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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Mario's Wacky Worlds

Did you know that there was a planned sequel to Super Mario World, for the Philips CD-i? It was going to be called 'Super Mario's Wacky Worlds,' but the Philips CD-i died before the game could be completed. The game remains 30% complete, and can actually be played at its incomplete state.

What a shame, for the game really looks good. Like, it really, really looks good. The graphics are very clean, crisp, and just gorgeous. The CD-i could definitely produce a fine looking game. The backgrounds, especially, and bright, with fluid animation. Why do games remain unfinished? Why can't a game be worked on until it is finished? It makes no sense to me at all. Imagine what Sonic Xtreme, Star Fox 2, Donkey Kong Racing, and this game, would have been like, if completed? Oh well...

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Meh... the art style looks very generic, and it's probably better that this game disappeared. We all know how the CD-i Zelda titles besmirched the series' otherwise impeccable reputation...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

As long as they make a sequel to SMG I'm ok with them letting this one remain unfinished. But seriously, yes unfinished games do suck--I wish they'd at least release what was playable at a discounted price!

boden11 said:
As long as they make a sequel to SMG I'm ok with them letting this one remain unfinished. But seriously, yes unfinished games do suck--I wish they'd at least release what was playable at a discounted price!

I for one, would not want to pay for an unfinished game. Besides, you can play these unfinished games by downloading the roms. It would be nice if these games could be finished. It makes no sense to leave games unfinished. No sense at all. It's also a waste of money, and time. It's okay to make another crappy movie-game, but it's not okay to finish a game that could become a legend, like Sonic Xtreme, and Star Fox 2.


Wow, looks pretty crappy...but it's on the Philips CD-i, of course it's crappy hehe.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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Only looks crappy because it's 30% complete. Who knows, it could have been good. Philips CD-i isn't that bad. Its reputation was destroyed only because of those Zelda games, and that one Mario game, which apparently, all have decent game play, but are under rated, only because of their laughable cartoon clips in between game play.

Decent gameplay? The controls were terrible and the games were pointless. It was a struggle to do anything in the games. The laughable cartoon clips made the games laughable instead of agonizingly stupid.

And this may be 30% complete...but then it's just that.  What would 100% look like?  Nobody knows, because the finished product doesn't exist.  But to me, that looks worse than the original Super Mario World, and it certainly looks less responsive and more glitchy.  Not promising at all. 

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Yeah, but according to 1-UP, the game play is decent, in two Zelda games, and one Hotel Mario game. Also, since coincidentally, that one Zelda game that 1-UP despises, is considered to be the best Zelda game on the CD-i, by many others, could consider the actual game play of these games to be decent. I have never played them before. I don't know about you. But others have stated that the game play is decent. It makes sense, for the games don't actually look that bad on Youtube. I mean, they definitely don't look superb by any means, but perhaps, under rated. I think it's the cut scenes that made up most of the hatred towards the games, and not the actual game play.

OMG! I never knew this existed! It looks awesome, where can I play this incompleted game??!

Good find.

Why is everyone dissing it? Just because Zelda CDi was spastic doesn't mean this is.

"I wonder what Ganon's up to?"

ArtofAngels said:
OMG! I never knew this existed! It looks awesome, where can I play this incompleted game??!

Good find.

Why is everyone dissing it? Just because Zelda CDi was spastic doesn't mean this is.

"I wonder what Ganon's up to?"

Trust me bro this game would have sucked just as much balls.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

