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People here (mostly PS3 heavy supporters) are making some very sweeping generalizations from the OP's summary of the article.  Read the whole article.  Clearly this piece was made with one purpose:  to give GeoHot a bad reputation in the mind of the republic.

There has been no factual statements made from this supposed evidence, just speculation to spread FUD.

The PSN account supposedly linked to his PS3 could have been any of his friends. It was "blickmanic" or whatever when the actual username that GeoHot had used before was "blickmaniac".  He could have loaned it to a friend or a friend could have created it. Not to mention this is information revealed by Sony from their own servers months into the trial.  I'm sure it is incredibly easy for Sony to manipulate user data on PSN such as create an account, give it a creation date, etc. Could explain the typo

Just looks like pure propoganda to me.  And the fact that his "council" aka his lawyers were the ones who revealed he was in South America tells me he didn't do this to runaway with donated money.  He could be visiting family for all we know.  He's not on any no fly list either apparently.


EDIT: Seems I was beat to the punch anyways.