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sapphi_snake said:
KungKras said:

Why have I first discovered this awesome thread now?

Anyways, I'm able to answer any questions about Sweden I guess.

What percentege of the population has blond hair and/or blue eyes?

What religion do most of you guys practice?

Is sex ed realyl that good over there?

It's hard to put it into percentages. It's definately not as much many as people from other countries seem to think, but blond hair is pretty common.

The entire country is pretty much secular, although we do practice christian traditions like Christmas in school because it's tradition. Pretty much every swede is baptized almost immediatly on birth, and that means that you become a member of Sweden't protestant church, at the age of around 14-15 (I don't remember exactly), you participate in a confirmation, where you learn more about the christian faith. I probably make it sound like Sweden is an uber-religios country xD but it's quite the opposite. Even though most of the population is protestant on paper, most people are atheists, religion is never ever a factor in politics, and the truly religious people arent't that many. We just keep doing the baptisms and confirmations becasue they are traditions, and we are fond of traditions.

Yes, sex ed is damn good. I remember having a cartoon book as a four year old that explained (very roughly) how babies are made. In elementary scool in eight grade (which means at the ages of 14-15), sex ed is part of the science classes, and everything about prevention, STD's, female and male anatomy, how sex itself works, etc is explained very thoroughsly, at least at my elementary school.