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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jack Tretton: Wii fading away; 3DS a babysitting tool.

Tridrakious said:
Games4Fun said:
Tridrakious said:
Blacksaber said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

Acting like a child is "great"?

Nothing he said made him "act like a child". He was just stating his opinions. I'm with him on the running out of steam thing. I have a DS but I haven't played it in months, because I would rather play games on my PSP, PS3 or my Wii (Animal Crossing is eating my alive)

Well I agree with him on the fact that the Wii is losing steam. I however don't see how the DS  or the 3DS for that matter can be categorized as a childs toy. So what it has Animal Crossing (something I personally wouldn't play) but it has plenty and I mean PLENTY of good games for many diverse ranges of people. Hell I just bought Pokemon Black and I haven't played a Pokemon game in YEARS. I'm not a child.

Well who goes more crazy for a Nintendo product? Kids. Which is Nintendo going to use to advertise the platform? Mario and Nintendogs & Cats or Professor Layton and Street Fighter?

Of course I personally don't like the 3DS. I hate Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs doesn't impress or appeal to me. Street Fighter was great because of the new "Dynamic View" battles.

Offical 3DS Comerical had SF Nintendogs and Steel Diver.

Every advertisement I've seen has shown Nintendogs & Cats

That was okay, but there was no gameplay.

But that did have Ryu and Chun Li in it. So I guess that's something.

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they wouldn't find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 


Around the Network
Acevil said:

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they would find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 

It sucks that the American market would rather have the Xbox 360 over the PS3. It really does. And I'm not saying that Jack Tretton has done a good job with his position.

He's a great guy and all, but I was shocked when Sony promoted him to fill Kaz's spot to run the American division. He was the scapegoat as VP.

And yes, he's fired up and for good reason. Just look at how PlayStation has turned around. He's made the PS3 competitive in America.

That said he will be replaced around the time of the PS4. Quote me.

Tridrakious said:

It sucks that the American market would rather have the Xbox 360 over the PS3. It really does. And I'm not saying that Jack Tretton has done a good job with his position.

He's a great guy and all, but I was shocked when Sony promoted him to fill Kaz's spot to run the American division. He was the scapegoat as VP.

I don't care about total sales, but how does it suck that the american market prefers xbox360 over ps3. Namely when you management like Jack Tretton, which seem to like talking more about the competition then his own product? 

Edit: I should clarify, I don't care about total sales in terms of competition with one another, however I do like seeing trends and other details, that sales can provide. Also software sales typically make me happy. 

Also add; Ps3 hasn't really turned it around in his region. It is still nothing compared to what the ps2 accomplished, what the 360 accomplished and what the wii accomplished. The PSP is doing horribly in this region as well. 


Acevil said:
Tridrakious said:
Games4Fun said:
Tridrakious said:
Blacksaber said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:
Tridrakious said:
Wagram said:

As a Sony fan I will say that this was uncalled for Jack.

No it wasn't. I miss the fire the big 3 had a few years back.

This is great.

Plus the Wii and 360 are running out of steam. Just look at the list of games. Of course I will be the first to say that PS3 hardware will match this fiscal year. So back to back 15 million units sold, but the new fiscal year will have a better performance by software.

Acting like a child is "great"?

Nothing he said made him "act like a child". He was just stating his opinions. I'm with him on the running out of steam thing. I have a DS but I haven't played it in months, because I would rather play games on my PSP, PS3 or my Wii (Animal Crossing is eating my alive)

Well I agree with him on the fact that the Wii is losing steam. I however don't see how the DS  or the 3DS for that matter can be categorized as a childs toy. So what it has Animal Crossing (something I personally wouldn't play) but it has plenty and I mean PLENTY of good games for many diverse ranges of people. Hell I just bought Pokemon Black and I haven't played a Pokemon game in YEARS. I'm not a child.

Well who goes more crazy for a Nintendo product? Kids. Which is Nintendo going to use to advertise the platform? Mario and Nintendogs & Cats or Professor Layton and Street Fighter?

Of course I personally don't like the 3DS. I hate Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs doesn't impress or appeal to me. Street Fighter was great because of the new "Dynamic View" battles.

Offical 3DS Comerical had SF Nintendogs and Steel Diver.

Every advertisement I've seen has shown Nintendogs & Cats

That was okay, but there was no gameplay.

But that did have Ryu and Chun Li in it. So I guess that's something.

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they wouldn't find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 

what world do you live in?

Not only do companies talk shit about each other all the times, Apple, google, ms, sony, lg they seemed to be suing each other as well. That's business, guess what they also do business with each other too. Sony is rumored to be making the next Iphone's camera. Sony made phone's MS mobile OS. MS Office is the best on Macs. But PR is PR, it's there to talk smack and they all do it. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
Acevil said:

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they wouldn't find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 

what world do you live in?

Not only do companies talk shit about each other all the times, Apple, google, ms, sony, lg they seemed to be suing each other as well. That's business, guess what they also do business with each other too. Sony is rumored to be making the next Iphone's camera. Sony made phone's MS mobile OS. MS Office is the best on Macs. But PR is PR, it's there to talk smack and they all do it. 

I know that, and I support those organization less and less, infact one of the main reasons outside of price that turns me off from Apple product, is the fact they do horrible PR. 

Also talking down about competition, vs insulting two different things. I know I stated in my quote with t..... that sony is insulting competition, but to you specifically, I was talking about userbases being insulted.  (Which I consider an Issue, a bad PR statement is just talking about the competition more then you should)

PS: Thanks for arguing I was getting bored of this site! :P Maybe that is why I am more fired up today....finally the site is interesting. 


Around the Network
Acevil said:
psrock said:
Acevil said:

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they wouldn't find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 

what world do you live in?

