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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz ranking game--Red Dead Redemption

dsister said:

My friends Xbox got the RRoD right after he started playing this. So he sold it to me. After playing it for several hours I now think his Xbox sacrificed itself so my friend wouldn't die of boredom. I only wish mine would of been so kind :( 

4.4. I know the rules say I should go into deeper context if I give it a lower score, but I'm lazy. If you want me to, John, I will though 

The rule is there to keep people from trolling the game and I can tell usually if someone is doing that or not. Your a good poster so its all good.

@Machina--thanks for the heads up.

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That's a very high score for someone who's never liked sandbox games before!

It's big and beautiful. The controls are tight. The setting is distinct from anything else out there. 

Only problem for me was that it was a little buggy here and there, but oh well.

Brilliant game.

**My scoring system is extremely weird.....if I feel at any one moment that the game I am playing is one of my best experienced the game has to get a 9 (unless the game gets boring later on), the amount of time that feeling lasts throughout the game decides how far up the 9 scale it gets....if the feeling lasts for the whole game it gets a 10/10...only 1 game has done that; MGS4**

Score: 9.0/10

Rockstar has always been one of my fav companies. They made my 2nd fav game ever which at the time was myt fav game ever, GTA San Andreas. They have also made other awesome games like GTA3, Vice City, Bully and so on. In fact I like GTA since GTA1,2 as my neighbors had them on PS1, so I used to play em round their house.

GTA4 stands as my biggest disappointment ever, RDR had to win back a lot of respect from me for Rockstar, and it did.


- Good, well paced storyline

- Great variety with minigames that for once are fun, minigames usually bore me, now Yakuza 3 made me enjoy them and RDR went forward with that, the card game was addictive!

- Scale of the world is great and a breath of fresh air from the same old same old Liberty City, if I need to play in Liberty City ever again I might have to shoot something

- Great music

- Compelling characters for the most part

- Variety in side missions

- Nice ending


- Got boring after 10 hours

- Lacks the magic GTA:SA open world had, yeah different times obviously but that game had some magic in it that made me coming back to play it again n again...maybe variety of terrain and setting (which is why ultimately I enjoyed Just Cause 2 more than RDR....oh just cause 2, why did you have to have a crappy could've been a classic!)


A great game! A big step up from GTA4 and if GTA5 is made with this kind of story, variety in side missions then I should enjoy GTA5 more than 4.

While playing RDR I did feel at times this was my best experience ever (near the beginning 10 hours and the ending few hours), but the times where it got boring were a bit too many which brings it down to just a 9.0, rather than a 9.2.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


- Sometimes looks nice.

- Voice acting is sometimes good.


- Travelling between areas is boring.

- Your basically an errand boy for the whole game, just doing what everyone else tells you to do and then acting as if your a bad ass in the process.

- The mission structure is broken and confusing.

- The map is useless.

- The respect system is fucked up. Girl gets kidnapped, you shoot kidnapper, the whole fucking town goes insane and tries to kill the rescuer.

- Can't swim. What is this, 1993?

- Shooting mechanics aren't that great.

- Riding behind or with people before missions. Look, I know they want to be like old Westerns with this little trait, but old Westerns also only did it once or twice, not five times every eight missions.

- The environments look all the same for like the first six hours, it doesn't help that they already looked bland to begin with.

- Horse is just as glitchy as the horse in Oblivion, neither were very stable.

I give the game a 3/10. 

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.


I found this game amazing. Personal experience but the environments were absolutely stunning, the combat and horse riding were a bit clunky at times, but other than that it was a very enjoyable experience with an interesting story - which I did enjoy, and the black humor that usually accompanies the Rock* games.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

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- Suprisingly good storyline from Rockstar, not a complete joke like GTA4.

- Lot to do with minigames and sidequests

- Soundtrack is awesome

- Caters to a genre that has been lacking in videogames (this is actually first game I've played with a western-setting).


- Things get a little boring at some point, though this happens with all games eventually especially sandboxes.

- Minigames are really weak

- DLC, I hate how you have to pay to play team deathmatch or other modes in some spots in the maps. Esentially you're just paying for things that are there in the single player/Free Roam allready! I don't feel like paying 10€ just for them putting a few spawnpoints in the other areas of the map...

- Controls are terrible as usual, I HAVE A HARD TIME GOING THROUGH A DOOR, DAMMIT!


I would get lost in the world doing side missions riding around on my favorite horses.It was also nice to play a game that showcased the American southwest country side that I have lived in my whole life. The aeas that look like Texas covered the vast differences in looks in the different places in Texas. The Rocky Mountains Area looked like Colorado except for lacking in Aspens and Scrub Oak. The great plains looked better than real life and it was so cool that the herd of Buffalo could be wiped out to symbolize the white mans destruction of the Indian and almost the animal it self. I cannot comment on Mexico as I have not been in its countryside only some of the cities.

The characters were funny and the game had a good balance between funny and serious characters.

I loved how the wolves would constantly attack you as  they quickly became my biggest nemisis.

I loved playing pocker and that dice game were you called bluffs on the number of dice that were on the table.

I loved the glitches they were funny especially getting thrown in the air hundreds of feet. Almost as good as the one in GTAIV that throws vehicles.

The story line was good even if I did feel like Marsten was helping ssome characters in Mexico a little to much. Especially the end which I think was suprising a little, well being true to the nature of what happens to most men who live life fighting the laws.

This game deserved every game of the year it got and thepeople giving it such low scores are being preaty unfair considering it offers so much more to do than most games.

Hey yo_john its funny you are bribing us I think that is a first I have seen on the charts.

meh I don't feel like posting my scores anymore.


When I see tons of people giving a game 10s even though it only should be in the 80s and others give highly acclaimed games ridiculous scores of 2 or 3 instead of 6-10, I just don't see why I should waste my time here.

Some of you guys just don't have any talent to judge quality and I guess you are also the people who complain about official reviews. One thing is clear, the fault lies with you and not the reviewers.

Barozi said:

meh I don't feel like posting my scores anymore.


When I see tons of people giving a game 10s even though it only should be in the 80s and others give highly acclaimed games ridiculous scores of 2 or 3 instead of 6-10, I just don't see why I should waste my time here.

Some of you guys just don't have any talent to judge quality and I guess you are also the people who complain about official reviews. One thing is clear, the fault lies with you and not the reviewers.

Quality isn't really objective. And just like reviewers people in here give their own opinions about games, and we should treat them as something subjective, and not as a fact. Therefore I also think that complaining about reviews is silly, doesn't matter who wrote it.

OT: Haven't played it (yet) so I won't vote.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


snfr said:
Barozi said:

meh I don't feel like posting my scores anymore.


When I see tons of people giving a game 10s even though it only should be in the 80s and others give highly acclaimed games ridiculous scores of 2 or 3 instead of 6-10, I just don't see why I should waste my time here.

Some of you guys just don't have any talent to judge quality and I guess you are also the people who complain about official reviews. One thing is clear, the fault lies with you and not the reviewers.

Quality isn't really objective. And just like reviewers people in here give their own opinions about games, and we should treat them as something subjective, and not as a fact. Therefore I also think that complaining about reviews is silly, doesn't matter who wrote it.

OT: Haven't played it (yet) so I won't vote.

Giving the Game of the Year 2010 a 2 is just wrong. FACT.

Opinions can be wrong as well.