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Forums - Gaming Discussion - George Hotz Runs Away to South America; Lies About Having PSN Account

hatmoza said:
Mythe said:;title;1

it's on gamespot now too.

So it is true.

Except he's on spring break :P. But it is suspicious that he just up and decided to leave after turning in the hard drives with  removed components -defying court requests.

Reading the news article still doesn't explain a whole lot or give sources.  It also isn't slanted towards "fleeing" from the country, he's just traveling lol so it's like did the original article just get spread around and the slant changed so much between sites that when it got to Gamespot it changed to traveling? Still the point of origin seems to be that site, I would rather have something from Geohot himself stating he's on vacation or some such.

Edit: reading a bit more on the filing, still from Justia btw, it would be written by Sony lawyers... of course things are slanted in Sonys favor thing is the lawyer might know he's traveling but will make any claim at all to make Geohot look bad in the eyes of the judge, they're going to defame and demonize him, when the lawyer probably doesn't even know the truth of the matter just going on "logical assumptions" since that's how you build up preceptions before the case to slant things in your own favor.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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LivingMetal said:
hatmoza said:
Mythe said:;title;1

it's on gamespot now too.

So it is true.

Except he's on spring break :P. But it is suspicious that he just up and decided to leave after turning in the hard drives with  removed components -defying court requests.

Spring break is certainly a possibility given the timing.  But if he cannot afford to finance his legal fees in which he was forced to beg for donations, can he afford to take vacation in South America?  Just making an observation.

Very true it's a possible but why go to another country? why not florida? It's less expense then flying to south america.

And it's also on ign

Kennyheart said:
LivingMetal said:
hatmoza said:
Mythe said:;title;1

it's on gamespot now too.

So it is true.

Except he's on spring break :P. But it is suspicious that he just up and decided to leave after turning in the hard drives with  removed components -defying court requests.

Spring break is certainly a possibility given the timing.  But if he cannot afford to finance his legal fees in which he was forced to beg for donations, can he afford to take vacation in South America?  Just making an observation.

Very true it's a possible but why go to another country? why not florida? It's less expense then flying to south america.

And it's also on ign

Not to go off topic too much, but I appreciate your sig.  It might not be theintent, but it reminds me of the event's of Hurricane Katrina.

darkknightkryta said:

Interesting turns of events, but is it possible for him to leave the country so easily when he's currently being prosecuted?  And even if he did sneak out, how would that website know where he is?


A. The site is based in South AMerica and they have seen him


B. This is usless bullshit made to attract web traffic.

I think that it is B because no other sites are reporting it.

Well.. it would have been something if sony not only controls your ps3 but also your vacation.. >_>


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Around the Network

Another source providing statements from his lawyers confirming that he's out of the coutnry:

I told maxwell about a month ago it'd be funny if he just took the money and skipped town.  It was just a joke, but it looks like I may have kinda been right.  0_o

We'll see if he comes back.  His court date isn't until the 8th, I believe.

At best, he collected thousands from his supporters and immediately went on vacation.


The official court filing:

LivingMetal said:
Kennyheart said:
LivingMetal said:
hatmoza said:
Mythe said:;title;1

it's on gamespot now too.

So it is true.

Except he's on spring break :P. But it is suspicious that he just up and decided to leave after turning in the hard drives with  removed components -defying court requests.

Spring break is certainly a possibility given the timing.  But if he cannot afford to finance his legal fees in which he was forced to beg for donations, can he afford to take vacation in South America?  Just making an observation.

Very true it's a possible but why go to another country? why not florida? It's less expense then flying to south america.

And it's also on ign

Not to go off topic too much, but I appreciate your sig.  It might not be theintent, but it reminds me of the event's of Hurricane Katrina.

thank you.

makingmusic476 said:

Another source providing statements from his lawyers confirming that he's out of the coutnry:

I told maxwell about a month ago it'd be funny if he just took the money and skipped town.  It was just a joke, but it looks like I may have kinda been right.  0_o

We'll see if he comes back.  His court date isn't until the 8th, I believe.

At best, he collected thousands from his supporters and immediately went on vacation.


The official court filing:

Finally some sources from his side, thanks

He's not skipping town unless he's retarded...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000


Geohotz: Thanks for paying for my spring break abroad peepz!


In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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He used to be a he's just some thuggish kid....

The fall of George Hotz....


now i don't believe in nothin no more.

PSN: Parasitic_Link