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Forums - General Discussion - Cultural Questions, What do you wanna know? ask them here

sapphi_snake said:
KungKras said:

Why have I first discovered this awesome thread now?

Anyways, I'm able to answer any questions about Sweden I guess.

What percentege of the population has blond hair and/or blue eyes?

What religion do most of you guys practice?

Is sex ed realyl that good over there?

It's hard to put it into percentages. It's definately not as much many as people from other countries seem to think, but blond hair is pretty common.

The entire country is pretty much secular, although we do practice christian traditions like Christmas in school because it's tradition. Pretty much every swede is baptized almost immediatly on birth, and that means that you become a member of Sweden't protestant church, at the age of around 14-15 (I don't remember exactly), you participate in a confirmation, where you learn more about the christian faith. I probably make it sound like Sweden is an uber-religios country xD but it's quite the opposite. Even though most of the population is protestant on paper, most people are atheists, religion is never ever a factor in politics, and the truly religious people arent't that many. We just keep doing the baptisms and confirmations becasue they are traditions, and we are fond of traditions.

Yes, sex ed is damn good. I remember having a cartoon book as a four year old that explained (very roughly) how babies are made. In elementary scool in eight grade (which means at the ages of 14-15), sex ed is part of the science classes, and everything about prevention, STD's, female and male anatomy, how sex itself works, etc is explained very thoroughsly, at least at my elementary school.


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sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

I didnt say they invented them, I said western writers got thier ideas when writing of vampires from slavic nations in Balkans.

As for Vlad, he was a great ruler and defender, well known for his reststance aginst the Turks. He maybe was alittle brutal, but most of Balkan rulers were back than. And I dont hate anyone who is muslim, i only hate Ottoman Turks and the Moors, but since they dont exist (in that from) I dont really hate anyone. He was giving ottomans taste their own medicine, because they treated people same way all over Balkans.

Without the Moors Western Europe would've never experienced the Reneissance.

Moors were already gonne 100 years before Renneissance started

KungKras said:
sapphi_snake said:
KungKras said:

Why have I first discovered this awesome thread now?

Anyways, I'm able to answer any questions about Sweden I guess.

What percentege of the population has blond hair and/or blue eyes?

What religion do most of you guys practice?

Is sex ed realyl that good over there?

It's hard to put it into percentages. It's definately not as much many as people from other countries seem to think, but blond hair is pretty common.

The entire country is pretty much secular, although we do practice christian traditions like Christmas in school because it's tradition. Pretty much every swede is baptized almost immediatly on birth, and that means that you become a member of Sweden't protestant church, at the age of around 14-15 (I don't remember exactly), you participate in a confirmation, where you learn more about the christian faith. I probably make it sound like Sweden is an uber-religios country xD but it's quite the opposite. Even though most of the population is protestant on paper, most people are atheists, religion is never ever a factor in politics, and the truly religious people arent't that many. We just keep doing the baptisms and confirmations becasue they are traditions, and we are fond of traditions.

Yes, sex ed is damn good. I remember having a cartoon book as a four year old that explained (very roughly) how babies are made. In elementary scool in eight grade (which means at the ages of 14-15), sex ed is part of the science classes, and everything about prevention, STD's, female and male anatomy, how sex itself works, etc is explained very thoroughsly, at least at my elementary school.

It seems kinda a wweird tradition to continue honestly. Are you guys made to donate any money to churches?

As for the sex ed part, WOW, that sounds very interesting. Did that cartoon book actually say people have sex and concieve babies? I don't see such a program being implemented anytime soon here in Romania. Most people would feel to uncomfortable and preffer the current (non-existent) one.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


goforgold said:
Rainbow Yoshi said:

Apparently they can dissolve Parliament at anytime they want and can decide when to declare war.

wow, I thought they were just there for show

Why would you think so? The Queen is at the head of state! So she must have much of jurisdiction over the parlament and over the state. Those two priveleges mentioned above are not the most part. Basically, she didn't overuse her priveleges but has all the powers necessary to act under exceptional condition. And she appoints Governor of Canada haha :)

sapphi_snake said:

It seems kinda a wweird tradition to continue honestly. Are you guys made to donate any money to churches?

As for the sex ed part, WOW, that sounds very interesting. Did that cartoon book actually say people have sex and concieve babies? I don't see such a program being implemented anytime soon here in Romania. Most people would feel to uncomfortable and preffer the current (non-existent) one.

Nope. Most of the people who donate to churches are the same people that go to church regularly and as I said, those people are a minority.

Yup, I remember it being about kids guessing about how they were made, and then the parents explained how it really happened. Of course, no picture involved any nudity.

