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Forums - Gaming Discussion - George Hotz Runs Away to South America; Lies About Having PSN Account

This is funny, things like this, the Activision/Infinity Ward business, and Jack Thompson make the gaming industry the most amusing to follow


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Dude is probably on vacation or something. He's fought Apple in court before until the verdict came in and there is nothing in this Sony case thus far which makes it necvessary for him to "bail" a country.

Grimes said:
kitler53 said:

wtf are you even arguing with me for?

i was mislead by an article written to be intentionally misleading.  but the fact is, the article is plausible.  when damnyouall comes in and calls out everyone is this thread "of low intelligence" for buying in to a plausible article (even for just a moment) i'm going to call him out for what he is, a dickwad.

It's not plausible because there is no evidence of criminal prosecution. Even if there was, which is unlikely in the first place, its doubtful that the penalties would be very severe. In a worst case scenario where he was guilty of everything, he would probably only spend a couple months in a low security facility or be on probation. Certainly not worth being a fugtive forever.

i looked up the potential concequences of the crimes this article alleges george to have committed and it could be upwards of 10 years in prision.

but hey, walk me though your thought process so i can fully understand why this is sooo no plausible.

1. crime is commiteed

2. details surrounding crime surface

3. ??

4. get arrested

5. ??

if you were going to flee when woud you do it?  step 3 or step 5??  i guess i was under the assumption that step 3 was the appropriate timing to flee but please feel free to correct me on when it would be plausible for someone to want to flee a crime as my low intelligence can't possibly comprehend this situation.

...and again, this is all hypothetical BS at this point since the entire article is BS itself...

Damnyouall said:

Fun fact: People of low intelligence tend to believe anything that fits their agenda, no matter how blatantly implausible or nonsensical, and they never waste any time on fact-finding.

"The more you know".



Yup there's some fucking morons in this thread alright.

Lots of them with 1000s of moronic posts.

It's so funny....Most of you shitty excuse for people don't even realise that it's a civil case. When was the last time you heard someone flee the country due to the goings on in a civil court case.



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kitler53 said:
Grimes said:
kitler53 said:

wtf are you even arguing with me for?

i was mislead by an article written to be intentionally misleading.  but the fact is, the article is plausible.  when damnyouall comes in and calls out everyone is this thread "of low intelligence" for buying in to a plausible article (even for just a moment) i'm going to call him out for what he is, a dickwad.

It's not plausible because there is no evidence of criminal prosecution. Even if there was, which is unlikely in the first place, its doubtful that the penalties would be very severe. In a worst case scenario where he was guilty of everything, he would probably only spend a couple months in a low security facility or be on probation. Certainly not worth being a fugtive forever.

i looked up the potential concequences of the crimes this article alleges george to have committed and it could be upwards of 10 years in prision.

but hey, walk me though your thought process so i can fully understand why this is sooo no plausible.

1. crime is commiteed

2. details surrounding crime surface

3. ??

4. get arrested

5. ??

if you were going to flee when woud you do it?  step 3 or step 5??  i guess i was under the assumption that step 3 was the appropriate timing to flee but please feel free to correct me on when it would be plausible for someone to want to flee a crime as my low intelligence can't possibly comprehend this situation.

...and again, this is all hypothetical BS at this point since the entire article is BS itself...



someone show me a brick wall I need to kill myself in honour of you cretins.

I do like where this is going.

buglebum said:



someone show me a brick wall I need to kill myself in honour of you cretins.

1) Calm down.

2) Understand that kitler has already settled in his mind that the DMCA has been violated, that the district attorney is going to have the time and inclination to prosecute, that the prosecution will be successful, and that the punishment will be severe enough to warrant abandoning his life and fleeing to South America.  So it's not so much stupidity as just ignorance.  That calls for correction, not insults.

People here (mostly PS3 heavy supporters) are making some very sweeping generalizations from the OP's summary of the article.  Read the whole article.  Clearly this piece was made with one purpose:  to give GeoHot a bad reputation in the mind of the republic.

There has been no factual statements made from this supposed evidence, just speculation to spread FUD.

The PSN account supposedly linked to his PS3 could have been any of his friends. It was "blickmanic" or whatever when the actual username that GeoHot had used before was "blickmaniac".  He could have loaned it to a friend or a friend could have created it. Not to mention this is information revealed by Sony from their own servers months into the trial.  I'm sure it is incredibly easy for Sony to manipulate user data on PSN such as create an account, give it a creation date, etc. Could explain the typo

Just looks like pure propoganda to me.  And the fact that his "council" aka his lawyers were the ones who revealed he was in South America tells me he didn't do this to runaway with donated money.  He could be visiting family for all we know.  He's not on any no fly list either apparently.


EDIT: Seems I was beat to the punch anyways.

Amusing how many people jumped the gun on this.

I hear Obama converted to Islam..

Brb attaching a PDF.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.