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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie: Wii going strong, more content to be revealed before and during E3

RolStoppable said:
Snesboy said:
RolStoppable said:

Honestly, no. You aren't the type of gamer who seeks games that require skill or have no emphasis on story.

And this is why A Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda title.

A Link to the Past is very similar to Super Metroid when comparing these games to their NES counterparts. They are notably easier games, not just in the level of skill it takes to defeat the enemies, but also in terms of navigating through the game world. The SNES games are generally held in higher regard by today's gaming community, because their difficulty seems to be just right and therefore they are actually beatable games for all the wimps out there.

I beat the original LoZ without any problems.

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RolStoppable said:
Snesboy said:
RolStoppable said:

A Link to the Past is very similar to Super Metroid when comparing these games to their NES counterparts. They are notably easier games, not just in the level of skill it takes to defeat the enemies, but also in terms of navigating through the game world. The SNES games are generally held in higher regard by today's gaming community, because their difficulty seems to be just right and therefore they are actually beatable games for all the wimps out there.

I beat the original LoZ without any problems.

Yeah, I should have made it clear that I don't lump you in with those wimps.

Thanks Rol :)

Snesboy said:

I beat the original LoZ without any problems.

However, did you beat it as it was intended? No map beyond the one that came with the game. No internet walkthrough or tips.

Only you, a pen, paper, overworld map that came with game, and memory? That's what I did at 11 when I first played it.

Drew notes on the overworld map (two different colors for 1st and 2nd play through), drew my own maps, kept notes.

Same thing with Metroid, Zelda II, Blaster Master, etc... so many fun and very hard games back then.

lol, also what I've been doing with 3D Dot Game Heroes more recently.

Good to hear from the Regginator. Hopefully they will deliver. I haven't played my Wii in months (though I haven't really played games in general much), aside from the occassional multiplayer NSMB/Smash Bros/Mario Kart with my friends and kid cousins. I need a reason to turn on the shiny white box again.

IMO Nintendo should not even toy with the notion that they are currently working on their next console at E3, becuase this will further cause sales to plummet as people on the fence will hold off on buying Wii, waiting intsead for the next console. MAYBE have a teaser or brief reveal at TGS.. But I still say the very earliest they should release it is late 2012. Nintendo made a commitment with Wii, which I believe hasn't been fully delivered yet. Gotta follow through.. Wii still has one last run in it (even without Vitality Sensor, which I believe should be reserved for the next console). In their arsenal at any time they can unleash another NSMB, Wii series game, price drop, and perhaps further bundles.

Also, hopefully we will see some more motion plus games to end the Wii's life on with bang (lol Wii on a "bang"). This device came bundled with Wii Sports Resort, and is in part a successor to the original Wii games, so I can't imagine Nintendo just glossing over this.

I'm hoping to see Pikmin 3, Kirby, perhaps a new Star Fox, F-Zero, localizations of Zangeki, Tales of Graces, Xenoblade, Last Story, obviously more Zelda info, DQX info, a NSMB sequel with brand new worlds and "overworld", and just speculation here, but I think a new Wii Play game that utilizes motion plus fully and comes bundled with Wiimote plus would be a great idea. And as I said, Vitality Sensor at this point should be reserved for the next console, if indeed they do plan on releasing the next console within a year or two.

superchunk said:
Snesboy said:

I beat the original LoZ without any problems.

However, did you beat it as it was intended? No map beyond the one that came with the game. No internet walkthrough or tips.

Only you, a pen, paper, overworld map that came with game, and memory? That's what I did at 11 when I first played it.

Drew notes on the overworld map (two different colors for 1st and 2nd play through), drew my own maps, kept notes.

Same thing with Metroid, Zelda II, Blaster Master, etc... so many fun and very hard games back then.

lol, also what I've been doing with 3D Dot Game Heroes more recently.

