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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Check these out

I just stumbled on these lists, they are pretty good and I reckon quite accurate.

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i think SMW should switch with FF3


and for nes super mario bros is to low

endurance said:
and for nes super mario bros is to low

It was my favorate game on nes

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^mine to thats why im saying its to low should of been number 1 or 2

Very interesting list on Snes played most of those games SoM should have been higher, damn what I hate Nes.

endurance said:
^mine to thats why im saying its to low should of been number 1 or 2


Number 1 I reckon

I don't have a problem with the position of SMW2:YI as such, but the bashing of it was uncalled for. Playing it on my GBA, it was more immersive and fluid than SMW, provided some interesting mechanics, and was the best-looking 2D game on the console. I fail to see the problem.

Also, Super Metroid = 1st Place. To dispute this is inconceivable. Metroid Prime was better, but stole all of the ideas, even (as I found out upon getting it from the VC) the 3D map hexagons!

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That list order is full of fail... Jurassic park in front of R-Type 3... Uh what??!

Also he's got Mega Man X in front of Super Mario Kart...  that just ain't right...  It's a fail list ;)  He also puts in Spiderman Vs. Venom higher in the list then it deserves.  The game was not that good, it should be in the 100-90 part of the list. 

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.