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Forums - General Discussion - Cultural Questions, What do you wanna know? ask them here

pizzahut451 said:

If you wanna know anything about Serbia or overall ex-Yugoslavia, feel free to click on green button with the white letters ''quote'' on it.

How are the overall relationships between Serbia and other ex-Yugoslav states (especially Montenegro)?

Why did you move from Serbia to Germany, and what do you think of the differences between the 2? Which is better, and why?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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MDMAniac said:
pizzahut451 said:

If you wanna know anything about Serbia or overall ex-Yugoslavia, feel free to click on green button with the white letters ''quote'' on it.

Is life better now after US had freed you from Miloshevich and his commies, how big are the changes? Do you feel somewhat thankful or obliged to America for the help? Do people there want the country to join NATO?

US didnt free us from Miloshevich (he was actually a lot more capable than most of our politicians today). We took him down oursefles on october 5th 2000. And only thing America has done to Serbia is made it lose controll over its most historical and valuable territory in south. And also killed hunderds of civillians and destroyed buildings and bridges in 1999. As for NATO, the answer is a strong NO !!!! And life started getting better after 2003 and Operation Sablja  (Saber)

ImJustBayuum said:
pizzahut451 said:

If you wanna know anything about Serbia or overall ex-Yugoslavia, feel free to click on green button with the white letters ''quote'' on it.

Is the general population of serbia more pro EU or pro Russia?


Its pretty even Id say, i havent been there for 4 years know, i cant tell exactly, but i can safely say that pro Russia ones are a lot more vocal and active. You can see some sapphi_snakes here and there, but they are mostly quiet

sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

If you wanna know anything about Serbia or overall ex-Yugoslavia, feel free to click on green button with the white letters ''quote'' on it.

How are the overall relationships between Serbia and other ex-Yugoslav states (especially Montenegro)?

Why did you move from Serbia to Germany, and what do you think of the differences between the 2? Which is better, and why?

I moved to Germany because my parents did when I was 11. As for Montenegro, politicly speaking, they are the biggest backstabbers we had since Bulgarians in 1913.  The diffrences are huge of course and Germany, being the 3rd most powerfull economic state has no doubt, better chnaces of wealthy life, but I like Serbia better, obviously I am biased Serb

Boy, that comprassion sure makes Serbia looks like shithole

pizzahut451 said:
ImJustBayuum said:
pizzahut451 said:

If you wanna know anything about Serbia or overall ex-Yugoslavia, feel free to click on green button with the white letters ''quote'' on it.

Is the general population of serbia more pro EU or pro Russia?


Its pretty even Id say, i havent been there for 4 years know, i cant tell exactly, but i can safely say that pro Russia ones are a lot more vocal and active. You can see some sapphi_snakes here and there, but they are mostly quiet

I should go there and rally them up!

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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There seems to be more ignorance about America, that there is in America. We didnt barge into the WW's, so we dont care about other cultures and the lives of others. We bust up some tyrants and terrorist-enabling governments and we're bullies. We dont care about other cultures, yet we are the cultural melting pot.

To the topic creator, what is the "rebel" attitude/metality? If you're going to try to instigate, at least have the spine to be clear on your bias.

With all due respect to the countries in Europe, no thanks on becoming more like those countries.

And whenever there is disaster in the world, nobody steps up like America. Nobody.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

quigontcb said:

There seems to be more ignorance about America, that there is in America. We didnt barge into the WW's, so we dont care about other cultures and the lives of others. We bust up some tyrants and terrorist-enabling governments and we're bullies. We dont care about other cultures, yet we are the cultural melting pot.

To the topic creator, what is the "rebel" attitude/metality? If you're going to try to instigate, at least have the spine to be clear on your bias.

With all due respect to the countries in Europe, no thanks on becoming more like those countries.

And whenever there is disaster in the world, nobody steps up like America. Nobody.

Back at the time of the World Wars America was more like China in its foreign policy, it had an attitude of 'if it doesn't affect us it doesn't concern us'. It only ever went into those wars after what it saw as attacks on America (Lucitania and Pearl Harbour. The change in American attitudes and foreign policy between then and now is simply massive and it's stupid to hold a grudge against modern America for it, but it's also annoying when Americans claim that they essentially were the sole heroes in both World Wars (which is what pretty much every Hollywood war movie does).

Here's my thing.  Okay, I'm a black male with a black fiance and we have a wonderful daughter.  For whatever reason, I've always been attracted to a variety of females.  I've actually made a list of every girl I've ever dated and more than half of them were white.  It just worked out like that.  I rarely chased after them.  Maybe the first couple, but after that I never really chased after anybody.

