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Forums - Sony Discussion - SONY: PS3 over 50m units sold and 8m MOVE units sold.

psrock said:
CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:

The poor sales of GT5 compared to previous GT games says alot.

People need to get a perspective on all this. This gen is far from straight forward numbers wise.

Interesting that you say this -

GT4 20th week: 21,530 - (EMEAA total): 3,058,666

GT5 20th week: 10,618 - (EMEAA total): 3,823,463

Being just 10k behind GT4 weekly (while being nearly 800k ahead in all of EMEAA) doesn't sound like "selling poor" compared to previous GT titles (and since we don't the sell rate of GTs 1-3, GT4 is all we have to go on). In Japan, yes GT5 is behind pretty heavily, but it is up in EMEAA to not only make up the difference, but be ahead WW by quite a margin in the same time frame. It's also right there with GT4 in the Americas for week 20 and is ahead of GT4 in total Americas sales in the same time frame (GT4 after 20 weeks: 1,643,321/GT5 after 20 weeks: 1,692,078). Lets not make this sound like something it isn't.

I agree with you on one thing though, people do need to get a perspective on things.

That was the whole argument, only Sony, MS ands Nintendo can tell us actual numbers by the amount they ship. Guess work on what we think numbers are rarely accurate on telling the actual userbase. I agree, it's  obvious Move does not have 8 million just like 360 doesnt have 50 million or PS3 49 million. The only numbers these comapnies care about is the amount they sell.

Not at all.

HW is only one portion of the pie, they care about how many people they can sell SW too. Especially other devs.

Thankfully, 3rd party devs arnt stupid, and they realise that when pitching a new move game, it's not to 8 million possible consumers, it's 4/5, which could make all the difference.


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fellas...can't we just give Sony the credit it deserves an move on....(no pun intended)

psrock said:
selnor said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
thismeintiel said:
Seece said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

LOL userbase is closer to 35/40 mill ... are you kidding ..

That stupid equation aside, it's not about what's active, it's about how many consumers have bought the product.





This is true. The three year warranty for the consumers who bought the 360's is up, unless they bought 360's a year or so after Microsoft announced the three year warranty.

Oh my goodness. This is crazy.

Everyone needs to get a grip.

This thread is about Move. 

We know as a FACT that Sony gives it's shipped numbers on Move as any Move product. Not just 1 actual user Move sale. The very very very high chance that less than 3-4 million individual users have Move is the absolute best estimate anyone can make. It's educated and very highly probable. 


As for the whole lets attack M$ actual 360 sales because Move sales are bad is pathetic.

Ok so of course there is some people who would have bought a new 360 again. However since the 2nd week of the 360 being out M$ have been repairing free. Then after the first 6 month period they did 3 year warranty. I think many people are trying to make out this is Millions of people who didnt get theres replaced free. It's more realistically around 400,000. I'm sure everyone else had a brain.

Also dont forget Sony had PS3 Slim out early. The sales rose with PS3Slim. Many original PS3 users rebought there system as a Slim. The poor sales of GT5 compared to previous GT games says alot. In fact software sales of PS3 games are not as high as 360 games nor are the games which should be actually that much higher at all. What about PS3 being the cheapest BluRay Player for over a year? Lots of people bought one and do not use it for games.

People need to get a perspective on all this. This gen is far from straight forward numbers wise.

This is what I call a hit and run post. You made everything up, there's not one fact, one good guess in that post.

Your points : Move is flop

answer: 8 million sold in six months

your point:MS offered 3year warrenty after 6 months.

answer: MS  denied RROD for almost a year. there tons of these systems on ebay, even those repaired, because they kept getting rrod, had to be changed to new ones. It was the outcry of so many people's console being rrod on a daily basis that forced MS to take action, by then millions had been affected. I would say at least 40 % if not more of the new Slim going to existing owners,

Your point: GT5 not selling as well as previous GT games. This one is funny because it's ahead of GT4 right now, lol.

MS sells more software than Sony:

MS does not release their software totals, the only numbers we know for sure is ms beat them in the US, and is about 100m ahead by VGchartz numbers which is basicly amount to that year head start the 36 had.