Not only do companies talk shit about each other all the times, Apple, google, ms, sony, lg they seemed to be suing each other as well. That's business, guess what they also do business with each other too. Sony is rumored to be making the next Iphone's camera. Sony made phone's MS mobile OS. MS Office is the best on Macs. But PR is PR, it's there to talk smack and they all do it. 

I know that, and I support those organization less and less, infact one of the main reasons outside of price that turns me off from Apple product, is the fact they do horrible PR. 

Also talking down about competition, vs insulting two different things. I know I stated in my quote with t..... that sony is insulting competition, but to you specifically, I was talking about userbases being insulted.  (Which I consider an Issue, a bad PR statement is just talking about the competition more then you should)

PS: Thanks for arguing I was getting bored of this site! :P Maybe that is why I am more fired up today....finally the site is interesting. 

Saying stupid stuff coming from Sony should not surprise you, they do it all the times, now wait until the MS PR disaster fires back. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Acevil said:
Tridrakious said:
Acevil said:

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they would find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 

It sucks that the American market would rather have the Xbox 360 over the PS3. It really does. And I'm not saying that Jack Tretton has done a good job with his position.

He's a great guy and all, but I was shocked when Sony promoted him to fill Kaz's spot to run the American division. He was the scapegoat as VP.

I don't care about total sales, but how does it suck that the american market prefers xbox360 over ps3. Namely when you management like Jack Tretton, which seem to like talking more about the competition then his own product? 
Edit: I should clarify, I don't care about total sales in terms of competition with one another, however I do like seeing trends and other details, that sales can provide. Also software sales typically make me happy. 

Because over the last couple years the 360 has become the Halo/COD/Gears-box. Shooters.

PS3 has really pushed itself passed the ip that made the PS2 a success. Taking more risks and chances.

Lair, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, Demon's Souls, Heavy Rain, Resistance, Uncharted, EyePet, MAG, LittleBigPlanet, White Knight Chronicles and inFAMOUS.  (Warhawk was completely re-imagined on PS3 over it's PS1 debut so I kinda consider it a new ip).

Even with all that, Sony is still openly taking risks on new ip on the PS3. The Last Guardian, Sorcery, Agent (even though it's Rockstar developing it, Sony seems to be helping with it)

Tridrakious said:
Acevil said:
Tridrakious said:
Acevil said:

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they would find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 

It sucks that the American market would rather have the Xbox 360 over the PS3. It really does. And I'm not saying that Jack Tretton has done a good job with his position.

He's a great guy and all, but I was shocked when Sony promoted him to fill Kaz's spot to run the American division. He was the scapegoat as VP.

I don't care about total sales, but how does it suck that the american market prefers xbox360 over ps3. Namely when you management like Jack Tretton, which seem to like talking more about the competition then his own product? 
Edit: I should clarify, I don't care about total sales in terms of competition with one another, however I do like seeing trends and other details, that sales can provide. Also software sales typically make me happy. 

Because over the last couple years the 360 has become the Halo/COD/Gears-box. Shooters.

PS3 has really pushed itself passed the ip that made the PS2 a success. Taking more risks and chances.

Lair, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, Demon's Souls, Heavy Rain, Resistance, Uncharted, EyePet, MAG, LittleBigPlanet, White Knight Chronicles and inFAMOUS.  (Warhawk was completely re-imagined on PS3 over it's PS1 debut so I kinda consider it a new ip).

Even with all that, Sony is still openly taking risks on new ip on the PS3. The Last Guardian, Sorcery, Agent (even though it's Rockstar developing it, Sony seems to be helping with it)

I wouldn`t say that either, since I think ps2 had more exclusive ips under its belt. Namely if you count LAIR as a good IP . . . Also 360 has done a lot to gain the success that has made them, but just because everything isn't specifically exclusive, does not mean they have nothing. 

@psrock I wonder if Reggie with throwdown anything, typically his PR is actually professional. 


Acevil said:
Tridrakious said:
Acevil said:
Tridrakious said:
Acevil said:

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they would find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 

It sucks that the American market would rather have the Xbox 360 over the PS3. It really does. And I'm not saying that Jack Tretton has done a good job with his position.

He's a great guy and all, but I was shocked when Sony promoted him to fill Kaz's spot to run the American division. He was the scapegoat as VP.

I don't care about total sales, but how does it suck that the american market prefers xbox360 over ps3. Namely when you management like Jack Tretton, which seem to like talking more about the competition then his own product? 
Edit: I should clarify, I don't care about total sales in terms of competition with one another, however I do like seeing trends and other details, that sales can provide. Also software sales typically make me happy. 

Because over the last couple years the 360 has become the Halo/COD/Gears-box. Shooters.

PS3 has really pushed itself passed the ip that made the PS2 a success. Taking more risks and chances.

Lair, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, Demon's Souls, Heavy Rain, Resistance, Uncharted, EyePet, MAG, LittleBigPlanet, White Knight Chronicles and inFAMOUS.  (Warhawk was completely re-imagined on PS3 over it's PS1 debut so I kinda consider it a new ip).

Even with all that, Sony is still openly taking risks on new ip on the PS3. The Last Guardian, Sorcery, Agent (even though it's Rockstar developing it, Sony seems to be helping with it)

I wouldn`t say that either, since I think ps2 had more exclusive ips under its belt. Namely if you count LAIR as a good IP . . . Also 360 has done a lot to gain the success that has made them, but just because everything isn't specifically exclusive, does not mean they have nothing. 

The PS2 has also sold over 150 million units since launch. But that was because Sony has tremendous third party support that no platform from here on out will see.

Ha! I was starting to miss the Annual Fad's Wii Comment.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile