Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)
1.) Monty and others who believe that the 360 sales should be higher; do you think that vgcharts should guess, with no sources what the actual sales are? You keep referring to NPD #'s which haven't been released yet to get your U.S. totals. Obviously the XBOX 360's sales should be higher as we see the same total we saw yesterday for all three consoles. I would rather have a website that is updated as real information (provided by professional analysts) is released than one that just guesses. 2.) You made many comments to the effect that this site is biased toward Wii or against 360. However to prove this site is biased you would have to show that the XBOX 360 sales are too low and its competitors aren't. You can't just state that the XBOX 360 totals are too low as evidence of bias, common sense alone proves as much since the site is not continuously updated. Here's an excercise, try to prove that the Wii or PS3 sales are tabulated using a different methodology than the XBOX 360 and I will believe the site is biased. Otherwise all 3 console totals are underreported and are updated when NPD/Famitsu/Mediacreate issue press releases.
Lifetime Sales Prediction - 6/29/2013
Wii U - 38 million
XBOX One - 88 million
Playstation 4 - 145 million
One last thing... I found where I read the site owner of vgchart was a Nintendo fan, which is what started me on that train of thought: "vgcharts is not accurate. It's run by some toolbox from the Gaming Age forum and has basically been debunked by any credible NPD/Media Create hound on that forum. He just makes stuff up, exactly like nextgenwars." "The only source of data this guy has is forum threads on GAF. That's it. Media Create is all over the net, and European stuff trickles in from time to time, but there's no way he has an NPD license, not to mention December NPD won't be released until early January. It's guesswork, plain and simple. And fwiw, his posts on GAF are generally slanted towards Nintendo. I think he's a fan." So, in case you were curious what started me on that path... it was that thread above. And, for the record, as I stated before, I can't say the above is true, and am not presenting this to prove a point... just in case you were curious why I said what I did.
Here is a great source for checking/refuting numbers: It will soon have 2006 figures for the USA & Japan. Platinum Game sales are also routinely updated. (10 years + of media crate and npd data)
People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.
When there are more laws, there are more criminals.
- Lao Tzu