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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz ranking game--Assassins Creed: Brotherhood!



Improved visuals and gameplay mechanics

Big city with alot of details

Combat is fun with lots of weapons to use

Using Assassin's to clear a path for the target


Story could use some work


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Can't you feature the official gamrReview score in the OP?

It's an 8.8/10.

However, my perceptions have changed slightly over time, so I will bring it up to:



  • The environments are still fantastic
  • I really liked the use of the Assassin Brotherhood in combat
  • I liked the Borgia gameplay.
  • The fleshing out of Machiavelli as a character was good.
  • The core combat seemed smoother with the counter system
  • Desmond does things!
  • All of the core gameplay from AC2, which I loved, was intact.
  • The multiplayer is solid.


  • The story was pretty disappointing.
  • The character models are starting to look dated.
  • Most of the characters are ignored, especially Da Vinci, which is a shame.
  • It's far too easy at all points.
  • The campaign has a lot of filler.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

i enjoyed AC1 and AC2 was an improvement on the game machiancs but and drive head first onto a floor of concret in the stroy deparment and when you are based on an asassin game the most important is knowing why the hell you are killing this person. ACB continues in AC2 fashion and moves away and continues away from what seemed to be an solid making sense of the story at the end of AC1 and shamely drags out an expanison into an full product. While the game isn't short the game wasn't that good in such an heavy stroy focused game its trying to be. 

rating: 5/10

It wasn't short, it had solid gameplay but suffering repetition from AC2 but the story failed me and for an suppose "Free Roaming choose your path" style of the first 2 games shamelessly removed with linear paths like the players get lost when finding missions was an terrible decision. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

It's an expansion pack , they had almost everything ready just decided to throw a  rushed story and multiplayer mode in. the whole brotherhood thing wasn't handled well neither in the story nor in the gameplay , actually it's almost meaningless as the game is easy

Normally, I wouldn't rank games like this higher than 7 but because I enjoy the formula of this franchise and it has some bright sides I'd give it 7.6

Maybe it's just me, but I die more often than I would like in certain activities, though maybe I'm not supposed to do them yet as there's no good armor for me on sale like in AC2. I think it removes some of the sandbox feeling as well as with the blue walls caused by "memory loss".

It's fun that I've actually been to Rome and have been to most of the landmarks. I'm missing the Victor Emmanaul monument, though that was built in later times and the nice Mussolini road from the monument to the Colloseum :p.

Edit: I just remember what I found most frustrating about AC2 that's missing in ACB. The city of Venice had an annoying map layout an annoying archers on roofs unnecesarily attacking you.

I've still only played about half the game, but I'm bumping up the score:


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9.5 probably in top 5 games on the console, though not quite as good as Uncharted 2

It is crammed with things to do, has an interesting story and is great fun to play. I didn't even need to bother with multiplayer. The only downside is that the game is stupidly easy, but the point is that you are meant to feel like an amazing Assassin and the "Assassin's Manager" game and resulting "Assassin Babies" (my term) enhanced that even more. Seriously amazing, bring on AC III!

I wanted to look what score AC2 received, but saw that it was never rated here, when AC1 was.

Though for me rating games such as Mass Effect 2 and Red Dead Redemption would get priority.

Kantor said:

Can't you feature the official gamrReview score in the OP?

It's an 8.8/10.

However, my perceptions have changed slightly over time, so I will bring it up to:



  • The environments are still fantastic
  • I really liked the use of the Assassin Brotherhood in combat
  • I liked the Borgia gameplay.
  • The fleshing out of Machiavelli as a character was good.
  • The core combat seemed smoother with the counter system
  • Desmond does things!
  • All of the core gameplay from AC2, which I loved, was intact.
  • The multiplayer is solid.


  • The story was pretty disappointing.
  • The character models are starting to look dated.
  • Most of the characters are ignored, especially Da Vinci, which is a shame.
  • It's far too easy at all points.
  • The campaign has a lot of filler.

TBH I never thought of that! Thanks for the idea....I'll substitute Gamerankings scores with GamrReviews whenever possible.

EDIT: Weird it won't let me edit the OP with the GamrReview score.

non-gravity said:

I wanted to look what score AC2 received, but saw that it was never rated here, when AC1 was.

Though for me rating games such as Mass Effect 2 and Red Dead Redemption would get priority.

OMG I realized I've never rated ME2!! I gotta get on that!

AC2 and RDR will also be priorities for these ranking threads.

1 day left to vote it before its too late!