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- Sometimes looks nice.

- Voice acting is sometimes good.


- Travelling between areas is boring.

- Your basically an errand boy for the whole game, just doing what everyone else tells you to do and then acting as if your a bad ass in the process.

- The mission structure is broken and confusing.

- The map is useless.

- The respect system is fucked up. Girl gets kidnapped, you shoot kidnapper, the whole fucking town goes insane and tries to kill the rescuer.

- Can't swim. What is this, 1993?

- Shooting mechanics aren't that great.

- Riding behind or with people before missions. Look, I know they want to be like old Westerns with this little trait, but old Westerns also only did it once or twice, not five times every eight missions.

- The environments look all the same for like the first six hours, it doesn't help that they already looked bland to begin with.

- Horse is just as glitchy as the horse in Oblivion, neither were very stable.

I give the game a 3/10. 

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.