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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony have already won...

natureman3 said:
this OP is ubber shit and this is coming from a ps3 fan !
You tend to forget that in the big picture, all relies on profitability.
And due to that SONY just NEEDS the 360 to the there (not too strong but there). Why ? because the market has been split :
- HD gaming on one side (represented by 360+ps3)
- Casual gaming (represented by wii and to a lesser extend ps2)

 While I agree with the view that the PS-3 needs the Xbox 360, I would think that this picture is not complete. The split is more between:


HD: 360 + PS-3 + PC

Casual: Wii + PS2

Portable: PSP + DS

 And I think this split is really significant. It will probably lead to a situation where most HD Games  will be more or less programmed PC like because it reduces the pure development costs, which counters the additional costs for HD graphics. This development would pretty much ensure the profitability of the HD consoles, but it would come with a set back: The plattform with the best performance will pretty much be the PC, nothing beats Moores Law. The Xbox 360 will not really care for this fact. It tries to winn in the price sector. With its Triple Core and unified graphics memory it can in fact be used to model low end PCs, while its GPU can be used opaque to give the Xbox a Power boost. The PS-3 on the other hand has a problem. Its SPUs can not be used as normal multi processors (no unified cache, latency problems, needs special code), while its GPU is less powerfull. it will simply never reach its peak performance under such circumstances. But for software developers this will be the most attractive way. Simply look at the nuimbers that games like "Need for Speed", "Call of Duty" or "Assasins Creed" generate compareds to special plattform games like "Unchartet", "Ratchet & Clank" or "Project Gotham Racing" (You can't really use bundled software like Forza or Motorstorm, in this comparison, and a success like "Halo 3" needs a well established property and good luck).  

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kars said:
natureman3 said:
this OP is ubber shit and this is coming from a ps3 fan !
You tend to forget that in the big picture, all relies on profitability.
And due to that SONY just NEEDS the 360 to the there (not too strong but there). Why ? because the market has been split :
- HD gaming on one side (represented by 360+ps3)
- Casual gaming (represented by wii and to a lesser extend ps2)

 While I agree with the view that the PS-3 needs the Xbox 360, I would think that this picture is not complete. The split is more between:


HD: 360 + PS-3 + PC

Casual: Wii + PS2

Portable: PSP + DS

 And I think this split is really significant. It will probably lead to a situation where most HD Games  will be more or less programmed PC like because it reduces the pure development costs, which counters the additional costs for HD graphics. This development would pretty much ensure the profitability of the HD consoles, but it would come with a set back: The plattform with the best performance will pretty much be the PC, nothing beats Moores Law. The Xbox 360 will not really care for this fact. It tries to winn in the price sector. With its Triple Core and unified graphics memory it can in fact be used to model low end PCs, while its GPU can be used opaque to give the Xbox a Power boost. The PS-3 on the other hand has a problem. Its SPUs can not be used as normal multi processors (no unified cache, latency problems, needs special code), while its GPU is less powerfull. it will simply never reach its peak performance under such circumstances. But for software developers this will be the most attractive way. Simply look at the nuimbers that games like "Need for Speed", "Call of Duty" or "Assasins Creed" generate compareds to special plattform games like "Unchartet", "Ratchet & Clank" or "Project Gotham Racing" (You can't really use bundled software like Forza or Motorstorm, in this comparison, and a success like "Halo 3" needs a well established property and good luck).  

 Why are you bring PC into this. PC has had resolutions in the super HD levels back 10 years ago. It is not in the same catagory as PC's market is currently 1000 times larger then the console market. 

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leo-j said:
I think ps3 will make it to 100m.
 the only way that the ps3 would ever make it to 100 million is if the price was dropped to 50 dollars.but until then the wii will always dominate.and i guarantee you that at least 26 times in 2008 the ps3 will be below 120k. 


the nintendo wii will outsell the ps3 and the 360 combined by the end of 2008.                           

        PS3 will out sell the 360 june 2010.                                                                      

  GOTY of 2008 is super smash brothers brawl.... hopefully.


Wii: 45 million         xbox360: 26 million       PS3: 19 million (made beginning of 08)

wii: 44 million         xbox 360: 24 million      PS3: 21 million (made june 08)

wii code: 8094-5344-2140-1400

brawl code: 5412-9565-3232   

BornFirst. said:
Diomedes1976 said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
lvader said:
Diomedes1976 said:
As long as the Wii users are casuals of the worst kind and third party software bombs in the machine the Wii will be a little more that a toy only Nintendo gets benefit from .

In that perspective the real "videogame " market is between the X360 and PS3 ,and PS3 will win sooner or later .