I'll be waiting for your answer.

Ive not hit and run anything. 

FACT I had a 3 year warranty when I bought my 360 in May 2006. FACT.

Yes there were lots on Ebay. But over 400,000. No just no.

Since when did we ever on VGC say shipped was sold. I have been on VGC a LONG time. And we have never refferred to shipped numbers as sold. NEVER. Move has shipped 8 million units. ( Which as Sony said themselves in the follow up statement to the 4 million statement that they count Move units. Which is just the wands and thumbstick. So the userbase could be anything?

And I would love to make a bet with you. GT5 will be the lowest selling in the franchise by over 2 million.

I simply leveled the crazy arse posts in this thread about 360. Because certain people tried to pass the 360 off as rubbish sales. But yet forget that PS3 was the first BluRay player on the market and the cheapest for over year. How many people bought one purely as a BluRay player? How many rebought their PS3 when Slim launched ( I know 2 out of 3 people that did ).

My point is this. Which I will reiterate because you have missed it entirely but chose to see the red mist.

Selnors point: It's to hard to tell what actual console sales for either PS3 or 360 are genuine game buyers or movie buffs. To hard to tell how many just rebought dodgy systems or actually used there warranties. Who knows. But the thread was about Move units SHIPPED. And should stay that way. Some of these new people on here trying to pass off shipped numbers as sold is crazy. Do they think the long term VGC users are that thick????????

selnor said:
psrock said:
selnor said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
thismeintiel said:
Seece said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

LOL userbase is closer to 35/40 mill ... are you kidding ..

That stupid equation aside, it's not about what's active, it's about how many consumers have bought the product.





This is true. The three year warranty for the consumers who bought the 360's is up, unless they bought 360's a year or so after Microsoft announced the three year warranty.

Oh my goodness. This is crazy.

Everyone needs to get a grip.

This thread is about Move. 

We know as a FACT that Sony gives it's shipped numbers on Move as any Move product. Not just 1 actual user Move sale. The very very very high chance that less than 3-4 million individual users have Move is the absolute best estimate anyone can make. It's educated and very highly probable. 


As for the whole lets attack M$ actual 360 sales because Move sales are bad is pathetic.

Ok so of course there is some people who would have bought a new 360 again. However since the 2nd week of the 360 being out M$ have been repairing free. Then after the first 6 month period they did 3 year warranty. I think many people are trying to make out this is Millions of people who didnt get theres replaced free. It's more realistically around 400,000. I'm sure everyone else had a brain.

Also dont forget Sony had PS3 Slim out early. The sales rose with PS3Slim. Many original PS3 users rebought there system as a Slim. The poor sales of GT5 compared to previous GT games says alot. In fact software sales of PS3 games are not as high as 360 games nor are the games which should be actually that much higher at all. What about PS3 being the cheapest BluRay Player for over a year? Lots of people bought one and do not use it for games.

People need to get a perspective on all this. This gen is far from straight forward numbers wise.

This is what I call a hit and run post. You made everything up, there's not one fact, one good guess in that post.

Your points : Move is flop

answer: 8 million sold in six months

your point:MS offered 3year warrenty after 6 months.

answer: MS  denied RROD for almost a year. there tons of these systems on ebay, even those repaired, because they kept getting rrod, had to be changed to new ones. It was the outcry of so many people's console being rrod on a daily basis that forced MS to take action, by then millions had been affected. I would say at least 40 % if not more of the new Slim going to existing owners,

Your point: GT5 not selling as well as previous GT games. This one is funny because it's ahead of GT4 right now, lol.

MS sells more software than Sony:

MS does not release their software totals, the only numbers we know for sure is ms beat them in the US, and is about 100m ahead by VGchartz numbers which is basicly amount to that year head start the 36 had.

I'll be waiting for your answer.

Ive not hit and run anything. 

FACT I had a 3 year warranty when I bought my 360 in May 2006. FACT.

Yes there were lots on Ebay. But over 400,000. No just no.

