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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Hacker Raised All the Legal Funds Needed to Beat Sony in a Weekend

I think the outcome of this trial could also have an impact on the modding community (like nude patches for tetris or w/e)

however i think some companies acually encourge the community (like BethSoft, even Blizzard) but there I'm also sure there are limits to what they'll officially allow.

This might also extend to unatherised use and distribution of intellectual property (Game Charaters) in fan-art i.e. FF Hentai lol.

Definately going to be intersting to keep an eye on the proceedings.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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i'd sure hate to be in the judge's shoes.

I hate this guy more than I hate Justin Bieber. I hope he fails miserably and loses all his money and can't afford food.

There is so much argument here and I still do not know what Sony is sueing him for? Surely the actual topic of litigation will render 90% of the argument in this thread as irrelevant?

Can anyone supply me with a link that detail this case? or at least summerise the charges being laid?

dsister said:

Nevermind. I forgot I can't do what I wanted to do with number 4 on this computer :(.

Anyways, timeline time :D 

Jan 22: Geohot successfully hacks the PS3.

March 2: Sony promises to continue supporting Linux

March 29: Sony relocates the developer in charge of Linux into another department

April 1: Sony removes Linux.

Why if they removed linux because of Geohot did they wait so long? Everyone knows that Sony was spending a small fortune on supporting a feature that not many used. Blaming piracy was just the easiest way of removing it...

(@ the whiners who say the dates are different then the last time I posted that's because I actually went out to find the sources and got the correct dates)

So a company would risk there credability removing a feature because it cost them money to run. How did it cost them money. They already removed the feature in the slim reducing the price of that consol and only a handful of people ran linux on there PS3s which wouldn't have cost Sony anything either.

From what I remember, they took there time removing OtherOs because towards the end of January geohot had access to the entire system memory and he could run PS2 emulated software, write his own sofware and pirate PS3 games on the PS3 consol. It takes time to see the amount of damage and how good this exploit actually was. Not to mention the sit downs with Sonys legal team on what could happen if they removed Linux support and the amount of development time needed to remove such a feature without damaging anything else on the PS3.

Why would sony give a fuck about some dude running homebrew on the PS3 if it didn't allow piracy. Think about it. They only cared once it was found out that he could actually pirate PS3 games.

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dsister said:
geddesmond2 said:

1:Well if you want to get specific you payed for the experiance that attracted you to the PS3 if otherOS wasn't that experiance then why would you care? and Sony sold the PS3 at a lose for years. You already got what you payed for.

2:Again why care if they removed it?

3:Had to ask because a lot of people using the fighting for our rights bullshit never owned a phat PS3 in the first place so OtherOS removal didn't affect them

4:So why did Sony remove otherOS then??

5:So geohut claims he just wanted to run homebrew on the PS3 and not pirate games but you could already run Homebrew on linux? So why did he try to compromise the security then?

1 & 2. Because as a consumer I don't very well like having stuff I paid for taken. The ability to use it if I want is there, and will remain there. If I have to go somewhere besides Sony for support then so be it.

4. Glad you asked :D

This'll give me a reason to actually do what I was planning earlier. Give me a few minutes to do some stuff and I'll get back to you

5. As someone said earlier Linux ran homebrew horribly. Homebrew on the main OS runs much more smoothly

1 and 2: Well as much as I'd love to have that option there too, I can understand how Sony wanted to protect there buisness. At the end of the day Sony is a buisness and a big part of that buisness is developing games. I wouldn't expect anyone to just sit by and watch people mess with there buisness. Especially people like geohot who did it all for recoqnition and glory. Geohot the dude that hacked the unhackable PS3. You really think he did all this to fight for our rights??

4:Replyed to your other post

5:Now this is why I've no simpathy for anyone who claimed they used PS3 for installing Linux or bought a PS3 for Linux because Linux ran horribley on the PS3. Anyone who is interested in linux does not go out and spend 400 euros or 300 euros on a PS3 just to run linux when you could buy a labtop for the same amount of money that could run linux 10 times better than the PS3 and is more accessable.