Not only userbase decides where development goes .If that were the case there wouldnt be ever any new generation because the new machines when launched (and along their first year usually ) get outsold by they older siblings .There are far more PC enabled to run games optimized for graphics cards along the 6800 models that after the 8800 .But ,this industry moves on technology and the new developments will be for PS3 and X360 ,thats where the fresh money will go .Wii will have its fun minigames ,gimmicky sports games and the likes along the Nintendo franchises and that will be all.Oh ,and quick cash-ins and shovelware of course ,its speciality .Thats pretty clear .

Wii Bingo.

You two absolutely cannot be serious... If you are, then you two are as big a problem for the video gaming world as those casuals that you are so offended by.

Have either of you seen the list of RPG games coming to Nintendo's newest console? I am pretty sure there is a little more than, "fun minigames, gimmicky sports games, quick cash-ins, and shovelware" to talk about. And since it seems to have those games and still be murdering your precious favorite consoles, what is going to happen when Tales and the like start hitting?


On topic, Sony will outsell Microsoft worldwide because Microsoft has absolutely no market in Japan where Sony has at least a little penetration in America. Sorry to Microsoft fan...

Wich RPG ?Some Tales of ,a Namco one and a FF spin-off .Just like the Cube had .

It can get more ,thats for granted .But once gamers get a taste of a RPG on the PS3 like White Knight Story or Final Fantasy XIII few japanese will like to go back to the PS2-like graphics of the Wii to seek beautiful worlds ..and thats one of the main attraction of JRPG .

 Wow!! people still using this as an argument, after fantasic looking games like gears of war, mass effect bioshock ,uncharted, etc, people are still picking the wii in droves,  doesn't that show you that graphics are not the main selling point of a console thses days, havent the last 3 years shown you that. The selling point of the wii is not just the motion controller, but the different way it will/may take gaming, and i am not talking about casual games. Not trying to take away from the PS3, its a great system, but offers nothing truly inovative and refreshing to gaming, except for a better picture. I love this new direction the wii is taking gaming, but i also love the way the PS3 pays homage to the way we have been playing for years. But this is probably falling on deaf ears simply because i have seen some of your posts in the past, and it seems the wii does not do anything for you, which is not a bad thing by the way.


I think the Wii's success is a combination of the new controller and the low price.  We owned a 360 first, but decided to get the Wii as a second machine because it wasn't another big investment.

misterd said:

That's the point that no one here is addressing. All informed gamers know that Sony got in this business in order to eventually introduce a unified home entertainment system. Each new console model has taken another step in that direction. MS got into video games because they refused to cede this market to Sony. Neither one saw video games as a the ultimate goal, but as a trojan horse which they could use to conquer the living room. All this - the PS1, PS2, XBox, 360 and PS3, are just a preamble for the war to come. Unless Song or MS drop out of the market altogether, the outcome will not be known for at least another 2 generations, probably more. So all this bullshit about who's profitable RIGHT NOW, who sold more games LAST GENERATION, is absolutely irrelevant.

 I agree that the console competition between MS and Sony isn't just about making money on the console market, but also involves both companies wanting a bigger media presence in the living room.


However, I also believe profitability is a factor when we're talking about losses in the billions of dollars.  MS, for good or bad, is in a much better position to win under these circumstances than Sony.  They have an enormous war chest (> $100 b), they've shown themselves willing to lose large sums over the short term to win in the long term (such as the browser war), and their investors are conditioned for long-term thinking (MS fought paying dividends for a long time because they want their investors to think about long-term stock value instead of short-term returns).


Sony really can't afford to bleed red for as long as MS... 

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I really wonder why many sony fanboys think that ps3 will dominate the console market in the not so distant future ...

Just look at PSP, it has a faster CPU and a higher resolution display but still it isnt able to catch up to the lower spec'd DS ....

HD graphics gaming is no real factor in the equation, actually, at least for some years to come. Same is valid for movies imho. That a majority only wants HD DVD/Bluray resolution movies at a multiple of the price of a DVD release anytime soon is probably just wishful thinking of the industry .....

fkusumot said:
leo-j said:

according to sony they have sold over a billion software(ps2 alone) they make money of of that.

Im guessing they made much more money then they lost before. Now its different though.

Joel, X-Man specifically said that:

"Sony has made more money on PS1 and PS2 software, then they have lost on PS3 hardware".

When I asked him to prove that statement he could not provide any numbers of how much money the PS1/PS2 software made or how much money the PS3 has lost. He could not back his statement up. What you wrote doesn't help to provide the specific information needed.