Since when did we ever on VGC say shipped was sold. I have been on VGC a LONG time. And we have never refferred to shipped numbers as sold. NEVER. Move has shipped 8 million units. ( Which as Sony said themselves in the follow up statement to the 4 million statement that they count Move units. Which is just the wands and thumbstick. So the userbase could be anything?

And I would love to make a bet with you. GT5 will be the lowest selling in the franchise by over 2 million.

I simply leveled the crazy arse posts in this thread about 360. Because certain people tried to pass the 360 off as rubbish sales. But yet forget that PS3 was the first BluRay player on the market and the cheapest for over year. How many people bought one purely as a BluRay player? How many rebought their PS3 when Slim launched ( I know 2 out of 3 people that did ).

My point is this. Which I will reiterate because you have missed it entirely but chose to see the red mist.

Selnors point: It's to hard to tell what actual console sales for either PS3 or 360 are genuine game buyers or movie buffs. To hard to tell how many just rebought dodgy systems or actually used there warranties. Who knows. But the thread was about Move units SHIPPED. And should stay that way. Some of these new people on here trying to pass off shipped numbers as sold is crazy. Do they think the long term VGC users are that thick????????

Um no....Microsoft upped their warranty to three years around summer 2007. Microsoft denied the enormity of the matter for not one but two years. This cost them 1.05 Billion dollars.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
selnor said:
psrock said:
selnor said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
thismeintiel said:
Seece said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

LOL userbase is closer to 35/40 mill ... are you kidding ..

That stupid equation aside, it's not about what's active, it's about how many consumers have bought the product.





This is true. The three year warranty for the consumers who bought the 360's is up, unless they bought 360's a year or so after Microsoft announced the three year warranty.

Oh my goodness. This is crazy.

Everyone needs to get a grip.

This thread is about Move. 

We know as a FACT that Sony gives it's shipped numbers on Move as any Move product. Not just 1 actual user Move sale. The very very very high chance that less than 3-4 million individual users have Move is the absolute best estimate anyone can make. It's educated and very highly probable. 


As for the whole lets attack M$ actual 360 sales because Move sales are bad is pathetic.

Ok so of course there is some people who would have bought a new 360 again. However since the 2nd week of the 360 being out M$ have been repairing free. Then after the first 6 month period they did 3 year warranty. I think many people are trying to make out this is Millions of people who didnt get theres replaced free. It's more realistically around 400,000. I'm sure everyone else had a brain.

Also dont forget Sony had PS3 Slim out early. The sales rose with PS3Slim. Many original PS3 users rebought there system as a Slim. The poor sales of GT5 compared to previous GT games says alot. In fact software sales of PS3 games are not as high as 360 games nor are the games which should be actually that much higher at all. What about PS3 being the cheapest BluRay Player for over a year? Lots of people bought one and do not use it for games.

People need to get a perspective on all this. This gen is far from straight forward numbers wise.

This is what I call a hit and run post. You made everything up, there's not one fact, one good guess in that post.

Your points : Move is flop

answer: 8 million sold in six months

your point:MS offered 3year warrenty after 6 months.

answer: MS  denied RROD for almost a year. there tons of these systems on ebay, even those repaired, because they kept getting rrod, had to be changed to new ones. It was the outcry of so many people's console being rrod on a daily basis that forced MS to take action, by then millions had been affected. I would say at least 40 % if not more of the new Slim going to existing owners,

Your point: GT5 not selling as well as previous GT games. This one is funny because it's ahead of GT4 right now, lol.

MS sells more software than Sony:

MS does not release their software totals, the only numbers we know for sure is ms beat them in the US, and is about 100m ahead by VGchartz numbers which is basicly amount to that year head start the 36 had.

I'll be waiting for your answer.

Ive not hit and run anything. 

FACT I had a 3 year warranty when I bought my 360 in May 2006. FACT.

Yes there were lots on Ebay. But over 400,000. No just no.

Since when did we ever on VGC say shipped was sold. I have been on VGC a LONG time. And we have never refferred to shipped numbers as sold. NEVER. Move has shipped 8 million units. ( Which as Sony said themselves in the follow up statement to the 4 million statement that they count Move units. Which is just the wands and thumbstick. So the userbase could be anything?