Well, I've been loyal to my GF since 2009.  For some reason or another, white females still approach me.  They smile and laugh at whatever I say, even when I'm not trying to be funny.  Hell, sometimes I don't even say anything.  They just come up to me and start talking and I get nervous because I'm trying really hard not to accidentally have sex with them.  My black friends that have never been with a white female (but still want to be with one) don't have a clue what I'm doing differently.  Neither do I!  I mean, I like all sorts of music (but I hide it from them), hang out with all kinds of people (I don't hang out much lately, though), and that's about it.

Here's my question--and I know it's crazy but I can't come up with any other conclusion:  Is there some sort of way that white females can detect when a black guy has dated/is attracted to a white female?  And for the record, most black females seem to avoid my ass like the plague.  I can't even carry a decent conversation with them, most of the time.

d21lewis said:

Here's my thing.  Okay, I'm a black male with a black fiance and we have a wonderful daughter.  For whatever reason, I've always been attracted to a variety of females.  I've actually made a list of every girl I've ever dated and more than half of them were white.  It just worked out like that.  I rarely chased after them.  Maybe the first couple, but after that I never really chased after anybody.

Well, I've been loyal to my GF since 2009.  For some reason or another, white females still approach me.  They smile and laugh at whatever I say, even when I'm not trying to be funny.  Hell, sometimes I don't even say anything.  They just come up to me and start talking and I get nervous because I'm trying really hard not to accidentally have sex with them.  My black friends that have never been with a white female (but still want to be with one) don't have a clue what I'm doing differently.  Neither do I!  I mean, I like all sorts of music (but I hide it from them), hang out with all kinds of people (I don't hang out much lately, though), and that's about it.

Here's my question--and I know it's crazy but I can't come up with any other conclusion:  Is there some sort of way that white females can detect when a black guy has dated/is attracted to a white female?  And for the record, most black females seem to avoid my ass like the plague.  I can't even carry a decent conversation with them, most of the time.

#1: You're black???

#2: I'm trying really hard not to accidentally have sex with them. - Oh, poor baby.

#3: Maybe black women are smarter than white women, and they can determine who's a "player" more easily?

#4: Why are you so racist? So what if most of the women you've dated are white? Why do you keep track of such things? Do you think there's something fundementally different between black women and white women (other than their skin colour of course)?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
d21lewis said:

Here's my thing.  Okay, I'm a black male with a black fiance and we have a wonderful daughter.  For whatever reason, I've always been attracted to a variety of females.  I've actually made a list of every girl I've ever dated and more than half of them were white.  It just worked out like that.  I rarely chased after them.  Maybe the first couple, but after that I never really chased after anybody.

Well, I've been loyal to my GF since 2009.  For some reason or another, white females still approach me.  They smile and laugh at whatever I say, even when I'm not trying to be funny.  Hell, sometimes I don't even say anything.  They just come up to me and start talking and I get nervous because I'm trying really hard not to accidentally have sex with them.  My black friends that have never been with a white female (but still want to be with one) don't have a clue what I'm doing differently.  Neither do I!  I mean, I like all sorts of music (but I hide it from them), hang out with all kinds of people (I don't hang out much lately, though), and that's about it.

Here's my question--and I know it's crazy but I can't come up with any other conclusion:  Is there some sort of way that white females can detect when a black guy has dated/is attracted to a white female?  And for the record, most black females seem to avoid my ass like the plague.  I can't even carry a decent conversation with them, most of the time.

#1: You're black???

#2: I'm trying really hard not to accidentally have sex with them. - Oh, poor baby.

#3: Maybe black women are smarter than white women, and they can determine who's a "player" more easily?

#4: Why are you so racist? So what if most of the women you've dated are white? Why do you keep track of such things? Do you think there's something fundementally different between black women and white women (other than their skin colour of course)?

I don't think I'm a player.  All I ever wanted was to fall in love.  I never (well maybe a couple of times....) looked for a female just for sex.  I tend to fall in love (more like infatuation, I guess) with girls really easily.  Sometimes, I think that I can turn their lives around if i treat them right.  Sometimes, I just like talking to them.  Sometimes, they express how much they like me.  Whatever happens, I wind up obssessing over a female, thinking I'm in love, and almost getting killed.  It's more of a weakness than anything.  I've been really good about not putting myself in the situation where I'd be tempted, lately.  It's just that it's been sorta happening in the past few weeks.  I mind my own business, looking for a DVD or something, or I'm at work and suddenly I get approached.  It's almost like they're in heat or something.

And I'm definitely not racist.  That's just how things fell.  I just was curious about how many females I'd been with so I made a list of their initials.  I guess I'm observant like that.  Besides, this is the cultural questions thread.  I asked a cultural question.  I think the answer is "yes" and you're trying to throw me off the trail of learning the secret!!