Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault launches this fall. Of course, if you really can’t wait, just remember that the Ratchet & Clank Collection hits the U.S. on August 28th.

Stick to this space for all the latest Ratchet & Clank news this summer and fall as we continue to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our favorite Lombax and his diminutive robotic pal. You can also like Insomniac Games on Facebookand follow us on Twitter.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Chark said:


The Monsters and Magic of Soul Sacrifice

+ Posted by Kumi Yuasa // Producer, SCEA

It’s been a while since our last Soul Sacrifice blog post, so with Gamescom taking place this week I thought I’d take a moment to share some new game details. In our debut post, we talked about the reality-blended experience and the concept of sacrificing in Soul Sacrifice on PS Vita. Now, I’m going to provide a deeper insight into the game.

In the world of Soul Sacrifice, monsters are what have become of humans who succumbed to darkness, using magic according to their desire. The mission of a sorcerer is to exterminate these monsters. Now, you may be wondering what sort of monsters you will come across and how they succumbed to this fate. Let’s take a look at the back story of one of these monsters — “Griffon.”

He was a noble. His lands were vast, and he lived in opulence, supported by heavy taxes exacted from those who lived in his dominion. One day, he was presented with an offering from the people — a golden statue of a figure combining beast, bird, and man. His heart was swept away by the figure, and he felt an unnatural adoration for it. The power of the unnatural love was such that it drove him to kill his wife for hiding the statue from him. The years passed, and eventually the people rose up in rebellion, unable to further shoulder the burden of the noble’s oppressive taxes. They swarmed around the noble’s castle and found him in his treasure vault. By the time they found him, however, he was no longer human. His love of gold had allowed the golden statue, which he loved without limit, to take over his body, transforming him into the statue’s likeness.

Now that you’ve gotten a glimpse into the background of how Griffon was spawned, let’s see what magic you have at your disposal to battle against him and other monsters. Plants, stones, and other materials obtained in the game are given up as offerings. These offerings grant you magical powers — the more valuable the offering, the stronger the sorcery it unleashes.

Plant Sword

Plants such as “swordsman’s seedlings” and “swordmaster’s seedlings” can be given as an offering to harness this close combat magic. The seedlings grow sharp and hard, cutting enemies with their edges.

Raijin Statue Axe

“Thunderstone razors” and “Thunderstone blades” can be given as an offering to harness this close combat magic. The axe, shrouded in thunder, can strike tremendous blows.

Giant’s Bones

“Giant’s bones” can be given as an offering to harness close combat magic. Your fist becomes hardened and massive, striking down all before you.

Stone Wall Ruins

“Stone wall ruins” can be given as an offering to harness defensive magic. An enormous defensive wall appears, protecting you from your enemies’ attacks.


need that game now!