And I would love to make a bet with you. GT5 will be the lowest selling in the franchise by over 2 million.

I simply leveled the crazy arse posts in this thread about 360. Because certain people tried to pass the 360 off as rubbish sales. But yet forget that PS3 was the first BluRay player on the market and the cheapest for over year. How many people bought one purely as a BluRay player? How many rebought their PS3 when Slim launched ( I know 2 out of 3 people that did ).

My point is this. Which I will reiterate because you have missed it entirely but chose to see the red mist.

Selnors point: It's to hard to tell what actual console sales for either PS3 or 360 are genuine game buyers or movie buffs. To hard to tell how many just rebought dodgy systems or actually used there warranties. Who knows. But the thread was about Move units SHIPPED. And should stay that way. Some of these new people on here trying to pass off shipped numbers as sold is crazy. Do they think the long term VGC users are that thick????????

Um no....Microsoft upped their warranty to three years around summer 2007. Microsoft denied the enormity of the matter for not one but two years. This cost them 1.05 Billion dollars.


I still have my warranty card for my original 360. I had a 3 year warranty in May 2006.

EDIT: The  EU consumers conference forced retailers to give more warranty for the product because of the backlash. My 3 year warranty card was free from GAME retailer, not M$ themselves. Either way EU consumers were fine because of the consumer rights laws we have. 

Around the Network
selnor said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
selnor said:
psrock said:
selnor said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
thismeintiel said:
Seece said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

LOL userbase is closer to 35/40 mill ... are you kidding ..

That stupid equation aside, it's not about what's active, it's about how many consumers have bought the product.





This is true. The three year warranty for the consumers who bought the 360's is up, unless they bought 360's a year or so after Microsoft announced the three year warranty.

Oh my goodness. This is crazy.

Everyone needs to get a grip.

This thread is about Move. 

We know as a FACT that Sony gives it's shipped numbers on Move as any Move product. Not just 1 actual user Move sale. The very very very high chance that less than 3-4 million individual users have Move is the absolute best estimate anyone can make. It's educated and very highly probable. 


As for the whole lets attack M$ actual 360 sales because Move sales are bad is pathetic.

Ok so of course there is some people who would have bought a new 360 again. However since the 2nd week of the 360 being out M$ have been repairing free. Then after the first 6 month period they did 3 year warranty. I think many people are trying to make out this is Millions of people who didnt get theres replaced free. It's more realistically around 400,000. I'm sure everyone else had a brain.

Also dont forget Sony had PS3 Slim out early. The sales rose with PS3Slim. Many original PS3 users rebought there system as a Slim. The poor sales of GT5 compared to previous GT games says alot. In fact software sales of PS3 games are not as high as 360 games nor are the games which should be actually that much higher at all. What about PS3 being the cheapest BluRay Player for over a year? Lots of people bought one and do not use it for games.

People need to get a perspective on all this. This gen is far from straight forward numbers wise.

This is what I call a hit and run post. You made everything up, there's not one fact, one good guess in that post.

Your points : Move is flop

answer: 8 million sold in six months

your point:MS offered 3year warrenty after 6 months.

answer: MS  denied RROD for almost a year. there tons of these systems on ebay, even those repaired, because they kept getting rrod, had to be changed to new ones. It was the outcry of so many people's console being rrod on a daily basis that forced MS to take action, by then millions had been affected. I would say at least 40 % if not more of the new Slim going to existing owners,

Your point: GT5 not selling as well as previous GT games. This one is funny because it's ahead of GT4 right now, lol.

MS sells more software than Sony:

MS does not release their software totals, the only numbers we know for sure is ms beat them in the US, and is about 100m ahead by VGchartz numbers which is basicly amount to that year head start the 36 had.

I'll be waiting for your answer.

Ive not hit and run anything. 

FACT I had a 3 year warranty when I bought my 360 in May 2006. FACT.

Yes there were lots on Ebay. But over 400,000. No just no.