This discussion made me curious myself, so I took the two earnings reports for Q1 and Q2 of '08 and dug through annual reports back to '97 when operating income for the Games Division was first reported(The Games Division wasn't reported separately until '98 but it did give numbers for the '97 year).  The following information is all available from

1997    57.0
1998    116.9
1999    136.5
2000    76.9
2001    -51.1
2002    82.9
2003    112.7
2004    67.6
2005    43.2
2006    8.7
2007    -232.3
Q108    -29.2
Q208    -96.7

 All numbers are in billions of yen, though I haven't adjusted them for rising/falling strength of the yen.  The total is +293.1B yen.  This doesn't account for R&D losses for the original PlayStation that were most likely absorbed in 1996 by the Electronics Division, but considering the Electronics Division saw an increase in operating income from '95 to '96 the losses probably weren't very large(tens of billions or less instead of hundreds of billions).  Anyway, this show that Sony has indeed lost less on PS3 software than it has on PS1/PS2 software, but it has blown through the profits from PS2 alone and it's likely to take a good chunk out of the profts from PS1 in the next year or so(As Sony themselves have stated it will be some time before they're at the break-even point).

lvader said:
X-Man said:
lvader said:
Previous years profits don't count for much, Sony gaming division has lost a lot of money in the last 2 years and continue to do so. MS now make money from Xbox products.

Lol, of course it matters. MS aren't making money, they're making their money back. They're still billions in the hole. Sony are still billions up. And Nintendo are always making a profit.

It doesn't matter to share holders, the past doesn't count for anything. What counts is now and the future. The bottom line is that Nintendo and MS are making money and Sony are loseing it.

You're wrong, the past counts. It counts a lot. Share holders care about business profiles. Sony share holders know the "PlayStation" business, they know Sony can recover the PS3 loses (also remember most of the losses where financed by PS2 profits and where approved by Sony's board). Sony share holders know this because Sony had the same problems with PS1 and PS2. They lost money for 2 years and then made money for 5 years. On the other hand MS share holders never saw profits on the Xbox business at all. 7 years for 7B losses is not appealing to anyone I know.

 Also, if you saying MS is making money based on a single quarter where they posted a profit of $200M you better think twice. They still on a big loss for this year. Also don't forget that the profitable quarter was the Halo 3 quarter. Halo 3 probably accounted for more than $200M profit. So they still not making money.

Just one more thing, in a company like MS, that normally posts way over $3B profit a quarter, Xbox will never be a business to be reckoned with. It's just too small. MS needs a business to secure their future in case Windows/Office sales slow down. Investors want this and this is the reason MS stock has been flat for a while. I doubt any major investor is buying MS stock because of it's Xbox division.


PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


krik said:
lvader said:
X-Man said:
lvader said:
Previous years profits don't count for much, Sony gaming division has lost a lot of money in the last 2 years and continue to do so. MS now make money from Xbox products.

Lol, of course it matters. MS aren't making money, they're making their money back. They're still billions in the hole. Sony are still billions up. And Nintendo are always making a profit.

It doesn't matter to share holders, the past doesn't count for anything. What counts is now and the future. The bottom line is that Nintendo and MS are making money and Sony are loseing it.

You're wrong, the past counts. It counts a lot. Share holders care about business profiles. Sony share holders know the "PlayStation" business, they know Sony can recover the PS3 loses (also remember most of the losses where financed by PS2 profits and where approved by Sony's board). Sony share holders know this because Sony had the same problems with PS1 and PS2. They lost money for 2 years and then made money for 5 years. On the other hand MS share holders never saw profits on the Xbox business at all. 7 years for 7B losses is not appealing to anyone I know.

 Also, if you saying MS is making money based on a single quarter where they posted a profit of $200M you better think twice. They still on a big loss for this year. Also don't forget that the profitable quarter was the Halo 3 quarter. Halo 3 probably accounted for more than $200M profit. So they still not making money.

Just one more thing, in a company like MS, that normally posts way over $3B profit a quarter, Xbox will never be a business to be reckoned with. It's just too small. MS needs a business to secure their future in case Windows/Office sales slow down. Investors want this and this is the reason MS stock has been flat for a while. I doubt any major investor is buying MS stock because of it's Xbox division.


Realistically speaking, people invest in Sony because they're so massive it is unlikely they will lose much money (not for any potential profit); it is likely that Sony will get a sell rating after March 31st because they will fail to meet their profit projections and their profit margin will continue to be negligible. Sony (as a stock) is not healthy at all, how does a company make less than $1 Billion profit off of $70 Billion in revenues?

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