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MDMAniac said:
pizzahut451 said:

If you wanna know anything about Serbia or overall ex-Yugoslavia, feel free to click on green button with the white letters ''quote'' on it.

Is life better now after US had freed you from Miloshevich and his commies, how big are the changes? Do you feel somewhat thankful or obliged to America for the help? Do people there want the country to join NATO?

US didnt free us from Miloshevich (he was actually a lot more capable than most of our politicians today). We took him down oursefles on october 5th 2000. And only thing America has done to Serbia is made it lose controll over its most historical and valuable territory in south. And also killed hunderds of civillians and destroyed buildings and bridges in 1999. As for NATO, the answer is a strong NO !!!! And life started getting better after 2003 and Operation Sablja  (Saber)