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hatmoza said:
Mythe said:;title;1

it's on gamespot now too.

So it is true.

Except he's on spring break :P. But it is suspicious that he just up and decided to leave after turning in the hard drives with  removed components -defying court requests.

Reading the news article still doesn't explain a whole lot or give sources.  It also isn't slanted towards "fleeing" from the country, he's just traveling lol so it's like did the original article just get spread around and the slant changed so much between sites that when it got to Gamespot it changed to traveling? Still the point of origin seems to be that site, I would rather have something from Geohot himself stating he's on vacation or some such.

Edit: reading a bit more on the filing, still from Justia btw, it would be written by Sony lawyers... of course things are slanted in Sonys favor thing is the lawyer might know he's traveling but will make any claim at all to make Geohot look bad in the eyes of the judge, they're going to defame and demonize him, when the lawyer probably doesn't even know the truth of the matter just going on "logical assumptions" since that's how you build up preceptions before the case to slant things in your own favor.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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