Since when did we ever on VGC say shipped was sold. I have been on VGC a LONG time. And we have never refferred to shipped numbers as sold. NEVER. Move has shipped 8 million units. ( Which as Sony said themselves in the follow up statement to the 4 million statement that they count Move units. Which is just the wands and thumbstick. So the userbase could be anything?

And I would love to make a bet with you. GT5 will be the lowest selling in the franchise by over 2 million.

I simply leveled the crazy arse posts in this thread about 360. Because certain people tried to pass the 360 off as rubbish sales. But yet forget that PS3 was the first BluRay player on the market and the cheapest for over year. How many people bought one purely as a BluRay player? How many rebought their PS3 when Slim launched ( I know 2 out of 3 people that did ).

My point is this. Which I will reiterate because you have missed it entirely but chose to see the red mist.

Selnors point: It's to hard to tell what actual console sales for either PS3 or 360 are genuine game buyers or movie buffs. To hard to tell how many just rebought dodgy systems or actually used there warranties. Who knows. But the thread was about Move units SHIPPED. And should stay that way. Some of these new people on here trying to pass off shipped numbers as sold is crazy. Do they think the long term VGC users are that thick????????

Um no....Microsoft upped their warranty to three years around summer 2007. Microsoft denied the enormity of the matter for not one but two years. This cost them 1.05 Billion dollars.


I still have my warranty card for my original 360. I had a 3 year warranty in May 2006.

EDIT: The  EU consumers conference forced retailers to give more warranty for the product because of the backlash. My 3 year warranty card was free from GAME retailer, not M$ themselves. Either way EU consumers were fine because of the consumer rights laws we have. 

My point was in regards to MS themselves. Smart man on protecting your product in store. Very smart.

CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:

 And I would love to make a bet with you. GT5 will be the lowest selling in the franchise by over 2 million.

I don't mean to be pushy with you selnor, but did you not see the data I posted regarding GT4 vs GT5? GT5 is 353k ahead right now. For that to change by a wide margin, it would have to sell next to nothing for the remainder of the year (including the holidays). It won't be the best selling GT in the series (that will remain with GT3, but it can certainly pass GT2 and not be 1 million behind GTs 1 or 4).

Either way, I doubt it sells just 7.37mill in it's life (which is what it would have to sell to sell 2 million less than the lowest sellling GT). It's already at 6.12 mill and it's only had 4.5 months of market time. I don't think you want to make that bet.

Yeah I realized after I posted. I only looked at Japan stupidly before. Guessing the rest was the same. That'll teach me. ;)

CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:
CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:

 And I would love to make a bet with you. GT5 will be the lowest selling in the franchise by over 2 million.

I don't mean to be pushy with you selnor, but did you not see the data I posted regarding GT4 vs GT5? GT5 is 353k ahead right now. For that to change by a wide margin, it would have to sell next to nothing for the remainder of the year (including the holidays). It won't be the best selling GT in the series (that will remain with GT3, but it can certainly pass GT2 and not be 1 million behind GTs 1 or 4).

Either way, I doubt it sells just 7.37mill in it's life (which is what it would have to sell to sell 2 million less than the lowest sellling GT). It's already at 6.12 mill and it's only had 4.5 months of market time. I don't think you want to make that bet.

Yeah I realized after I posted. I only looked at Japan stupidly before. Guessing the rest was the same. That'll teach me. ;)

No worries. You have my respect for recognizing and acknowledging the error. Some posters here (won't mention any names) would never do that.

Ive lived long enough to know I make mistakes. We are all human. :(

I wanted to be a Jedi though. ;)

CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:
CGI-Quality said:

No worries. You have my respect for recognizing and acknowledging the error. Some posters here (won't mention any names) would never do that.

Ive lived long enough to know I make mistakes. We are all human. :(

I wanted to be a Jedi though. ;)

Don't we all...

I rather be sith, atleast in terms of the power they have. Force Lightning and Force Drain FTW!


I think it's amazing that even five months after the conversation still remains GT5 (for good or bad) ... the popularity that the franchise has sometimes causes me wonder.

Sales of GT5 still generate many conversations and betting.