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Acevil said:
psrock said:
Acevil said:

Also one thing being fired up and being passionate about products, another is insulting competitive products. If an organization is comfortable about their products, they wouldn't find the need to insult other products. However Jack Tretton (SCEA) is on the losing side of things both to the 360 and Nintendo, so he has to be on the offensive. However he comes off as a sore-loser because people value his product less in his region. 

what world do you live in?

Not only do companies talk shit about each other all the times, Apple, google, ms, sony, lg they seemed to be suing each other as well. That's business, guess what they also do business with each other too. Sony is rumored to be making the next Iphone's camera. Sony made phone's MS mobile OS. MS Office is the best on Macs. But PR is PR, it's there to talk smack and they all do it. 

I know that, and I support those organization less and less, infact one of the main reasons outside of price that turns me off from Apple product, is the fact they do horrible PR. 

Also talking down about competition, vs insulting two different things. I know I stated in my quote with t..... that sony is insulting competition, but to you specifically, I was talking about userbases being insulted.  (Which I consider an Issue, a bad PR statement is just talking about the competition more then you should)

PS: Thanks for arguing I was getting bored of this site! :P Maybe that is why I am more fired up today....finally the site is interesting. 

Saying stupid stuff coming from Sony should not surprise you, they do it all the times, now wait until the MS PR disaster fires back. 

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)