First time I played it was when I was 13, so 2003. Maybe 2004. Didn't have internet back then, it was springtime, Easter break probably and I just wandered around the map for hours and hours scouring the map for dungeons. If it wasn't the next dungeon numerical wise, I left XD. Took me forever to find the second dungeon. It was on the eastern half of the map in some obscure little nook.

I didn't draw out a map, I just memorised it. :X

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Snesboy said:
superchunk said:
Snesboy said:

I beat the original LoZ without any problems.

However, did you beat it as it was intended? No map beyond the one that came with the game. No internet walkthrough or tips.

Only you, a pen, paper, overworld map that came with game, and memory? That's what I did at 11 when I first played it.

Drew notes on the overworld map (two different colors for 1st and 2nd play through), drew my own maps, kept notes.

Same thing with Metroid, Zelda II, Blaster Master, etc... so many fun and very hard games back then.

lol, also what I've been doing with 3D Dot Game Heroes more recently.

First time I played it was when I was 13, so 2003. Maybe 2004. Didn't have internet back then, it was springtime, Easter break probably and I just wandered around the map for hours and hours scouring the map for dungeons. If it wasn't the next dungeon numerical wise, I left XD. Took me forever to find the second dungeon. It was on the eastern half of the map in some obscure little nook.

I didn't draw out a map, I just memorised it. :X

That's what I'm talking about! *high five*

I just wish that with the forward progress of the Wii, they would try to incorporate more first-person shooters and stop releasing games for only a small demographic of an audience.

Long ago, in the beautiful kingdom of Hyrule surrounded by mountains and
legends told of an omnipotent and omniscient Golden Power that resided in a
hidden land. Many people aggressively sought to enter the hidden Golden Land...
But no one ever returned.
One day evil power began to flow from the Golden Land... So the King commanded
seven wise men to seal the gate to the Land of the Golden Power. That seal
should have remained for all time...
... ...But, when these events were obscured by the mists of time and became
A mysterious wizard known as Agahnim came to Hyrule to release the seal. He
eliminated the good King of Hyrule... Through evil magic, he began to make
descendants of the seven wise men vanish, one after another. And the time of
destiny for Princess Zelda is
drawing near."

I dunno what they consider strong. However, Im glad to hear more content is coming.

superchunk said:
Snesboy said:
superchunk said:
Snesboy said:

I beat the original LoZ without any problems.

However, did you beat it as it was intended? No map beyond the one that came with the game. No internet walkthrough or tips.

Only you, a pen, paper, overworld map that came with game, and memory? That's what I did at 11 when I first played it.

Drew notes on the overworld map (two different colors for 1st and 2nd play through), drew my own maps, kept notes.

Same thing with Metroid, Zelda II, Blaster Master, etc... so many fun and very hard games back then.

lol, also what I've been doing with 3D Dot Game Heroes more recently.

First time I played it was when I was 13, so 2003. Maybe 2004. Didn't have internet back then, it was springtime, Easter break probably and I just wandered around the map for hours and hours scouring the map for dungeons. If it wasn't the next dungeon numerical wise, I left XD. Took me forever to find the second dungeon. It was on the eastern half of the map in some obscure little nook.

I didn't draw out a map, I just memorised it. :X

That's what I'm talking about! *high five*

Gone are the days where you could spend months trying to beat a single game. I was 10 I believe it was when I beat the first LOZ. I played the game along with my step brother for almost a year to find it all! Now people just flock to easier titles, or look for cheats and walkthroughs on the net.

Metallicube said:

Good to hear from the Regginator. Hopefully they will deliver. I haven't played my Wii in months (though I haven't really played games in general much), aside from the occassional multiplayer NSMB/Smash Bros/Mario Kart with my friends and kid cousins. I need a reason to turn on the shiny white box again.


I agree, I have some backlog pending (more than some), but I haven't bought a new game for the console since december, my next purchase will be Conduit 2 in april, but after that I don't have anything solid on my to buy list, just hope that games like Xenoblade and The Last Story make it to america.

I trust that Nintendo will show their cards at E3, but that's way too long to wait for news.