They didn't reduce any costs by removing the OtherOS feature from the slim. Whether they removed it because of security risk suspicion even at that time, or whether they wanted to ditch it from the old models as well in a while (because only then would they lower the costs associated with it) is anybody's guess unless internal docs about that decision were to be made public.

Geohot's hack did a Hello World!, or rather a Hello geohot line, it didn't run any game copies. It contributed to OtherOS being removed from the old models, but once again maybe it just contributed to it being removed as early as it was. And removing OtherOS wouldn't have required any massive development, GameOS didn't depend on it in any way. It was OtherOS support that had to be updated when something major was changed in the FW, hence any costs associated with it.

irstupid said:
hehey said:

I hope Sony crushes the hackers.

we need to drop the fanboyism

replace sony with corporation. 

You hope a corporation wins in a lawsuit against a civilian moddying his own personal property.

No I hope this corporation wins against the hackers that are ruining my legitimate online experiance. This is something people like you fail to understand

Xen said:
Khuutra said:
Xen said:
Khuutra said:

No you are not (nor am I) and no it isn't. It's your system once you buy it, and you're free to modify it however you damn well please, and also to show other people how to do the same thing (though mayhbe not do it for them).

The difference is... you hack your own, don't compromise a whole network.

So Geohot is the guy whho's cheating on all those PS3s and whatnot?

I had no idea.

He gave everyone the means to. I won't use the old keys and house argument here, but you see what I'm talking about.

A malicious hacker can use his PC, that he can program as he likes, to do the same to countless networks. Are PC makers and retailers guilty for this? Are programming teachers too? No, neither of them. Should be people forbidden to build or modify their PCs due to malicious hackers, crackers, pirates, etc, actions? NO. The particular GeoHot issue is quite borderline: he has every right to modify the HW he bought, about the SW, what he can do varies, laws about it aren't the same everywhere. What's for sure is that he didn't pirate and didn't mean or promote his work for this. And it's also sure that adding features or restoring removed ones is in consumer's rights. One last thing, the hole always was there, revealing it could be considered in consumers' interest, as security by obscurity never worked, it could have been discovered by any cracker or malicious hacker with skills comparable to GeoHot and used only for malicious purposes without letting the public know, common people would have suffered only the negative consequences without having any advantage. Instead, as people now know, Sony is forced to act quickly against any malicious exploit. Somebody could say that without GeoHot maybe malicious exploiters would have discovered the hole later, but how can we know for sure they didn't discover it before him? And had they not found it yet, Sony showed them where to look precisely when it removed the OtherOS feature, a very dumb action, because by then there were more than 10 million phat consoles around with the feature available to study and hack, showing where there was surely a hole just saved them time.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Wow, just look at this mess. Here I was thinking the other thread was bad in Sony forum but now we have on here as well. To be honest it's funny.

... now I'll contribute.

First, Geohot does not deserve your money. Oxfam does. Geohot bought this on himself and is not a charity. People who gave their money to this guy should really think about giving some money to charity as well to make up for their throwing money in a toilet and flushing.

I own a PS3, essentially I bought some hardware with a copy of the firmware on it. The definition of firmware is perminant software programmed into the ROM. All Software has licencing, this is evident from freeware to shareware, some you buy a copy to use or pay a yearly fee. Freeware has a free licence. I am not legally allowed to make a copy of that software, change and distribute as my own work, free or otherwise. This is a copywrite infringement.

The PS3 once has OtherOS as an option, people abused this and it was taken away. Sony gave it to us for free with the purchase of a PS3 in the naive thought we'd use it for legitimate reasons. Someone didn't so Sony took it away. This is in Sony's rights as they owned the firmware the OtherOS was contained within. Example, if I gave a kid playing on a public field (PS3) a ball (OtherOS) I owned to play with and then he started kicking the ball at the local players' hut (PS3 security) and breaking it, I'd take away that ball. If he continued to play nice with the ball in the public field, maybe with his friends then he'd still have the ball.

Hmm, pie.