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Was just over in the NeoGaf thread about the Vita. Its become very apparent that no matter what Sony does they are going to get crapped on. Sony had a AAA showing at gamescom for sure, yet some are still going "meh". With the announced games and features(even if they all do not pertain to you individually) that doesn't mean they aught not exist at all. Specifically Killzone Mercenaries.....
-WHY the hell does it matter if the game is 4x4 or 8x8? If they choose smaller number of players so be it, i really fail to see how this effects the game at all. I could see if it was just a 2x2 or something but 4 per team is plenty for a PORTABLE game which is heavily dependent that not only is someone else playing at the exact same time as you but they are within wifi range. I am sure the maps will be of a smaller scale anyway so less of a cluster fuck would b appreciated.
-Touch QTE for melee......AND? its not completely out of the way and the trick is you don't actually have to outline the arrows with ur finger(U:GA) u just mimick the shape. They did not seem too demanding at all. People are all "I have to move my thumb from analog to do it" and they fail to realize if u are in the middle of a melee animation you can't shoot or move anyway, it takes less than a second to regain your hand position after that is done. It also makes sense as you did just have to put your gun away to pull out a knife. Not to mention I somehow doubt that will end up in the MP .
-Graphics not as good as PS3 entries. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!?!?! Its on a portable device, the fact its even comparable is ground breaking.Why does every title released have to push the graphical benchmark anyway? At least they do when it comes to Sony it seems. I get it that we don't want a game that is completely half assed or ugly but at some point we have to say graphics only matter so much. PSP would get flack for "bland backgrounds" and "static NPCs" all the time, like they forgot they were using a portable system with limited power. I thought Unit 13 was beautiful, even if it wasn't pushing U:GA graphics it hit all the necessary benchmarks of what needed to be displayed.

Same seems to be going for TearAway in a few circles. Great looking game, but it will never be good enough for some.

PS. for all you people harping on about "bleh, touch controls! I Never wanted those!!!" blame the 100+ million people who bought Wiis,iDevices and DSs. The whole thing is an oxymoron(for lack of better term). These machines dazzle the audience with supposed new way to interact with them yet in actual execution they are often times clumsily done. Its a bit strange that most of the most popular Wii and DS titles are those that rarely use all it's bells and whistles even if those bells are the reason people got them in the first place. The PSP on the other hand offered more traditional gaming but it wasn't enticing enough without touch capabilities. Now we have Vita with touch and we jump down Sony's throat for actually trying to put it to good use? Right..........




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)