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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Leaked specifications list for the Project Cafe

Viper1 said:
Yokijirou said:
Viper1 said:
Yokijirou said:

Only thing I could actually see being streamable would be the Virtual Console games. Remember the Sega Channel? Yeah that was Pre-DubStep. (before 1999 but WELL before 2011) and it was capable of doing that. I don't much care about the size of the machine just as long as it doesn't overheat and flash/beep at me.

I still don't understand this Streaming controller business. How would that even make sense? Rumors are silly. Just like people you think DubStep is new. :)

The Sega Channel wasn't a streaming service.  It was a download service much like standard game download content is today.  What made it unique was that it operated through the standard cable TV service with the games being broadcast on rotation.  Your console had to wait until that game was broadcast again and it was downloaded into RAM (meanign you also erased the game once you turned off the console).

Ok yeah it's in the RAM but now let's just fast foward 10 years, if that was possible then, streaming a few MB worth of  game  would be possible. I mean OnLive does it, sort of successfully.

That was not streamed though.  Downloading a few MB's was easy back then.  Streaming a few MB's would not have happened at all.

And OnLive does streaming but the quality isn't as good as a console or mid range PC and you need a damn good connection.  Which still doesn't address the fact that many places either have poor connections or no connection at all.

I agree that it wasn't streaming. @___@ I'm saying that now we're capable of streaming. Probably would be better off just downloading the title.

Speculation is funulation :)

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mendozahotness said:

CPU and GPU would be to Xbox 360  like Wii is to Xbox 1

Memory is a bigger improvement, would be like Xbox 2 (256MB) to Xbox 360 (512MB)

So as a package, overall, a bigger leap than Wii was to Xbox, but not a a full next gen leap. Dreamcast would be the best paradigm.

The Xbxo30 shares 512MB between CPU and GPU.

Ont this spezification list Cafe has 1,5 GB Ram. 512 MB for CPU and 1GB for GPU. That is a very huge and important improvement.

I'm actually surprised at how plausible these are

MrT-Tar said:

I'm actually surprised at how plausible these are

Meh. It doesn't even cook breakfast for you. How is that even remotely plausible?

probably fake, but who knows

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50/50 chance of this being real. On one hand this is a hugeass jump from the PS3 (the GPU and CPU are damn powerful, also very much plausible), on the other... I'm having a hard time believing that Nintendo is gonna go that far for power. Is 3rd party support THAT impotant to you, Nintendo? What happened to making money?

The funny thing is that the gigaflops / frequency / expected number of stream processors don't actually make sense. Anyway it looks like someone with a reasonable level of knowledge created a half decent fake.


Xen said:

50/50 chance of this being real. On one hand this is a hugeass jump from the PS3 (the GPU and CPU are damn powerful, also very much plausible), on the other... I'm having a hard time believing that Nintendo is gonna go that far for power. Is 3rd party support THAT impotant to you, Nintendo? What happened to making money?

Nintendo has plenty of money. I think future-proofing the Cafe is a good idea . . .


nintendo forever . . .

Yokijirou said:

I have a question for you guys. Seeing how the "dolphin" emulator has been shown to upconvert or whatever it does Wii games to 1080p, do you think it would be at all possible to do the same with a console?

That's definitely possible, the Xbox 360 does that with games from the old Xbox. It renders them at higher resolution, which results in actual detail rather than the upscaling done by TVs which is just making up detail.

However it might not work for all games and it might require testing games individually to check if the up-rendering works. So it's possible that Nintendo either forgets the idea entirely or only enables it for certain games.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

theARTIST0017 said:
Xen said:

50/50 chance of this being real. On one hand this is a hugeass jump from the PS3 (the GPU and CPU are damn powerful, also very much plausible), on the other... I'm having a hard time believing that Nintendo is gonna go that far for power. Is 3rd party support THAT impotant to you, Nintendo? What happened to making money?

Nintendo has plenty of money. I think future-proofing the Cafe is a good idea . . .

Nintendo fails to understand that it isn't lack of power that withdrew 3rd party devs from developing from them.... were N64 and GC not powerful? They very much were. Did they have premium 3rd party support? Not at all. Third party devs either dislike Nintendo or don't give a rats' ass about them. Same thing with the audience they're trying to capture here.

Also, nothing in computer hardware is truly futureproof, see the jumps being done in PC hardware on a yearly basis... and while it's true that they have lots of money, what's to stop them from making more? Oh, this.