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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox not helped by it's "ethnicity"

This is fucking idiotic. If that's the case, I suppose nobody should be buying any European products right? Europeans have pretty much caused the most pain, suffering, rape and death in the last half millennium, and America is the bad guy? Hell, lets look at some of the wars and their causes. The ENTIRE Middle East situation stems from a colonial division of the region following WWI called the Treaty of Sevres that the Brits and French oh so wisely took part in. We got stuck in Vietnam because the idiot French tried to reclaim their former colonies who were not having any of it, we had to bail them out, and then they start crying about the evils of America being in Vietnam. I won't argue that America has done alot of dick head stuff following WW2, but I hate having European nations bitch at us about world problems, most of which they caused, then handed over to us, cleaned their hands of it and retreated into their shells behind the American led NATO in the hopes that the Soviets wouldn't invade them.

Apologies for my anti-hypocrites in Europe rant, but in any case, videogames sales have nothing to do with nationality and every thing to do with brand image and content, as well as price.

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hmmm....perhaps a lock is in order.

oh I didn't know all Americans shared the same "ethnicity" .....

There are some anti-american feeling, I m sure of this
as there are some americans people that are happy to not buy a Japan product because, NOW, they have their own console (Xbox) made by an american enterprise.

Overall, the main problem is the not american popularity in Europe
(every boys just love Nike'R in France)
the problem is more about the name Microsoft and the console world :
MS is nothing outside of hardcore that spend time reading video game review.
At the opposite, Sony or Nintendo, have a brandname that are very strong.

This is why I will buy a PS3 and not a Xbox360
I dont even mention I would be happy to play the, still, exclusive games that will be release on the PS3.

I was personnaly more shocked by people who have continued to buy a 35% failure rate console ...

Time to Work !

white devil said:
This is fucking idiotic. If that's the case, I suppose nobody should be buying any European products right? Europeans have pretty much caused the most pain, suffering, rape and death in the last half millennium, and America is the bad guy? Hell, lets look at some of the wars and their causes. The ENTIRE Middle East situation stems from a colonial division of the region following WWI called the Treaty of Sevres that the Brits and French oh so wisely took part in. We got stuck in Vietnam because the idiot French tried to reclaim their former colonies who were not having any of it, we had to bail them out, and then they start crying about the evils of America being in Vietnam. I won't argue that America has done alot of dick head stuff following WW2, but I hate having European nations bitch at us about world problems, most of which they caused, then handed over to us, cleaned their hands of it and retreated into their shells behind the American led NATO in the hopes that the Soviets wouldn't invade them.

Apologies for my anti-hypocrites in Europe rant, but in any case, videogames sales have nothing to do with nationality and every thing to do with brand image and content, as well as price.

Hear! Hear! Could have not said it better myself!

However with the last paragraph I disagree. Europeans get the same games that are popular on the 360 than on PS3 (minus the exclusives like MGS) but as far as I know they get their "football" fix and for the most part it seems Europeans are also into JFPS (look at Call of Duty sales!)

What are you looking at, nerd?
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Hi guys. I'm English and I haven't heard anyone say they're not going to buy the 360 because it's made in America.

There are some people who hate America enough to boycott American products but they are very few in number and are usually hardcore politicos who spend all their time campaigning and none of their time gaming. A lot of ordinary people dislike America's foreign policy but they don't hate the country and don't boycott American goods. American brands, movies and TV shows are very popular over here.

The 360 is actually selling very well in the UK, look at the sales charts. The Wii only vey recently overtook the 360. The only reason I haven't bought one is because of the failure rate. If in a year's time it's clear they've properly sorted it out I'll buy one.

There's also a general dislike of Microsoft because a lot of people (rightly or wrongly) feel that they monopolise and hold back the computer industry and release over priced and substandard products like Vista. I'm not saying that's correct, just pointing out that that's the perception amongst a lot of people. Again, there's no hatred of America involved, just a dislike of a particular company.

The Japanese haven't bought the 360 for 2 reasons. Firstly, they're not generally into the kind of games that the 360 excels at and secondly they're loyal to Japanese products. It's not that they hate America or American products, they just like to support Japanese ones in the same way as many Americans like to support American companies. If the 360 was made in, say, Italy instead it wouldn't improve sales because it still wouldn't have the right kinds of games and still wouldn't be Japanese.

Mummelmann said:
rudyrsr8 said:
Mummelmann said:
schattenwolf86 said:
And please tell me how an American is ethnically different than the other people of the world.

It's not an issue of that, it's more about starting wars in 20-25 countries on four continents in under 50 years, I think... And yes; it is a big deal outside the US.

lol people upset about US forieng policy take it out on products i find it funny and completely illogical it doesnt matter considering a good product will sell no matter what. Also to blame it only on that idea is complete stupidity what about price? games types? Culture? There are much more differeneces than american made for instance apple sells well world wide with ipods but oh no their american. Some people just dont think before posting.

I know there are other factors, such MS being less than popular for instance. You really don't know how upset many people are over Americans right now, do you? Don't accuse me of not thinking before posting, I possess the ability and interest to look beyond my nations border and pick up on a thing or two. I think a European's view on how Europeans see Americans is more valid. "Hey, everyone! Everyone loves Norwegians! I know because I do!"


I just am saying there are more reasons to why 360 isnt that awesome in other countries than the usa but to go along and think that it is justifable to think that a country is all one way is ignorance that there are people with different opinion in a country. Also that to make someone suffer for someone else's perception of something is horrible. And i dont even like M$.


"Like you know"

ferret1603 said:
Hi guys. I'm English and I haven't heard anyone say they're not going to buy the 360 because it's made in America.

There are some people who hate America enough to boycott American products but they are very few in number and are usually hardcore politicos who spend all their time campaigning and none of their time gaming. A lot of ordinary people dislike America's foreign policy but they don't hate the country and don't boycott American goods. American brands, movies and TV shows are very popular over here.

The 360 is actually selling very well in the UK, look at the sales charts. The Wii only vey recently overtook the 360. The only reason I haven't bought one is because of the failure rate. If in a year's time it's clear they've properly sorted it out I'll buy one.

There's also a general dislike of Microsoft because a lot of people (rightly or wrongly) feel that they monopolise and hold back the computer industry and release over priced and substandard products like Vista. I'm not saying that's correct, just pointing out that that's the perception amongst a lot of people. Again, there's no hatred of America involved, just a dislike of a particular company.

The Japanese haven't bought the 360 for 2 reasons. Firstly, they're not generally into the kind of games that the 360 excels at and secondly they're loyal to Japanese products. It's not that they hate America or American products, they just like to support Japanese ones in the same way as many Americans like to support American companies. If the 360 was made in, say, Italy instead it wouldn't improve sales because it still wouldn't have the right kinds of games and still wouldn't be Japanese.

Good analysis

Plain and simple the white public hates Xbox because its a brotha.


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Since when is the 360 made in America. Its a US company, but not much is actually made here. That said, its pretty sad that our idiot president.....that bought his way into office......has made the American image this bad. Its to the point I would rather just say i'm canadian. From listening to people outside of the US, it seems the general perception is that we are a bunch of war hungry rednecks. While in the middle states that may hold true to an extent, its far from the countries overall attitude. Our system is just flaud, and the greed has made it impossible to make changes for the good. We are also apparently too scared to impeach the moron at the helm.....not that it would make much difference as his smarter idiot Cheney would replace him. I just hope our next president isnt a religious freak hell bent on world domination like this one. Then and only then can this country start to re-build its reputation in a positive light.