Do you really have no sex ed what so ever? Then how do you learn about STD's and how to protect against them? Relying on people learning from their parents and enviroment seems unreliable on a mass scale.


Around the Network
KungKras said:
sapphi_snake said:

It seems kinda a wweird tradition to continue honestly. Are you guys made to donate any money to churches?

As for the sex ed part, WOW, that sounds very interesting. Did that cartoon book actually say people have sex and concieve babies? I don't see such a program being implemented anytime soon here in Romania. Most people would feel to uncomfortable and preffer the current (non-existent) one.

Nope. Most of the people who donate to churches are the same people that go to church regularly and as I said, those people are a minority.

Yup, I remember it being about kids guessing about how they were made, and then the parents explained how it really happened. Of course, no picture involved any nudity.

Do you really have no sex ed what so ever? Then how do you learn about STD's and how to protect against them? Relying on people learning from their parents and enviroment seems unreliable on a mass scale.

That's basically how it's done in the U.S. until high school where you can take an optional sex ed class. But the class isn't taught in every school.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


KungKras said:
sapphi_snake said:

It seems kinda a wweird tradition to continue honestly. Are you guys made to donate any money to churches?

As for the sex ed part, WOW, that sounds very interesting. Did that cartoon book actually say people have sex and concieve babies? I don't see such a program being implemented anytime soon here in Romania. Most people would feel to uncomfortable and preffer the current (non-existent) one.

Nope. Most of the people who donate to churches are the same people that go to church regularly and as I said, those people are a minority.

Yup, I remember it being about kids guessing about how they were made, and then the parents explained how it really happened. Of course, no picture involved any nudity.

Do you really have no sex ed what so ever? Then how do you learn about STD's and how to protect against them? Relying on people learning from their parents and enviroment seems unreliable on a mass scale.

Learnign from the parents? LOL really? Do people actually talk to their parents about sex. Over here if you wanna learn about this stuff you need to use the Internet. There's really no other source.

We did have 1 class regarding puberty, but it was when we were 15, so it was kinda too late (I actually could've used some of that info when I actually started puberty at 11,especially the info about wet dreams - there was a period when I was afraid to go to sleep because of that LOL).

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Joelcool7 said:

As for a question I'd like to all the Middle Eastern countries, why does the middle east constantly ask for American help (Allied help) then if the Allies come they get upset and mad (Crusader's, Occupation), but if the allies don't they get all pissed off and mad? (The world ignored us)

Example Syria right now, the people are screaming for international intervention. I saw an interview with one saying "Where is America". Same was said in Iraq when Saddam ruled. Then if America (Western World) comes in to help really quickly it turns into "Foreign invader" or "Crusader"?

Errr... why do you think of the people like they all are sharing the single opinion? It's a bit more complex than that, you know, it's not like the whole country was asking for help and then suddenly changed the tune and now it cries "go awaaaay".

And there are several aspects of this, actually. Most obvious one, people who are asking for help are at the minority. It's natural thing for the majority of population to be strongly against any invasion and turning their homeland into a battleground. Please note, those people don't even have to be pro-covernment for this, they just love their country and want peace in it. But also there are some people who do support their government. Even in Lybia and their fucking Kadafi, there is strong support. Crazy people are coming to form live shields, someone formed a pro-commies militia, and so on. Kadafi supporters prolly count more than a million, imagine that? And militia formed from his supporters jumped into bloody action, the regular army even has to keep them in line besides fighting the rebels, lulz. That's how crazy it is. 

Now, back to rebelling minority. They are very very vocal at this point (before invasion). While the majority is more calm and thus they are silent. The democratic media starts translating those voices who against their state accros the globe as it's good way to form public opinion that military operation is needed and it's part of their job after all. We see all those unhappe people who are really upset with their states and thus want to act.

So, the intervention is borught in, the previous rulers are took down and punished, everything is fine. Now those people who patriotic or just wanted piece in their country are angered and so it's their turn to be vocal. As new political race is started, it also could be that rebels now try to distant them from the invasion forces or even turn their voice to anti-american for political scores. 

Not only those voices appeared they also tend to be heard, because as previous order was delivered now the democratic press is seeking for new job. And as tax payers in homeland start feeling weight of military operatons and also some political forces see this as opportunity to gain weight, the rhetorics against the invasion is becoming very much loud as expected after the war was put actually in place.

So I think motives are pretty transparent here and the whole situation which suprised you is quite natural actually.

KungKras said:

Anyways, I'm able to answer any questions about Sweden I guess.

Why you guys hate Karlsson på taket?

MDMAniac said:
KungKras said:

Anyways, I'm able to answer any questions about Sweden I guess.

Why you guys hate Karlsson på taket?

Also mention who exactly he is.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
